Hi. You've reached Bunny. I'll be away from my blog from June 22nd through July 2nd.
Should you need assistance while I am gone, you can CLICK HERE for a good laugh.
Thank you for visiting.
Buh Bye.
21 June 2007
19 June 2007
Like Last Night's Dishes....
His last few starts have been HORRENDOUS !
This Sox fan's humble opinion is that they should bench Schill,
bring Lester back up from Pawtucket
and keep Tavarez as a starter.
Sure Tavarez is batshit crazy.
However I think Tavarez is one of those rare individuals that can make
batshit crazy work to their advantage.
The Sox have a really nice, cushy lead in the AL East, but they won't keep it for long if he keeps this crap up.
Schill needs to keep his trap shut, close down the blog, and figure out why he can't throw strikes.
18 June 2007
An Intervention May Be In Order....
I can polish off a bag in two days.
Brock complains that he does not even get to " sniff the bag " when we have these in the house.
Normally I am not a pretzel eater.
I find traditional pretzels a little unimaginative as a snack.
There is just something about these that I cannot resist.
To go a little further into detail...they are chunks of the larger pretzels that are coated in buffalo wing flavoring.
They might as well be coated in buffalo wing flavored crack.
If you've not tried these yet you are seriously missing out.
A piece of advice.....do not buy these in the supermarket.
They are over a dollar cheaper at Target.
I am an addict.
I may need to check into rehab for a serious pretzel addiction.
16 June 2007
Mike Timlin Doesn't F*ck Around.....
Brock ran another 5K today. This one was the Sharon Timlin memorial run to raise funds to cure ALS. Who is Sharon Timlin you ask ? She is the mother of Sox middle relief pitcher Mike Timlin. She lost her battle with ALS in 2002.
It was a beautiful day and there were tons of runners at this race. It was also quite the to-do. Brock got a very big goodie bag for participating, the Channel 4 news crew was there, and then after the race you could participate in Family Fun Day. Not your average 5K by any means.
Mike Timlin knows how to put on a 5K !
Sharon Timlin
Why its Mike Timlin ( L ) and Tim Wakefield ( R ) !
He said " Hi " to me while I was walking to the finish line.
They even had pace markers.
Enough with the camera Erica !
14 June 2007
13 June 2007
The Pimp Red Sofa

Let me backtrack a bit here, " D " recently got a brand new living room rug for his apartment and my boss asked me to find something to match the rug.
" D " had other ideas.
I showed him sofas in taupe, tan, beige, stone, chocolate, mocha, cream, toast, cinnamon.
We looked at every shade of Starbucks you can imagine.
What o' what does " D " fall in love with you ask ?
The pimp red sofa.
To backtrack a bit more here.....
the first sofa that he demanded was an $1800 red leather sofa.
He sat right down on it and said
" I want this one . "
Of course we did not have $1800 to spend so I had to break it to him that we'd have to find a different sofa.
With the help of the salesman we were able to find the sofa pictured above.
" D " was very happy.

All in all a pretty fun afternoon.
Here's lookin' at you " D "
" D" is the one who nicknamed me Bunny.
Not because he thinks I'm cute or anything.
He just can't remember my name.
11 June 2007
I Feel A Rant Coming On.......
First off, let me start by saying that I wish I had a bazooka attached to to the top of my car. This would come in really handy when " jagoffs " ( as Brock says ) get in my way, cut me off or make driving in general an exercise in heartache and frustration. It would be very simple to use...there would be a small red button on the console that would launch said bazooka. Ever seen the video game Twisted Metal ? And if you are wondering just who falls into the " jagoff " category, they are as follows.
* People from Rhode Island ( don't even get me started !! )
* Elderly people who drive Grand Marquis, Lincolns or Crown Vics.
* Migrant farm workers ( usually there are 4 to 6 of them in a car and they are driving really slow as to not get pulled over, 'cause they are usually all illegal. Just an observation )
* Cement truck drivers, landscaping truck drivers, Ok, any truck driver in general.
Secondly...Wanna know what happens when you buy a case of Splenda packets at BJ's ? You have Splenda packets for AN ETERNITY !!! I swear they multiply ! I have been using 10 to 12 packets every time I make a pitcher of ice tea and I CANNOT GET RID OF THEM !
Third...I took one of my clients to turn in his passport application at the post office today. The woman at the counter asked us to wait at the last window 'cause we need to see " The Guy ". So you're thinking " Jeez, we have to see " the guy ", he must be important if he can Ok a
passport." So we're waiting for " the guy ". I felt like I was waiting to see the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz. Out strolls this " dude " in a Hawaiian shirt and ripped jeans.
Your tax dollars at work my friends ! You'd think that since he is a civil servant, he'd dress like it. Naaahh........why try that hard. Then again, I guess you don't have to be a rocket scientist to sell stamps and look up zip codes. But then again, are these the people we really want administering passports ???????
While we're still on the subject of the post office......did you know that it is now against the law to use the restroom in a federal building if you do not work there ? For real. No peeing under the patriot act. Yup, 'cause terrorists wanna blow up the shitter at the post office. Let's face it, protecting LNG terminals is not worth our time. We got TP to protect !!!!!
While we're on politics....I think I may vote for Barrack. I think this country is ready for a black president. Hell, we'll have already had a retarded one !!!!!!!!!
Lastly....Doctor's offices. What the hell is this shit about " closing for lunch "??? If the rest of the world ran like doctors offices we'd to to hell in a hand basket ! Nothing would get done. And what is up with the secretaries wearing scrubs ? Did they go to medical school ? If they do not have and MD or RN after their names they should not be wearing scrubs. That just says to me I'm-too-f*cking-lazy-to-dress-myself-and-leave-me-the-hell-alone-'cause-I-got-an-Us-magazine-to-read-while-I-ignore-your-phone-call.
Like the post office, you do not need to be a Mensa candidate to work in a Dr's office.
I'm done ranting.
Thanks for listening.
* People from Rhode Island ( don't even get me started !! )
* Elderly people who drive Grand Marquis, Lincolns or Crown Vics.
* Migrant farm workers ( usually there are 4 to 6 of them in a car and they are driving really slow as to not get pulled over, 'cause they are usually all illegal. Just an observation )
* Cement truck drivers, landscaping truck drivers, Ok, any truck driver in general.
Secondly...Wanna know what happens when you buy a case of Splenda packets at BJ's ? You have Splenda packets for AN ETERNITY !!! I swear they multiply ! I have been using 10 to 12 packets every time I make a pitcher of ice tea and I CANNOT GET RID OF THEM !
Third...I took one of my clients to turn in his passport application at the post office today. The woman at the counter asked us to wait at the last window 'cause we need to see " The Guy ". So you're thinking " Jeez, we have to see " the guy ", he must be important if he can Ok a
passport." So we're waiting for " the guy ". I felt like I was waiting to see the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz. Out strolls this " dude " in a Hawaiian shirt and ripped jeans.
Your tax dollars at work my friends ! You'd think that since he is a civil servant, he'd dress like it. Naaahh........why try that hard. Then again, I guess you don't have to be a rocket scientist to sell stamps and look up zip codes. But then again, are these the people we really want administering passports ???????
While we're still on the subject of the post office......did you know that it is now against the law to use the restroom in a federal building if you do not work there ? For real. No peeing under the patriot act. Yup, 'cause terrorists wanna blow up the shitter at the post office. Let's face it, protecting LNG terminals is not worth our time. We got TP to protect !!!!!
While we're on politics....I think I may vote for Barrack. I think this country is ready for a black president. Hell, we'll have already had a retarded one !!!!!!!!!
Lastly....Doctor's offices. What the hell is this shit about " closing for lunch "??? If the rest of the world ran like doctors offices we'd to to hell in a hand basket ! Nothing would get done. And what is up with the secretaries wearing scrubs ? Did they go to medical school ? If they do not have and MD or RN after their names they should not be wearing scrubs. That just says to me I'm-too-f*cking-lazy-to-dress-myself-and-leave-me-the-hell-alone-'cause-I-got-an-Us-magazine-to-read-while-I-ignore-your-phone-call.
Like the post office, you do not need to be a Mensa candidate to work in a Dr's office.
I'm done ranting.
Thanks for listening.
10 June 2007
Princess Bunny's Favorite Websites.....
I sort of feel like I'm exposing all of my tricks here.......you know. Telling everyone about my favorite websites...but whatever. Who am I to keep these all to myself ?
So, here goes.
* Ever wanted to change your name ? Babynames.com has a random renamer feature. It is pretty cool, even if the names are somewhat goofy.
* I'm really bummed that Jamie Oliver no longer has a show on the Food Network. I love the simplicity of his recipes. I have many of his cookbooks. Bunny's world famous pasta is actually a Jamie Oliver recipe. Damn it ! I just gave away another one of my secrets ! @#$%^ !!!!!!!
* As many of you may ( or may not ) know Cape Cod is my most favorite place in the whole world. I listen to live streaming of Cool 102, the unofficial radio station of Cape Cod, on my computer. It sort of mentally takes me to Cape Cod, then Bunny is chillaxing. Click the live streaming link and you can listen along too.
* Looking for an unusual gift? Uncommon Goods has very neat things.
* I'm not a huge Martha Stewart fan, but.....she has a new magazine called Blueprint that I think is geared more toward the Gen X demographic. Their website has lots of great ideas.
* Looking for restaurant advice in your area ? Check out Chowhounds. If you click on Boards you can go to city specific message boards. They also have recipe ideas and much, much more.
That is all I have for now.
So, here goes.
* Ever wanted to change your name ? Babynames.com has a random renamer feature. It is pretty cool, even if the names are somewhat goofy.
* I'm really bummed that Jamie Oliver no longer has a show on the Food Network. I love the simplicity of his recipes. I have many of his cookbooks. Bunny's world famous pasta is actually a Jamie Oliver recipe. Damn it ! I just gave away another one of my secrets ! @#$%^ !!!!!!!
* As many of you may ( or may not ) know Cape Cod is my most favorite place in the whole world. I listen to live streaming of Cool 102, the unofficial radio station of Cape Cod, on my computer. It sort of mentally takes me to Cape Cod, then Bunny is chillaxing. Click the live streaming link and you can listen along too.
* Looking for an unusual gift? Uncommon Goods has very neat things.
* I'm not a huge Martha Stewart fan, but.....she has a new magazine called Blueprint that I think is geared more toward the Gen X demographic. Their website has lots of great ideas.
* Looking for restaurant advice in your area ? Check out Chowhounds. If you click on Boards you can go to city specific message boards. They also have recipe ideas and much, much more.
That is all I have for now.
08 June 2007
The Haiku Week In Review......
Dougie has big bat.
Doug is going deep tonight.
PuPu Platter, Yum !
Love Weird Al, I do.
Funny Songs Brock doesn't like.
I laugh very hard.
Oh Oh Ken Barlow.
Weather man on Channel four.
Partly Sexy, Ken.
Asshole Asshole Bill.
Emails don't open at all.
I delete, I delete.
Poor Nicole, no boobs.
Eating disorder, needs food.
Pizza, pasta, now.
Brock Brock, cute husband.
Loves NESN ladies a lot
Pillow Fights ? HA HA !
Will Ferrell, Oh Will.
Connery bust your ass.
Trebek won't save you.
Heaven Missing Angel ?
My ringtone it could be.
I cannot find it.
Princess Bunny, Me ?
New name from Molly-baby.
Like it very much.
Old Man nursing home.
Wheelchair is for you to sit.
Staring at my legs.
Do not be fooled. This takes skill my friends !
While We're On The Subject Of Crushes.....

And Ken Barlow...

07 June 2007
Earlier this evening.......
Me ( to Brock ): " Why don't you become a Master Chef ? "
Brock ( to me ): " 'Cause I'm too busy being a Masturbater. "
Bear in mind that this is less than 24 hours after he told me that he wanted to have a " Four-way pillow fight " with the ladies from NESN and referred to himself as " Brock McNasty ".
The funny thing, I think, about all this is that nobody ever suspects that beneath Brock's conservative, Midwestern facade is a perv and a comedian.
Everyone this I'm the loony here !
As I have stated in previous posts, those of whom do not know Brock have no idea.
Me ( to Brock ): " Why don't you become a Master Chef ? "
Brock ( to me ): " 'Cause I'm too busy being a Masturbater. "
Bear in mind that this is less than 24 hours after he told me that he wanted to have a " Four-way pillow fight " with the ladies from NESN and referred to himself as " Brock McNasty ".
The funny thing, I think, about all this is that nobody ever suspects that beneath Brock's conservative, Midwestern facade is a perv and a comedian.
Everyone this I'm the loony here !
As I have stated in previous posts, those of whom do not know Brock have no idea.
06 June 2007
All Dougie all the time.....
My buddy Molly has a massive crush on Doug Mirabelli. For those of you who are not familiar with Dougie ( as everyone in RSN refers to him ), he is the knuckleball specialist catcher for Tim Wakefield. Which means he only plays every fifth game or so. Dougie is also somewhat of a cult hero in Boston. Click here for " Three Days in the Life of Doug Mirabelli " to gain a deeper understanding of his cult status.
I think Molly's love for Dougie developed sometime over the weekend. I don't quite understand her love for Dougie, but crushes are a very personal and mysterious things. That being said, here is a photo homage to Dougie.
Just for you Molly.
02 June 2007
Brock Has The Runs.....
Getting closer.....
Brock ran another 5K today to raise funds for the juvenile diabetes research foundation.
He did OK, but wished he had done better.
He ran the same race last year, only last year it POURED buckets as soon as the blew the start horn. The weather was much better this year.
And I quite enjoy my role as Brock's personal paparazzi.
The Sox lost to the Spanks last night......ugh.
They made a valliant effort but my man Timmy just didn't have his stuff.
I have a couple of new favorite Sox players ( although my heart will always belong to Bellhorn ), they are Mike Lowell and Dustin Pedroia.
Every year I try to give the Sox players nicknames...I am having a hard time decided on a name for Dustin Pedroia. Its either going to be " Little Pedroia " or " Bustin' Dustin ".
I haven't decided which one suits him yet.
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