30 December 2007

Random Vacation Thoughts.

I've been on vacation since December 21st. I was contemplating not taking the full amount of time that I had requested off, I mean, its not like I had anything really important to do. Then December 20th rolled around.....and after getting into a verbal confrontation with a plow driver ( oh yes I did ) I decided that I really needed to just go home and not leave my house for about 10 days. My nerves were totally shot. I seriously needed a vacation. I fully embraced by vacation status...so much so that after about day four of being on vacation Brock referred to me as " Sweat Pants Sally ".
I've straightened up since then and have been wearing pants that actually zipper and button.
But there were a few days there when I did not put on makeup before leaving the house...scandalous I know.

And as I have been on vacation I've had some time to let my very busy mind do some wandering......buckle your collective seatbelts people.

This is for my friends at Stop & Shop.
The store nearest my house has chosen not
to carry Tofutti cream cheese or sour cream anymore.

I guess there is a reason that the nice folks at
Whole Foods Market continue to be my BFFs.
Tofutti cream cheese.....check
Tofutti sour cream......check
Rice cheese slices....check

and peel me up off the floor.....

Soy whipped cream in a can !
God, I love WFM !

Speaking of BFFs...my BFFs at Target sent me coupons for products that I regularly buy. Awesome ! But that got me to thinking.......how do my BFFs at Target know exactly what I buy ? Then I was a little paranoid. If it is just that easy for Target to know what I buy how hard could it be for the Feds to bug my phone ? Makes you think, huh ?

Speaking of the mail.... I hate junk mail. It is the bane of my existence. I want to leave a little letter taped to the door asking the letter carrier not to even leave it in my mailbox. When I voice my frustration to Brock about this he tells me that it is a fact of life that I simply must deal with. I refuse to accept this. I will find a way to rid myself of junk mail.

In a somewhat related story.......when my Aunt and Uncle moved to the house they live in now they had to change their phone number. They asked for an unlisted phone number. Turns out they got a recycled number that had previously belonged to a woman who lived in town. Unfortunately the woman who had the number before still gave it out as her number. People were calling my Aunt and Uncle night and day asking for this woman. Then one day my Aunt, clearly fed up by this point, told the person on the other end of the phone that said woman was dead. The guy freaked out. Nobody ever called asking for the woman ever again.

Perhaps I should trot off to the post office and tell them I am deceased....nah....bad karma.

I've become addicted to online jigsaw puzzles. Molly told me that I've hit all new levels of dork-dom. Thanks Molls...I love you too.

I don't know about you, but I've had about all I can take with the post Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa furniture store sale commercials. Can someone please tell me what an occasional table is ? It's occasionally a table and occastionally not a table ? Is it furniture with an identity crisis ?

I'm not sure how it is where you live..but here is Massachusetts everyone that owns/operates/does commericals for furniture stores are look like they were rejected as extras from Star Wars. For example..here,here and here.

I've been cooking up a storm this week. I've made enough Christmas cookies to feed a 3rd world country. I've also made my own homemade granola...twice. And I made this for dinner tonight. And it was good.

Thats all I have for now.

I hope all of you have a very happy new year !


28 December 2007

Retro Music Friday.

Brock has this on his IPod.

Bullets for the rest of today's post.

* I had enough roast pork left over from Christmas to feed a small country, so yesterday I made a very large pot of Pork BBQ. I even made my own BBQ sauce. I had to hand shred the pork and let me tell you - Emeril is dead wrong - pork fat DOES NOT rule. It's messy and gross. Yuck !

* We had to go to JC Penney last night to exchange some Xmas gifts. Then Brock wanted a pretzel from Auntie Anne's and while in line at the pretzel place is where it hit us. We are not kids anymore. The kids in line with us looked like they were eight years old. Seriously.

* I did not find any unsuspecting victim to go to the Providence Place mall with me yesterday. Since I was looking for something specific from Pottery Barn I decided to call ahead of time to see if they had any in stock. They did not. I may go down there today and see if I can find anything on sale that appeals to me.

Have a fantastic day !



27 December 2007

RIP E-machines Computer 2002-2007.

Look what the Hubs and I did not plan on buying yesterday....why it's a new computer !
Our old computer chose to crash on Christmas morning. It was dead. Deader than Anna Nicole Smith ( no disrespect ). First it decided that it would start normally, but then shut itself off with no warning. By yesterday morning it would not even turn on. At all.

Yesterday afternoon we headed to B#st B#y to see what they had. We fought the (idiots) crowds and left B#st B#y with a nice 400GB Gateway.

Ooohhhh ! Aaahhh!
I'm going to try to find some unsuspecting victim to go to the Providence Place mall with me today. I got a Pottery Barn gift card for Xmas and there are some really cute lamps I want.
Wish me luck cause these particular lamps are sold out on the PB website. I'll let you know if I am sucessful.

25 December 2007

Merry Christmas !

I hope Santa was good to all of you.
Merry Christmas !
Bunny and The Mister

23 December 2007

Mrs. Claus Goes High Tech.

Earlier today I was chatting with my friend Theresa when her daughter Kaylah ( she's 3 ) asked if she was speaking to Mrs. Claus. Theresa told her that yes, she was speaking with Mrs. Claus. Then Kaylah got on the phone with Mrs. Claus ( yours truly ) and we had a lovely conversation.
I decided that I would follow up our chat with an email - I sent along a visual so she'd have an idea of what Mrs. Claus looks like. I thought it might help my credibility.
So here is a copy of what I sent along to Kaylah.
Shhhh.....don't tell anyone that Mrs. Claus emails. I don't want my inbox all clogged up =)

Dear Kaylah,

It was so nice to talk to you on the phone today. I'm so glad to hear that you've been a good girl. I'll certainly tell Santa that you've been good so you get lots of nice presents.
Santa is very busy today, he and the elves are packing the sleigh for their very long trip on Christmas eve. I hope that you leave some yummy cookies and delicious milk for Santa. I'm sure he'll very, very hungry by the time he gets to Pennsylvania !

Please continue to be a good girl and give Logan a nice, big kiss from Mrs. Claus.

Bye Bye Sugar !

Mrs. Claus

21 December 2007

Nine Nine, Come On In The Water Is Fine.

Today marks month nine of waiting.
I was wondering what today's post was
going to be about, but then I realized what
today's date was.
BTW, this is Telly.
I've seen Telly a few times on Sesame Street and
quite frankly I think he has some sort
of anxiety disorder.
He always seems to be freakin' out
about stuff.
He could definitely benefit from psychiatric meds.
Oh well, I hope Telly can find some inner peace.
P.S. For more info on the catchy little
tune I have playing on my blog, CLICK HERE.
And for Retro Music Friday, CLICK HERE.

You Better Watch Out, You'd Better Not Cry, Stephanie Claus Is Coming To Town.

First off, let me just Thank Steph profusely for my much coveted towel warmer. I was squealing like a school girl when I opened it the other night. Brock could not quite believe that she actually sent us one of these - as I almost never receive what I request for Christmas.

So Steph - a million thanks to you ( and Tim ). YOU THE BOMB !!!

Ooooo !!!! Aaahhhhh!!!

I also had the very good fortune of receiving another Christmas gift from one of my clients last night. Imagine my surprise when I opened this............

Yep, it's satin.

And it's dirty......

Brock could not stop laughing after I opened this. He nearly choked he laughed so hard. He said it was " the most Napoleon Dynamite looking thing he'd ever seen. "

I think this particular client found this in their apartment - I've always said I was a re-gifters dream come true.

With that, I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas.



18 December 2007

A Little Christmas Laugh.

I could not stop laughing at this.
For more funny cat pics, click here.
Also, I made vegan cupcakes from my
Secret Santa gift cookbook on Sunday.
They were awesome !
I made the vegan cookies & cream cupcakes
with vegan cookies & cream buttercream.
I cannot say enough about them - Delish !

16 December 2007

Got Snow ?

We're in the middle of a Nor'easter* as I am typing this. We've already gotten about 5" of snow on top of the foot or so from this past Thursday.
Ah yes...Thursday...did I tell you it took me just a hair under 2 hours to get home from work on Thursday ? I was 18 miles from home and it took me two stinkin' hours to get home. I believe that is an average of 9 miles and hour. It was ( if I may borrow a phrase from Steph here ) snowmageddon. People weren't stopping at red lights and were clogging up intersections. And you would have thought that Yield meant yeah-whatever-just-go-and-hope-the-other-person-gets-out-of-your-way. I nearly got clipped twice on the way home.
At any rate, please enjoy my snow pics.

The grill.
The patio set.

*For those of you not familiar, a Nor-easter is a storm that comes in off the ocean. They are usually a bit more intense and carry a lot more moisture. You can read all about it here.

15 December 2007

I Need A House Keeper.

My house is a total mess. Seriously. It looks like a bomb hit it. I don't even know where to begin. And yet, here I am blogging about it. I need to get motivated - perhaps I just need a bit more caffeine.
Wish me luck.

In other news, we went to my work staff Christmas party at my boss's house last night. It was tons of fun. I dragged The Mister along and despite his protests he had a wonderful time.
He said that he can't even get his employees to work together at work, let alone want to socialize with each other outside work.
What can I say, we're like a little family at my job. =)
And my secret Santa gift was awesome - Thanks Jen ! You rock !


14 December 2007

Retro Music Friday.

This song takes me right back to High School. I hope you enjoy this little trip to back in the day. Feel free to groove as needed. =)


08 December 2007

Move Over George.

Ok, so by now most of you know that I've got some mad love for George Clooney. That hasn't changed, but, I think he's been bumped to second on my all time hottie list.

Introducing Bear Grylls...
( Try not to drool on your keyboards ladies )

Bear hosts is own show on the Discovery channel called Man Vs. Wild. Although my thoughts on his show are that 99.999 % of the world's population will never find
themselves in the situations that he puts himself in.
I mean, I have no plans to be in the Swiss Alps in January with only my
coat, a knife and my wits. But on the other hand 99.999 % of the world's population rarely leave the comfort of their living room. So I can understand the vicariousness with which people watch his show.
Check it out if you have time. Why just today he was on the Patagonian ice cap in Argentina running around with no clothes on.
( Therese, I bet you're just kicking yourself about the cable in Manhiem. You don't know what you're missing...)
Although I think I could really do without him eating live fish and bugs.
However, the running around with no clothes on....Please Sir May I Have Another ?!

On his blog it says that he works out four hours a day.

If I worked out four hours a day I still wouldn't look like Heidi Klum...

Devastatingly handsome, no ?

In other news....my mad baking skills have gone the way of the

passenger pigeon. That's right, extinct.

I made a batch of cookie dough for Christmas and froze them into little balls. The idea being that when I need cookies for the holidays all I would have to do is take them out

and bake. A lot of effort now for very little effort later. My first batch of cookies came out good.

I test baked two very small cookies to see how they were and they passed the Hubby taste test.

Then, as I was feeling very ambitious yesterday, I started on my second batch of cookie dough.

The second batch required a substantial amount of toasted pecans,

which I promptly burned.

At any rate, I may have cookie dough round 2 today.

I'll let you know how they turn out.



06 December 2007

My Favorite Christmas Song.

I've loved this song for as long as I can remember. Hope you enjoy it also.


04 December 2007

Where Are My Real Parents And When Are They Coming To Get Me ?

Some years ago I learned that when my mother asks me what I'd like for Christmas it is best to respond with either
" I don't know." or " I don't care. "
This was my hard and fast rule for a long time, and it usually resulted in me receiving plain old cash for Christmas ( great ! ).
And this rule only applied to my mother as, by and large, the only person my dad Christmas shops for is my mother.

This was a very long, hard lesson for me to learn. Because for a long time when asked this simple, direct question by my mother I would think long and hard about what I wanted and tell her.
And I always wound up with either the complete and total opposite of what I asked for or something my mother seemed to think at the time that I desperately needed.

Isn't repeating the same sequence of actions and expecting a different outcome everytime the clinical definition of insanity ?

Last week she started in again with asking me what I'd like for Christmas. And instead of sticking to my usual answers I ( very foolishly ) told her I'd like a towel warmer** from Brookstone.
This was her answer....

" Sigh.....you always ask for the queerest shit for Christmas...."

So it remains to be seen if I will actually receive said towel warmer for Christmas.
Stay tuned.


** Last Christmas I asked for ( and got ) my heated mattress pad. When I told Brock that I was interested in the towel warmer he said " You're all about the warmth, aren't you ? "

01 December 2007

And The Mystery Illness Is........

Drum roll please........

Reactive Hypoglycemia.
( Don't worry, it's not fatal. )

Basically, my body carries way too much insulin in it. And because I have too much insulin it keeps depressing my glucose level.
When I eat anything (especially things with a lot of sugar) the already too high insulin level kicks in and goes even higher, in turn making my glucose level plummet. So then I have no glucose and crap loads of insulin still hanging around and that is when I feel dizzy, lightheaded, etc.

The Mister and I spent about an hour at the Joslin Diabetes center in Boston yesterday.
They sent in a woman to start the paperwork and do some blood work on me and on the way out she warned us that the Dr. was quite a joker.
She was not kidding.
He was like Andy Rooney on uppers. We were in hysterics almost the entire time we were in there.

The cure is really easy.

1. Get thy fat ass to the gym and put on some muscle ! Building muscle will use up a lot of the excess insulin.
2. Watch your sugar and carbs ! I've been living on beef jerky, almonds and Vitamin Water for weeks. I'm going to have to investigate some other options 'cause this is getting a bit boring.

Toward the end of our visit the Dr. told me that my metabolism was wound way too tight.
Brock thought this was the funniest thing he'd heard all year.

Speaking of The Mister, he's out for his weekly " big run " this morning. 18 miles. It's 28 degrees out and the wind it howling......I made him take his cell with him in case he needs me to go pick him up off the side of the road.

Have a good day and stay warm !
