31 January 2009

Treadmill Widow.

The Man's treadmill was delivered yesterday.
He is so happy he is nearly beside himself.
He spent nearly three hours in the basement putting it together yesterday.
Then he appeared in the kitchen in his running clothes and disappeared for another hour.

I am...The Treadmill Widow.

I'm happy he finally got his treadmill. I really am.
Now I can stop hearing about how badly he wants a treadmill, 'cause really.....( whispers ) he was starting to drive me a little bit nuts with all the treadmill talk.

OK, moving on......

Way back when..when Therese and I were in college and then when we lived in Indianapolis we were both very frugal ( cough cough.....not a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of..cough cough...).
We would compare deals that we got at different stores, coupons, etc.
And if we got the deal of the century we would call it " robbing " said store.
Now, keep in mind we never actually " robbed " anyone.
Well, except maybe the Winn Dixie in Charleston, SC....but I think both Trix and I have more than made up for that little felonious transgression with subsequent humanitarian acts...

OK, where was I going with this.....oh yeah....

Brock and I totally robbed Shaws last night.

Let me back up a bit.
Seeing as how we are now homeowners we have ourselves on sort of a self-imposed food stamp program.
We used to pay nearly nothing in rent for the dump we used to reside in so we ate what we wanted....bought whatever groceries we wanted regardless of price. You get the picture.
But now...we eat leftovers...on a regular basis.

I get all the different grocery store ads in my mailbox at the end of the week. I used to throw those in the recycle bin...little did I realize that there is a veritable treasure trove of deals in those fliers.

I map out my list with the fliers and I'm not afraid to go to more than one store.
Store loyalty ? Not in this economy my friend !

Anyway....imagine my delight when I saw that Shaws had Purdue boneless chicken breast on sale for $1.88 / lb for three days only ! WOOO HOOOO !!!

Brock and I went out to get some household stuff last night @ Target and then when we got back in the car I informed him that we had to go to Shaws. He put up a little bit of a fuss ( he was tired from all the treadmill activity of that morning ) but I calmly explained to him that DAMN IT, THERE WAS PURDUE BONELESS CHICKEN ON SALE FOR $1.88 A POUND ! WE WERE NOT GOING TO MISS THIS !

So we went to Shaws.
I bought three, three lb packages of boneless chicken for oh...maybe fifteen bucks. That's a deal, right ? You all with me on this one ?

It gets better....

There were coupons stuck to the front of the chicken packages for French's fried onions and Campbell's soup with a recipe attached.
I figured that since I was already getting a deal on the chicken I wasn't going to be too disappointed that I could not use the coupon as I had no intention of buying either of those products.

As a little aside here..Coke 12 pks were 4 / $10 with an in-store coupon for two free two liters of Coke Zero w/' purchase of the 4 12pks. Only there was no Coke Zero to be had anywhere in Shaws. I guess the early bird gets the Coke Zero...haha !

So we get to the checkout and I ask the cashier if we can substitute another Coke product for the Coke Zero and she said sure...so I ran back ( leaving Brock with the cart while she's ringing our groceries) to the soda aisle to grab the two 2 liters.
When I got back to the checkout I see her scanning coupons.....and I'm thinking to myself...." I didn't have any coupons....WTF is she doing ? "
I look over at Brock, who is sporting the most magnificent shit-eating grin.

Wait, it gets better;


Brock and I ran out of the store giggling like two little kids.
I swear we burned rubber out the parking lot.

All told...with all the other things we purchased...we got $96 worth of groceries for $45.

We got home and busted out the calculator...damn it we had to know how much we actually ended up paying for the chicken....which ended up being about $1.35 / lb.

I also sort of robbed Old Navy yesterday too. I bought a really cute summer dress, but I changed my mind about the color. So I wanted to exchange it for a different color. Only I didn't exchange it at the same store I bought it at. Turns out the store I exchanged it at had them cheaper than I purchased it for, so I got almost a $10 credit. And seeing as how all the clearance rack stuff was an additional 50% off....I got Capri's, a skirt and jammie bottoms for free.

OK, that was entire too long of a story about chicken and Old Navy.

Thanks for indulging me.

Have a great day !


30 January 2009

Retro Music Friday.

I guess we're gonna do a No Doubt retrospective this week. I know No Doubt isn't really that retro, but since this is my blog I can do what I want and well...damn it we're doing a No Doubt retrospective this week.

I love No Doubt, always have. And if any of you have seen Chris Rock's recent HBO comedy special you'll know that he's a fan too. ( move the video to the 5:00 mark and watch it to the end...)

I hear they're doing a tour this summer. I think I might have to check it out, you know, seeing as how I'm so done with DMB.

At any rate, I was rocking out to ND last night before The Mister got home from work, which is where the inspiration for this week's RMF came from.

This is Just A Girl. Brock didn't really care for this song when it first came out, I however, LOVED IT ! He still doesn't like this song, but he tolerates it. This song reminds me of when Brock and I moved to Indianapolis right after college, so maybe mid-1998. Which, come to think of it is almost nine years ago. Doesn't seem all that long ago to me.

This is Ex-Girlfriend. I really like this song. I also love the part in this vid where she sneaks into the men's room and kicks some ass.

This is It's My Life. Brock asked me throw this in as it is his favorite No Doubt song. In case you were not aware, it's a remake of an 80's new wave song by Talk Talk.

I have no real deep, profound thoughts for this week. I hope you all enjoy No Doubt.

Have a great weekend !



27 January 2009


Ladies and Gentlemen (OK, maybe just the ladies)......
May I present to you the holy grail of NK pics......

This would be one Mr. Jon Knight dropping his drawers at a recent concert.

Oh Holy Jesus.
I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.....

Please do not ask me where or how I came across this picture...I really don't want to have to explain it to you.

I've made no secret that Jon Knight is one of the hottest guys I've seen in a long time. As I have previously written on this very blog, he is on my " Freebie " list and if given the opportunity I would perform unpseakable, dirty, illegal-in-seven-states sex acts on him.

Oh come on...like you're all shocked or something...

And since I've shared the following anecdote with my mother I thought I would share it all with you. I have to warn all of you that the following anecdote might just be TMI for some of you....so those of you..( you know who you are ) that are easily offended can move right along.

You've been warned.....

( Brock has read this before I published it and thought it was over the line, even for me...)

My friend Lisa and I went to see NKOTB back in September @ Mohegan Sun and we had wonderful time.
We ( or at least I, Lisa has always and will always be a Jordan girl....) had the great fortune of being on the side of the stage that Jon was doing most of the show from.
I have to say.....watching him shake his ass....( WHAT AN ASS ! ) for 2 hours was well, mighty entertaining.
So entertaining that it was...oh...kind of stimulating.

I won't go any further, I'm sure you're all catching my drift.

Please do not feel badly for Brock. As I have also previously written on this very blog he has a " Freebie " list of his own, and let me just say his thoughts on Padma from Top Chef and Rosario Dawson are downright lewd and disgusting. ( hmmm...anyone else think he's got a thing for the dark & lovelies ? )

Again, don't act shocked....we're married, we're not dead.

Besides, I think verbalizing this kind of stuff to your spouse is healthy for your relationship.

Good Night All !


25 January 2009

Keeping Y'all In The Loop....

I did take possession of my lamp shades yesterday......and they look AWESOME !

And in case you were wondering, there was no bodily injury done to the douchebag at L & L.

I think the flames that were shooting from my ears were barely visible too.

All in all....I held it together pretty well.

Go Me.


24 January 2009

Hey Light And Leisure........

This is for you......

( this is not me btw...)

Have I told you, dear internet, about my war of attrition with the fuckers at Light & Leisure ? So it seems that I have not...

OK, here goes:

Sometime ago, maybe oh..six months ago whilst waiting for the closing date on our house to roll around I had purchased a set of three matching lamps from BB&B. This particular set of lamps were on the deep, deep discount rack because they were missing the matching shades. However me being the outside the box thinker that I am I decided that since they would go very nicely in our soon-to-be HUGE bedroom and the price was right I was willing to put in a little extra effort to procure some shades.

I remember saying to Brock " How hard can it be to find some shades to go with these ? "

I had a vision of what kind of shades I wanted ( very much like THESE ) to get to go with these lamps. I looked everywhere, Target, Walmart, Kohl's, Burlington Coat Factory, BB & B, Linens & Things, Pier 1, online...I could go on and on. I spent three solid months looking for the shades I wanted.

Finally, by some miracle of interior design, I found the shades I wanted at Light & Leisure. OH HAPPY DAY ! I swear I did a little dance right there in the store. And that little dance in the store is right where my happiness ended.

The guy at the store had to special order them ( this was on 10/24/08 ) and told me he'd call me when they came in - in about 3 weeks.

Guess what ? Three weeks came and went. I called L & L again. He said give them one more week and call back then.

I waited another week (the day before T'giving ) and called back. Still no shades.

The salesman told me that he was going to call the factory and get back to me.

Get back to me he did and for some reason the shades never shipped and they ( the factory ) were going to ship them again. He asked me to call back in another three weeks - now we're at a week before Xmas.

Of course Xmas week gets busy and I forget to call, so now it's the week after Xmas when I finally get around to calling. I gave the douchebag at L & L a jingle and guess what ? There was a nice recorded message letting me know that THE FUCKING STORE IS CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 10th !!!!!!!!

Not one to sit idly by (which is code for I was ripping mad) and wait for my shades I decided to call the flagship store / corporate headquarters in Danvers. I speak with Tom, who assures me that two months is entirely too long to wait for two GD lamp shades and he will look into it and get back to me.

Now keep in mind that we've moved into our house going on two months ago and everyone that has come by for " the tour " has gone into the bedroom and asked me why we have no shades on our lamps. I'm sure you can imagine my annoyance...

But I digress.

Tom gets back to me within a few hours ( I'm liking Tom already...I contemplate putting him on my Xmas card list..) and informs me that the factory ( in New Jersey ) moved during the time I ordered the shades and apparently never got my order. My new buddy Tom re-orders the shades for me and assures me I will have them lickety-split.

At this point I'm beginning to wonder why I have to wait three weeks for something to ship from New Jersey. I mean, it's New Jersey, not Bangladesh.

I'm also wondering at what point I call Help Me Hank.

I'm also wondering if two GD lamp shades are worth all this heartache and frustration and should I just ask for my money back ?

But I decide that, No...I will get my shades, come hell or high water. Light & Leisure will not get the better of me.

Another three weeks have now gone by and I hear from Tom again. The shades have arrived in their main warehouse and will be sent to the store that I ordered them from.

I got a message on my cell on Thursday night from the d-bag at the Milford store letting me know that the shades are in the store and I can come get them at anytime.

Brock and I hopped in the car yesterday and set off for the Milford store, which is a 30 minute drive from our house and guess what ?

You're gonna laugh....this is really, really amusing.

There was a sign on the door that read;


I lost my shit right there. I mean, Lost. It. It was not pretty.

I suppose we're going to have " Procurement of Lamp Shades, Episode Two. " this afternoon. I've already told Brock that he is going to go into the store to pick them up because I may do bodily harm to the salesman if I go in there.

If we actually take possession of said shades this afternoon it will be THREE MONTHS TO THE DAY after I ordered them.

Stay tuned.


In other, far less stressful, news the MB is finished. WOOO HOOOO !!!

And if you'll notice I have a new ticker at the bottom of my blog. Truck day, the day all the Red Sox equipment is packed up and driven to FL for spring training, is coming up soon.

Oh to hear the witty banter of Remy and D.O again fills my heart with joy !

Have a great day y'all !



21 January 2009

RMF - A Lot Going On This Week.

First off, this is my 450th post ! Ok, I just wanted to get that out of the way....

Last Friday night Brock and I went to The Chieftain with our friend Chris to see The Rebel Riders. The drummer is a friend of Chris's sister and he wanted to drop in and give them a shout out. They were really fantastic ! They play mostly outlaw country...which is a PC way to say they play mostly redneck music. But seeing as how my old man ( my dad, not Brock ) is from Texas I have certain affinity for all things redneck.

At one point during their show they played The Gambler and the singer asked the audience to sing along if they knew the words.

So there sat the three of us at a table and much to Brock's and Chris's surprise ( and to some degree my own ) I was the only one ( at our table ) that knew all the words to The Gambler. And I mean I knew ALL the words...those two only knew the chorus.....but come on....everyone knows the chorus to The Gambler.

After we took Chris home and Brock and I were driving home he asked how it came to be that I knew all the words to that song and I said; " I really don't know why I know all the words......I just do...ask me if I can do algebra though. "

I know that the vid I picked for this week isn't particularly sexy, but it has all the lyrics so maybe some of you will remember them and then I won't have to be the only one who knows all the words anymore.

I believe this is from 1978. I was two.

"Let it be told to the future world ... that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive ... that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet (it.)"

President Obama...still not used to saying it, but I like the sound of it.

Worked stopped for an hour on Tuesday as all of us in the building were watching the inauguration either live streamed on CNN or on the big TV they put in the lunch room. The receptionist even put the phones over to the answering service....you could hear a pin drop.

The Master Bedroom project is now into day seven. There is a very, very small piece of drywall that still needs touching up so hopefully today I will be finished.

File under: Adventures In Drywall: Brock sanded down the patch he put on the wall the other night with his electric sander. Know what happens when you sand down dry joint compound with an electric sander ? Your lovely, almost completely painted MB ends up looking like a coke den. Oh. My. God. There was white powder EVERYWHERE ! It took us a good two hours to clean it all up. We had to strip the all the bedding.....dust every piece of furniture twice and...and we burned out the motor in our vacuum sucking up all the drywall dust. So, I have a nice new vacuum as of last night.

Any of you guys ever bought a new vacuum and end of completely horrified after the first time you use it when you realize what the old vacuum wasn't getting up ? Yeah, gross huh ?

Wednesday marked month # 22 of Logged In-ness at the CCAA. They just finished February of 2006. So February 2009 should see the start of March 2006 LID's. __________________________________________
I came across an article in People ( I couldn't find the article on People's website, but this article is similar ) about the guy with this blog, so I started reading it...the blog, not the article.
Life is short my friends, make the most of it while you're here.

That's it for today. I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend.



20 January 2009

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow.

So I decided to part with the majority of the baby clothes I had purchased over the past.....oh....nearly twenty-two months.

I think Brock and I both realize that a child may never materialize in this house, so really, why are we hanging onto all this stuff ? It's probably better being actually worn by a baby than sitting and collecting dust for all eternity.

So I went through all the stuff yesterday and am going to ship it off to my SIL for our niece Meg. She ( my SIL ) was kind enough to send me a FedEx label from their account so I don't have to pay for shipping.

Last night I showed Brock all of the things that I had intended to ship off and I can't say we both weren't a little sad.

Oh well.

I know it will all be put to good use, so it's all good.



19 January 2009

Random Crap.

Hey Mother Nature......I get the hint. You're all bad ass and can make it snow whenever you want. I have a small, teeny-weeny favor to ask......PLEASE MAKE IT STOP ! PLEASE !
I have no where to put anymore snow you may choose to dump on my driveway.

In a related matter...I'm usually the 1st one home from work so this means that I am usually the one to shovel the driveway. This may be the beginnings me withholding sex until the man buys me a small snow blower. This shoveling shit is for the birds. It's not like The Mister doesn't shovel at all. He does. I just seem to shovel a little bit more....or so it seems to me anyway.

Speaking of The Man...he made the most tasty tofu lasagna last night. Mmmmmm.

As you've read in a previous post I am painting my bedroom ( I'm writing this on my lunch break..) today. I started painting on Friday and while I'm in the home stretch I'm nowhere near finished. Little did I realize that Mata Hari would need SIX coats of paint to achieve maximum awesomeness. We also ran into a little problem with a certain two foot section of drywall that needed to be patched that put us a little behind schedule. I hoping to have this wrapped up today. Fingers crossed.

Both of my cats are sleeping on the couch as I am typing this....damn are they cute !

I guess that is all I have for today.
Thanks for visiting.


16 January 2009

Retro Music Friday.

Today marks a very special Friday here at ADITLOB. Anyone wanna guess what makes today so freakin' special ? Anyone ? Bueller ? Bueller ?

Today is the very, very, very last Friday we will have to endure that lame-ass excuse for a president George W. Bush in office. I could go on and on, but I've made no secret of how I feel about GWB.


Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP !

At any rate, this first video is Ray Charles' Hit The Road Jack. It went #1 in October of 1961. I felt it appropriate for today.

Did anyone see Jamie Foxx play Ray Charles in the movie Ray ? Just curious. I was channel surfing the other day and I saw an advertisement for the remake of Miami Vice w/ Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx on On Demand and suddenly I was transported back to the day Brock and I went to the theatre to see this movie. And we were sorely disappointed. I mean, if you're gonna make such an iconic show into a movie......ugh. It was horrible. They didn't even play the theme song ! I think that is what disappointed me the most about that whole experience. I guess it just goes to show there is only one Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs, and it ain't Colin and Jamie. So I was pleased to see that Jamie redeemed himself with Ray and was rewarded as such. I guess thats where I was going with this.

While I was surfing YouTube I came across Eric Clapton covering Hit The Road Jack and well, who am I to keep such a rarity all to myself ? In case you guys did not know, Eric Clapton and I share the same birthday, so I carry a certain fondness for him. Dude is a little batshit and lets face it.....so am I.

I thought about doing Bye Bye Bye by N'SYNC for today's RMF, but then I thought

A) it's not really that retro


B) I'd lose some credibility by putting N'SYNC on my blog.

So, if you guys wanna see Bye Bye Bye please, CLICK HERE. Understand that if you, you do so at your own peril and I am not responsible for any side effects you may experience.


In other news I was deathly ill this week. Really, I felt like I wanted to die on Tuesday. In fact, at some point around 2 PM on Tuesday I think death might have been preferable to the misery I was feeling. I'm feeling 110% better today. Although a nice little side effect of being so ill was that I lost 5 lbs.

Also, let the mania continue...I'm painting my bedroom on Monday as it is a holiday and I have the day off. I have a dream too....and it's for my bedroom to look like an adult bedroom and not a little kids room.

Did you know Brock's been calling me " The Mad Painter Of Woonsocket" ?

At any rate, have a wonderful day, stay warm and be good. Talk to y'all soon.



P.S. Hey Georgie, don't let he door hit you on the ass !

11 January 2009

Marital Bliss.

Saturday was an interesting day here at Chateau Bunny. Let's just say the combination of prescription narcotics and painting ( read: inhaling paint fumes ) all afternoon left me quite silly by 6:30 in the evening.

This was the conversation the other night, during dinner, whilst watching the NFL playoffs;

Me: ( Not entirely sure what I was doing, but I'm gonna venture a guess it was pretty off-the-wall..)

Brock: ( Imitating whatever it was I was doing..)

Me: ( annoyed ) " For Christ sake ! Can you stop making fun of me for like, five fucking minutes ! "

Brock: " Well maybe if you quit acting like a whackjob I might stop making fun of you for five minutes..."

10 Years, three months and one week and and two days of whackjob so far, you'd think he'd be used to it by now.


06 January 2009

Just Checking In.

Hey All,

There's not been too much going on here these days so I've not got too much to report. The Mister and I are fried from working on the house and working non-stop. I mean it, we.are.tired.

Stay tuned. I might have something to say later in the week.

Be good and have a great day m'kay ?


02 January 2009

Retro Music Friday.

My baby sister turned 30 on Monday ( 12/29 ). Truth be told, I think she was sweatin' turning 30 a bit. She was all like " Gaaahhh...I'M GONNA BE 30 ! " and then she'd have this horribly depressed look on her face.

In an effort to make her feel a bit better ( I'm really a humanitarian you know..) about turning the big 3-0 I told her that the old saying that women hit their sexual peak after 30 was ENTIRELY TRUE and that she had much to look forward to. I think she was mortified that I was telling her this.....I mean, she tends to be more reserved and oh......less expressive and open than myself. Well, at least when sober she is.

She kept saying " OK, OK Erica, great...I'll let you know how that works out for me...". She was trying her very best to get me to shut my mouth and I knew it so, me being me, I kept going.....

I'm all like " Yeah, the orgasms get so much better, not that they were ever bad before but man, after 30, hold onto your hat ! "

I heard her sigh and I swear I heard her eyes roll over the phone. So I kept going.....

" Yeah, I mean it's not like he's really doing anything different....it's really all you, it's like someone has finally unleashed the beast."

By this time I felt that I really had her to the point where she'd want the floor to open up and swallow her so I finally let up and asked her what her birthday plans were.

I really didn't mind turning 30. I was all " bring it on, I'm gonna show 30 who the boss is !" I think I've done a fairly good job of it too because when I tell people how old I am nobody believes me.

At any rate, this is Nicolette Larson's Lotta Love. This song was released in 1978 - as was my sister.




01 January 2009

Happy 2009 !

Because I did this last year.... I thought we should all kick off the New Year with a laugh. Please enjoy " The Mattress Store " skit from Monty Python.

The Mister and I would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe New Year !


Bunny & The Mister.