13 May 2007

Thanks to Antiques Road Show we all know what Patina means.

Brock and I went " antique-ing " yesterday in Brimfield, Massachusetts. Brimfield hosts this truly massive flea market/ yard sale / antiques show three times a year. I've always wanted to check it out but never had the chance until now. We were there for about two hours and quickly realized that there is a reason they host it over a three day period. We were having this leisurely stroll and quickly realized that we could be there all day. After two hours all the different tents started to amalgamate into one gigantic tent and we unable to differentiate one tent from the next, so we decided to hit the road.

Brock was pretty pleased that he was able to find a Kettle Corn booth. I was surprised that he only bought a small bag. Usually when he finds homemade Kettle Corn we have to get the bathtub sized bag.
I ended up getting this costume jewelry red beaded necklace and.....the chairs pictured above.
We saw these chairs right when we first got there and I fell in love with them. I thought they were a quirky ( and if I am anything it is quirky ) and wanted to get them. They are very sturdy and in great shape. The seat bottoms fold up and then the whole thing can be folded flat. Very cool.
After our two hour stroll we went back for them as they were at a booth on the way back to the car.

The guy ( One very burned out old stoner. Too many hits off the bong ) that ran the booth they were in specialized in " vintage " eye wear and random other crap. ( my chairs fell into the random other crap category ) I am using the term " vintage " loosely. Most of his " vintage " eye wear consisted of circa 1987 Joe Boxer sunglasses from K-Mart. ( I wouldn't worry about this guy putting you out of business Steph )
I had to wait for him to stop talking to these to Yahoos from Connecticut ( what is it with people from Connecticut anyway ? ) so I could haggle with the old stoner. I had Brock guard the chairs in the meantime. Which means he stood next to them eating his kettle corn giving me the " Let's get the show on the road " look.
After the two yahoos left I proceed to haggle and ended up paying the asking price for them.
Not one of my better haggling moments. His price was not unreasonable though, I think he could have bought some quality shrooms with the proceeds.
I inquired about their background and he told me that they came out of a building that was a church in 1830 then turned into some sort of a lodge in 1890. I have a feeling that they are not from 1830, but they could be at least 100 years old. The guy could have pulled that story out of his ass, so who knows the real story on them.
I thought about refinishing them, but I think I am just just going to clean them with Murphy's Oil Soap instead. I don't want to ruin the patina.
Brock thinks I should have titled this post " Funky Cold Patina ". I told you he was a comedian.
All in all a very nice day.
Click here for the " Who the *&^%$ is Jackson Pollock piece from 60 Minutes.

Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you Dickie. hehehe

Big Hugs All Around !

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