31 January 2008
I'm Still On The New Kids Thing.
Needless to say Brock found my delight with NKOTB videos quite amusing and, believe me, he misses no opportunity to make fun of me.
I was trying to explain to Brock just how much I loved NKOTB back in the day, to which I said,
" Apparently you've never been a 12-year old girl. "
To which he replied,
" And isn't that a good thing for you. "
30 January 2008
I Need To Stop Telling The Cat She Has A Fat Butt...*
Holy Crap !
I was not planning on getting on the scale anytime soon because I knew I was not going to like what it was going to say. My plan was just to go to the gym and workout until my pants started fitting a bit better.
But then I thought I would weigh myself just to see what I was up against.
Yikes. I guess I have my work cut out for me.
So, I'm working on turning my three-liter-of-coke-and-bucket-of-KFC abs into six pack abs.
Pray for me people. This isn't going to be pretty.
* We took Chablis to the vet a few weeks ago and the vet said " I see she has a bit of a belly on her..we might want to do something about that. " Which I think is vet code for your-cat-should-probably-have-an-intervention-with-Richard-Simmons.
Since then the ol' girl has been on a diet, sort of.
She is still making her distaste for the new puke-free cat food known by refusing to eat it.
The end result being that she has dropped a few lbs. She's really looking a lot slimmer.
Don't worry though, she is not starving.
P.S. Guess who is planning a reunion ? These guys ! ( insert high pitched squeal here )
I had, and still have, some mad love for Donnie Wahlberg.
Can you even imagine this concert.....row after row of late 20's-early 30's women screaming.
I'm so there man !
29 January 2008
Shhh...Did You Hear That ?
Last week Brock and I had a fully completed application filled out to begin the process of adopting from Vietnam. It was ready to be mailed.
Then yesterday this came in my email inbox.
Warning Concerning Adoptions in Vietnam
January 2008The Department of State warns potential adoptive parents and adoption service providers of the risk of initiating new adoptions from Vietnam at this time. The 2005 Memorandum of Agreement, required by Vietnamese law to authorize adoptions between the United States and Vietnam, expires on September 1, 2008. The United States is strongly committed to continuing intercountry adoptions from Vietnam if possible. Our primary concern is to ensure that the children and families involved in the adoption process are protected from exploitation. The Government of Vietnam shares this concern. Both countries acknowledge that more needs to be done. Discussions about revision and renewal of the Agreement are a priority for both governments, but there is no certainty a new Agreement will be in place on September 1. In view of the processing time required in Vietnam from placement to the Giving and Receiving Ceremony, an adoption process begun now cannot be completed before the current Agreement expires. We do not know whether the Government of Vietnam will continue to process pending cases if the current Agreement expires before a new Agreement takes effect. Moreover, given concerns about the existing level of protection for children in Vietnam, it is unlikely that the Agreement can be renewed in its current form.
The United States Government stands ready to support Vietnam’s efforts to strengthen and improve accountability in its adoption system and to develop its capacity to regulate adoptions. In some cases, our background investigations have revealed evidence of irregularities, ranging from forged or altered documentation to cases where children have been offered for adoption without the apparent knowledge or consent of their birth parents. In response to these problems, in November 2007, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service and the Department of State instituted new procedures to verify that children identified for placement meet the requirements of Vietnamese and U.S. law, before the child has been adopted under Vietnamese law. The Embassy strongly advises prospective adoptive parents not to travel to Vietnam until they have received notification from the Embassy that their case is ready for final processing and travel is appropriate. Parents should contact the Embassy immediately if anyone, including their adoption service provider, encourages them to travel to Vietnam prior to receiving this notification. The Embassy can work together with adoption service providers, Vietnam’s Department of International Adoptions, and local authorities to resolve issues such as the scheduling of a Giving and Receiving Ceremony. We continue to urge Vietnam to comply with the terms of the 2005 Agreement and to establish a process that protects the interests of all parties involved in adoptions.
Well La-Dee-Freakin'-Da ! How ya like them apples ?
So, we will not be applying to Vietnam after all. And with all our other options explored it seems our only option is to stick with China. I think we've made peace with this and have settled in for ( most likely ) four more years of waiting. I think it is actually a good thing. For a while there we were really chasing our tails and really making ourselves nuts.
If you do the math....we'll both be 32 this year and another four years of waiting will put us at 36 when we get a referral. Let's say the baby is a year old by the time we get her home...we'll be 40 with a child in kindergarten.
We will be old parents and really....that's OK.
In the mean time we're going to try to live it up as much as possible.
What else can we do ?
26 January 2008
Are You There God ? It's Me, Tom Brady.
God asks Peyton Manning first: "What do you believe?" Peyton thinks long and hard, looks God in the eye, and says, "I believe in hard work, and in staying true to family and friends. I believe in giving. I was lucky, but I always tried to do right by my fans." God can't help but see the essential goodness of Manning, and offers him a seat to his left.
Then God turns to Brett Favre and says, "What do you believe?" Brett says, "I believe passion, discipline, courage and honor are the fundamentals of life.
I, too, have been lucky, but win or lose, I've always tried to be a true sportsman, both on and off the playing fields." God is greatly moved by Favre's sincere eloquence, and he offers him a seat to his right.
Finally, God turns to Tom Brady: "And you, Tom, what do you believe?"
Tom replies, "I believe you're in my seat."
25 January 2008
Retro Music Friday.
This is my favorite Cars song.
R.I.P. Benjamin Orr.
If any of you have requests for Retro Music Friday please let me know. I will try to accommodate as best I can.
This pisses me off.....listen dude...if someone is lying face down on their bed and is CLEARLY NOT BREATHING DO NOT CALL MARY KATE OLSEN ! CALL 911 DUMBASS !!!! START CPR !!!
Although I doubt any of this would have a made a difference - poor Heath was probably long gone before anyone walked in that room, but still.
22 January 2008
21 January 2008
18 January 2008
Retro Music Friday.
Tell me you don't love this song.
I was sooooo in love with Jon Bon Jovi when I was 12.
Of course, if I ever met JBJ I'd never tell him I was soooo in love with him when I was 12.
First off, he'd probably think I was some sort of loon ( although I bet he gets a lot of that from 30-something women )
Second, It would probably make him feel really old.
I saw a TV interview with JBJ a few months ago and I can't say he wasn't a bit of a jackass.
17 January 2008
I Don't Think I'll Ever Have My Own Show On The Travel Channel.
You know when they say " Getting there is half the fun . "
It's total Bullshit.
Let me 'splain.
Like a couple of dummies we booked two different flights down to Florida ( I had to return early ) so we did not travel together. Which, when being with your other half for nearly 13 years is not a bad thing sometimes.
Brock left early on Friday morning. I dropped him off at the airport. He got on a plane and went to Florida.
Plain. And. Simple.
I went to the airport later in the day.
There were thunderstorms.
My plane to Philly was not at the gate as scheduled.
We boarded the plane late
We sat on the runway for an hour and a half.
We got to Philly late.
I missed my connection.
I ( and many others ) was rebooked on a later flight.
I read my rebooked ticket...I have FOUR HOURS to kill in the Philly airport.
( airport bathrooms in Philly....N.A.S.T.Y )
We leave Philly at 9PM.
I get into Tampa at midnight.
Keep in mind..I checked in at the airport in Providence at 11:30 AM.
The fun did not end there....does it ever ?
The return trip was fairly smooth.
I got to the airport no problem.
Checked my suitcase.
Got to Reagan National ok.
Made my connection with no problem.
Got to Providence EARLY !!!! AWESOME !!!!
Go to baggage claim.....NO FUCKING SUITCASE !!!!! BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
My suitcase was put on the wrong flight from Tampa.
I file a Baggage Irregularity report.
They assure me that my bag is not missing and will be delivered later in the day.
Guess what time my suitcase showed up at my house ?
Just guess.....
12:45 AM.
Earlier in the day I spoke with the airline and they again assured me that my bag would be at my house between 7 and 9 pm.
In summation...I was extremely overtired. I was PMSing BAD and I had a missing suitcase.
By 9: 45 PM I was sobbing over my missing suitcase.
Irrational ? Me ? Nah.....
Way to overract, huh ?
And we're going to go halfway around the world to pick up a baby......can you even imagine ?!
15 January 2008
It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Runs A Marathon.
He was very pleased with himself for finishing the marathon, although he said that he wished his time would have been a little bit faster. I think the weather threw him off a little bit. He's used to running in cold weather and it was very warm for the race on Sunday.
My poor hubs is walking around like an elderly person now - his calves REALLY HURT.
And wouldn't you know, my camera picked the day of the race to COMPLETELY DIE ON ME !
Luckily there were others there that will forward me pics and as soon as I get them I will post them.
07 January 2008
Today's Secret Word Is.......
Yes my dear readers...it's been a mighty simulating day here in Bunnyland.
It all started innocently enough....then a nurse from one of my client's day program called me to inform me that she( my client ) had vomited all over herself in the van on the way to her day program. I had a nice long conversation with the nurse and told her that when said client pukes is usually means that she is really constipated and is in need of her special medicine that makes her go. I told the nurse that I would be stopping by the client's place later that day to administer the special medicine.
My day proceeded as usual. I then stopped by my puking client's apartment at the assisted living to give her the medicine ( which you drink...get your minds out the the gutter people ) which she promptly puked into the trash can. She gave me mere seconds of warning - you should have seen me dive for that trash can...Olympic gold medal I'm telling you. The puking continued for about 3 more minutes...I should backtrack a little here, this particular client had a stroke many years ago...so she was unable to hold said trash can to her face. That honor was all mine. (you all want my job..don't you ? Try not to be jealous ) Then it was a half hour of me and a nurse's aide cleaning her up and getting her situated. Of course the story doesn't end there...does it ever ? Try not to lose your lunches here people...she puked her dentures into the trash can and I had to don gloves and dig them out of the puke. And brush them with a tooth brush and tooth paste.
Wanna know why I never vote for Republicans ( besides the obvious ) ? Because they ALWAYS veto legislation to give direct care workers ( me ) a raise every year.
I think I deserve a raise every year, don't you ?
I'd like to see Dick Cheney or GWB hold a trash can during puke fest '08.
But I digress.
For those of you that have been following the Cat Puke Diaries....here is today's episode.
I came home today ( this was right after puke fest '08 mind you) and kicked off my shoes. I did not immediately observe any cat puke. ( BTW, the puke amounts seems to smaller in quantity than before, however the frequency has increased. I may have to call the vet tomorrow. )
But then I saw it. Right there on the rug. So I said to myself..." I better put my slippers on before I......" Would you believe that I stepped in another pile of cat puke before I could complete the thought in my head.
Yep, stepped in cat puke with my socks on.
So today's Secret Word is PUKE.
05 January 2008
Not One To Say I Told You So....
04 January 2008
Adoption Ain't For Pussies.
1. Have a whole new home study done. Ugh. For those not familiar, home studies are very long and involved processes where every dark corner of your life gets uncovered and you are grilled to the nth degree about just about everything save for your toilet habits. Basically you are left a mere shell of the person you were when you walked in the door. ( at least that's how I felt ) And then when you are done with that, there are the endless amounts of paperwork that need to be completed. This would mean another CORI ( police )check, a DSS ( child abuse )registry check, another physical, more parenting classes and another home visit. Here I was thinking that a home study was a home study...but apparently not. There are international home studies and then there are DSS home studies.
And..the real kicker..
2. They require us to remove our paperwork from China as child welfare does not allow people to pursue 2 adoptions at the same time.
Excuse me ? Did I hear that right ??? Remove our paperwork from China ? Surely you jest...
It took MONTHS to get our paperwork done and then we got it to China by the skin of our teeth. Remove it from China......NO THANK YOU.
The lovely, but mostly unhelpful, woman I spoke to at DSS this afternoon told me that she's gotten tons of calls from people who are waiting to adopt from China whom are interested in adoption from DSS.
Why am I not surprised ? Perhaps they all got the same door slammed in their face that I got slammed in mine.
What I truly don't understand is that ( supposedly ) there are thousands of children out in the world in need of a home. Ok, where the hell are they ? Cause we sure as hell can't seem to find one.
I guess this is back to square one for us. I'm not sure what we're going to do now. There was much screaming, tears and frustration at casa Rafferty yesterday.
( And not surprisingly some of our family members have been less than supportive. )
As I've said before, anyone who says that adoption is the easy way out needs to be slapped repeatedly in the face VERY HARD and quite possibly have their genitals lit on fire. I'm not kidding.
I might lose my fucking mind before this is all over.
And for those of you who are interested in the continuing cat puke saga....the hypoallergenic cat food seems to be working. We had two very small puke incidents during the night. The quantity of puke seems to be getting smaller.It seems as if he is actually digesting his food now. Did I also mention that we had to get a new food receptacle ? The vet suggested that we use a cookie sheet ( I did not use one of my cookie sheets, I bought one of those little foil jobbies from the supermarket. ) for the food in hopes that the cat would not put his face in the dish and gorge himself - which was also part of the problem. I hope this new food & dish combo is the answer to our prayers.
Chablis, however, was NOT HAPPY about the new " diet " ( we removed the old food ). For an animal who cannot speak she can sure make her point known. Last night she pulled Tupperware out of the cupboard. Yep, reached right in there with her little paw and pulled all the shit onto the floor. Then...she hopped up onto my sideboard/credenza and almost KNOCKED OVER MY BRAND NEW POTTERY BARN LAMP !!! There was almost a feline homicide last night. Brock fooled her pretty good this morning. She was still protesting the new food by refusing to eat it. So Brock took the new food and put it in the cabinet where the old food had been. He waited a minute and then poured a little bit on the cookie sheet. She totally bought it ! She ate the new food like it had been there all along. HA !
Retro Music Friday.
I've always loved this song.
A couple of observations......
* Michael Jackson was the sh*t back in the day ( '83). It's a shame that the kids these days only know him as a pedophile weirdo with no nose.
* I think poor Heather Mills caught a lot of the sh*t she's in now because she's not Linda McCartney. Those were some tough shoes to fill. Godspeed Girlfriend.
* Did you know that Michael Jackson owns the rights to The Beatles song catalog. Yeah..no joke. More info here.
In other news, it has been FREEZING here. When I woke up yesterday it was 7 degrees. That's right, 7. Then yesterday afternoon it hit a balmy 14. Which isn't horrible if you can scurry to your car and then into the office. But when you are out with a client who can't walk and talk at the same time......it makes a simple jaunt to the car pure torture.
Did anyone else hear that poor Brit may be off to the looney bin ?
In other news from today....we took one of the cats to the vet to address his constant puking problem.(Yeah..super pleasant. It's great when you don't see said pile of cat puke until you step in it.) I'm not sure who was more traumatized, him or us. At any rate, we now have hypoallergenic cat food. Seems the poor bugger may have a sensitive stomach. We also have this tube of goo that we have to slather on his paw everyday to aid his digestion.
Also, we went to pick up our organic farm box at Ward's Berry Farm this afternoon. As it has been quite snowy and icy here their ( dirt ) parking lot was covered in a nice 1/2" layer of ice. On our way out of the store Brock warned me to be careful and not fall on the ice. ( for those unfamiliar, I have sort of a reputation of being a clutz and falling down quite a bit ) So I was carrying the farm box out to the car when I look over and see Brock on the ground. I was concerned, but couldn't help giggling. He slipped and landed 1/4 the way under the car. He bruised his leg, but otherwise is fine.
01 January 2008
HAPPY 2008 !!!!!
I thought it best to start the New Year out with a bit of comedy.
As for 2008...who knows what life will toss our way this year.
Hoping for the best and pining for the fjords.
Yours truly,