I got home from work today at about 6 pm. I came in the house and proceeded to do my regular routine.....turn on the lights....turn on the heat, put some food in the cat's dish.....ahem...go to the little girl's room.
I was in the little girl's room, doing my thing, when I heard the LOUDEST crash I've ever heard in My.Whole.Life.
Seriously, it was LOUD.
So I thought to myself " Well, I guess the deck finally fell down. " **
I hurried up in the bathroom and went to investigate the origin of the noise. I flipped the porch light on and lo and behold, the deck was fine.
Seeing as how I could find no damage in my apartment, I went downstairs.
I knocked on my neighbor's door. It took her a minute to answer.
She finally opened the door and I asked her what happened.
She didn't need to answer.
I looked over her shoulder and saw that one of her kitchen cabinets FELL RIGHT THE HELL OFF THE WALL ! Yeah, her kitchen cabinet fell off the wall. Fell down. The cabinets were no longer attached to the wall.
When does that ever happen ?
All of her dishes and her cabinet were on the kitchen floor, smashed to smithereens.
I asked her if she was OK and she said yes, she was fine. Although the cabinet FELL ON HER WHEN SHE OPENED IT !
So me, doing my best impression of Rebecca of SunnyBrook Farm said, " Well, I guess you have a good reason to go out and buy all new dishes. You could go to the Pottery Barn Outlet and get something really cute...."
The irony of all this is that we used to live downstairs. And when we moved out the landlord remodeled the entire apartment before his daughter moved in. The cabinets in question were not there when we lived there, they were put in new by her dad.
I guess daddy is going to be buying her new dishes.
* My dad ( the original Mr. Fix It ) can't stand Bob Vila. He thinks he's a total dumbass.
We joke that my Dad could have his own home improvement show, however, he'd probably spend most of his time drinking Dr. Pepper and taking smoke breaks. Not what the viewing public wants I don't think..
**I've been waiting for a long time for the deck to fall down. Seriously, it's thisclose to meeting the same fate as my neighbor's cabinet.
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