29 April 2008
Suck Does Not Even Begin To Cover It.

27 April 2008
Somebody Stop Me.
I mean, I'm not even going to sugar coat this - I'm straight up confessing....I bought more furniture.
More specifically I bought a new dining set.
Here it is......

This is the arm chair.

Now the Sox just have to get their get on the stick and win the WS in four games. If they can accomplish this we'll get the table, sofa and bed FREE !
26 April 2008
Is There Such A Thing As Dumb Brunettes ? A.K.A Channeling My Inner Flakey Katie.
Me: " Gee...I hope Dustin Pedroia gets the Rookie of the Year Award again......"
Brock: ( not quite believing the shear stupidity of what I've actually just said ) " What ?! "
Me: " Yeah...I mean, did you just see that double play he just turned ? He's great ! "
Brock: ( sitting in stunned silence ) " ? "
Me: " What ? "
Brock: ( shaking head ) " Ummm....you can only get the ROY award if you're ACTUALLY A ROOKIE - which Dustin is no longer. "
Me: " Oh. "
25 April 2008
Retro Music Friday - Wrentham Idol.
Last night Brock and I met up with Chris, one of my co-workers and all around cool dude, for drinks at the Eagle Brook Saloon. Tania, another co-worker who also happens to be tons o' fun, also met up with us there. After we all departed the Eagle Brook Chris, Brock and I went over to Tom's Tavern in Wrentham for more drinks, air hockey, pool and karaoke.
After I finished opening a can of whoop ass on Chris at air hockey ( we also squeezed in a half assed game of pool ) we sang our little hearts out. Chris opened with White Wedding. Then the three of us sang Folson Prison Blues. I know that you all know from previous posts that Brock and I can really bust out some FPB......
After a rousing rendition of Sweet Home Chicago, Chris and I did our best duet version of Sweet Caroline.
We had a BLAST !
Thanks for the drink Chris.. the next one is on me.
Speaking of my oh-so-cool co-workers, please take the time to visit Jen's online Etsy store. She specializes in vintage wares. Jen's got a great eye for style and is currently studying fashion design. Watch out everyone..you'll be seeing her name in lights one day ! And remember, you saw it here first.
22 April 2008
21 April 2008
13 - Life Is Good In Boston.
Today marks 13 months logged in at the CCAA. Continuing with my Boston sports stars theme; number 13 on the Boston Bruins is Glen Metropolit.
I have no new news to report regarding the state of international adoptions in China beyond that we're still flippin' waiting and we'll be waiting for a long flippin' time. We've been on the wait list to apply to the Taiwan program for a little over two weeks now. And as Forrest Gump would say " That's all I have to say about that. " ____________________________________________________
Brock's birthday surprise went over very well. He loved the indoor skydiving, although he was a little apprehensive at first. In an odd coincidence the instructor's name was Brendan Rafferty -who happened to be straight from Ireland. I took a video of him during his flight, however I can't seem to get it to upload into my computer. When I get it figured out I'll post the vid.
After sky diving we went to the Boston Marathon Runner's Expo at the Hynes Convention Center. Brock really wanted to go to the expo and me..well...let's just say that it didn't hold my attention for very long. It's a good thing that the Hynes is attached to the Prudential Center, which happens to have a nice shopping center in the ground floor. Old habits die hard I guess. LOL !
After that we went for dinner at the Washington Square Tavern in Brookline. It was fantastic ! We have this thing where if a restaurant has calamari on the menu we always get it. For some reason calamari is always a good indicator of how the food is. The calamari at the WST was excellent - although a little on the spicy side for me.
Ok, onto Life Is Good In Boston.
The Bruins are in the playoffs. The B's beat the Canadiens Saturday night to force a game a 7. They play tonight in Montreal. Go B's !!
The Celtics are also in the playoffs and seem to be steamrolling anyone who gets in their path. Go C's !!
And last but not least my beloved Red Sox are in 1st place in the AL East and are kicking some serious ass. They've won 8 of the last 9 games. Manny is on a roll, although yesterday he got ejected - very rare for Manny. Manny now has 496 career HR's. I think he'll get to 500 by the end of the week. Go Manny !!
Oh yea, and the Boston Marathon is today.
19 April 2008
1) spill the beans accidentally
2) he'll figure it out on his own.
I've gone to great lengths to cover my tracks. I made my own mapquest directions. I did not give out my home # for the reservation, nor do they have my email address. I told everyone if they spilled the beans they'd be DEAD MEAT. Great lengths I tell ya......
He is totally baffled- and he'll continue to be baffled until 12:45 today.
I book this adventure in February as this particular place gets booked up fast. I didn't buy him anything material for this birthday. I mean, for Pete's sake, the man has everything. How many more running outfits or button down shirts can I buy him ? I'd rather him have an experience.
We're also going to a pretty neat place for dinner on the reccomendation of Joy and Teresa from work. Thanks ladies !
I will have stories and pics tomorrow....if I can get my blasted camera to work.
18 April 2008
Retro Music Friday.
Last weekend I took two clients out with me for the afternoon. On the way home from our outing this song came on the radio.
Who knew these two particular clients could really bust out a tune ? They especially cranked it out at the end of the song where the chorus repeats WHO CAN IT BE NOOOOOWWW ??? over and over again.
I sang a little bit more of the song than they did, I think just because I knew more of the words. Then they both told me I should go on the " the singing show " and win all the money.
Does anyone other than me think this song is about someone who is perhaps a bit paranoid and maybe a wee bit delusional ? Well, I supposed everyone needs inspirational music. Even crazy people.
Brock's favorite Men At Work song is HERE. I believe he has it on his iPod.
16 April 2008
Won't You Be My Neighbor ? NOT !
Must be nice to not have to live in the real world........
As I've ALSO stated before she also happens to be a champion door slammer. If door slamming were an Olympic event she'd be the reigning world champ - a many-time-over gold medal winner.
The Bode Miller of door slamming if you will.
They are moving more items as I am typing this and the door HAS NOT STOPPED SLAMMING SINCE I GOT HOME FROM WORK.
This must be what it's like to live in a war torn country.
You know, you're minding your own business skipping along merrily through life and then BAM !
I think I'm on my way to a nervous condition. I'll almost certainly be in the psych ward at Butler Hospital before this move is all done. My official diagnosis upon admission might be neighbor-induced PTDSD ( post traumatic door slamming disorder ).
In an effort to proactively treat this disorder I am self medicating with a Cape Codder.
So far so good.
In other stress relieving news I am starting an herb garden on my back porch. I got a nice variety of seed packets last weekend and am much looking forward to getting my hands dirty.
I'm going to start the seeds indoors this week ( it's still a little cold for them to be outdoors yet)
and then when the weather improves I'm going to move them outdoors. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.
Oh yeah, Sox and Yankees tonight at 7:05. You all know what that means,
15 April 2008
Continued Love For Manny.
14 April 2008
Some days I feel not unlike Job from the bible, but I digress.
Today I got a downright N-A-S-T-Y voicemail message from a relation of one of my clients.
I was shocked at the nastiness of it - THEN I was PISSED ! Not a great way to start a Monday by any means.
Let me clarify, I did not get this message from one of my own clients ( my clients know I DO NOT tolerate such behavior. ) - however this particular person is one of our clients. Yes, you read that right. Two people whom are related to each other and are both in our program.
This particular person unfortunately lacks the ability to get to the point. So not only was the message nasty, it was also devoid of a point and was more stream-of-conscious nasty.
I played the message on speaker phone for all of my co-workers this afternoon. The general consensus was that
1) Initially they all found it amusing.
2) They were all horrified at the stream-of-conscious nasty.
3) They asked if I could save that message on my voicemail for future laughs.
I intend on having a sit down with said client and his case manager this week. I was too annoyed to address this today. I did end up speaking to said client this afternoon about an unrelated matter. I think that perhaps he thinks I've forgotten about the voicemail he left me......
little does he know.
It does him a total disservice to let him act in this manner and not have to answer for his behavior. Part of my job is teaching acceptable behavior standards and let me tell you - he really fell short today.
File under Getting The Milk For Free.
Is he homely as hell or what ? Yeech !
In happier news, the cable stealing neighbor and her boyfriend ( who responds to "hello" with a grunt - what is that ? ) from downstairs are moving out. WOOO HOOO !!!
The thought of getting a hot shower when I want one and the cessation of the incessant, anxiety-inducing door slamming is filling me with an unbridled joy. I almost want to run barefoot through the yard singing The Hills Are Alive like Julie Andrews.
In a previous post I whole-heartedly admitted to being a Donnie Wahlberg girl. And while I'm still a Donnie girl I think I have a case of adult onset Jon Knight-itis.
12 April 2008
I'll Take It As A Compliment.
" Hey Hon, you look great ! How long has that Spin Bike been stuck up your ass ? "
Luv you too Molls !
11 April 2008
Retro Music Friday - My 1st 45.
In my younger days my mother frequently took my sister and I shopping at Ann & Hope.The best part about our trips to Ann & Hope was that we both got to pick out one 45 to buy at the end of our shopping trip.
I think at that time 45's were fifty cents - in my mother's eyes I think the fifty cents was a small price to pay for us to 1) be motivated to behave in the store and 2) was a cheaper alternative to candy, which we didn't get much of anyway as kids ( the exception being Sweet Tarts ).
The very first 45 I just HAD TO HAVE was Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham. I was in love with this song from the first day I heard it on the radio - in fact, I still love this song and it's on my Zune.
The funny thing about Wham is that looking back on it now how could we not have seen that George Michael was so totally gay? I mean, women loved him - and he was cute - but when you see the video now you're like " HOLY CRAP HE'S SO GAY !! " Not that it matters, but I'm just saying.
But I suppose one doesn't think about these things when you're 8 years old. Which I was when this song came out in November of 1984.
For extra credit can anyone name the other half of Wham ? Anyone ? Anyone?
The answer is listed below.
In a somewhat related story; Brock and I were thinking up this whole elaborate gag were were going to pull at Thanksgiving this past year. We were going to get all dressed up in 80's band T-shirts and go to T'giving dinner in them. Target was selling retro t-shirts in the jr. girl's dept at the time - which gave us the idea.
We also thought about pegging our pants ( come on, you know you all did it ! ) and I was going to tease up my hair really high. The plan was that we were going to act all serious and whatnot, if not to make our family laugh then at least to get a good giggle out of it for ourselves. I'm sure we would have been a sight to behold. We didn't end up pulling it off though. Brock wanted a Guns n' Roses Appetite for Destruction shirt and I wanted the CHOOSE LIFE shirt from the Wham video, but they seemed to be tremendously hard to come by. I did see a FRANKIE SAYS RELAX shirt in Target, but it wasn't in my size.
Beware the next time any of you invite us over for a holiday...LOL !
P.S. The other half of Wham was Andrew Ridgeley.
10 April 2008
Sheena Easton Needs To Get A Job.
As I said, I used to love this song.....until I listened to the lyrics.
Here they are;
( my comments are in red )
I wake up every mornin', I stumble out of bed
Stretchin' and yawnin',
another day ahead,
starts out promising, you start to think that perhaps she's got a lot going on.
it seems to last forever, and time goes slowly by
perhaps her job is boring.
Till babe and me's together, then it starts to fly
time always flies when you're having fun, I'll give her that.
'Cause the moment that he's with me, time can take a flight
The moment that he's with me, everything's alright
Night time is the right time, we make love
Then it's his and my time, we take off
Ok, so she and the Mr. are hot for each other. Good for them.
My baby takes the morning train,
does he even own a car ?
He works from nine till five and then,
He takes another home again to find me waitin' for him
He takes me to a movie, or to a restaurant, to go Slow dancing, anything I want
Lucky bitch.
Only when he's with me, I catch light
I'm in no way condoning cigs here but jeez... can't she light her own smokes ? She seems awfully needy to me.
Only when he gives me, makes me feel alright
there is a giver and a taker in every relationship. I think we all know what she is.
Moreover, doesn't it sound like she needs a man to feel fulfilled ? Clearly she's never seen an episode of Oprah.
My baby takes the morning train,
He works from nine till five and then,
He takes another home again to find me waitin' for him
All day I think of him,
dreamin' of him constantly
Obsess much Sheena ?
I'm crazy mad for him,
and he's crazy mad for me
He has issues- he's in a relationship with a needy, unemployed woman.
When he steps off that train,
I'm heading for a fight
OK, so she sits on her ass all day waiting for him to get home from working all day and now she wants to pick a fight with him? Not very nice Sheena.
Work all day to earn his pay, so we can play all night
What does she do all day ? Does she even have a job ? It sounds like she just likes spending his money. He must be tired from working all day and all she wants to do is screw and party all night.
My baby takes the morning train,
He works from nine till five and then,
He takes another home again to find me waitin' for him (chorus repeats out)
He's always on that morning train He works so hard To find me waiting for him...
Sheena redeemed herself with For Your Eyes Only, I believe that was from a James Bond movie. She also did some stuff with Prince and that's always tops in my book, I love Prince.
BTW, did you know that Sheena had a role on Miami Vice as Don Johnson's wife ?
07 April 2008
Bunny: The James Lipton Interview.
Speaking of Johhny Depp, from watching him on 21 Jump St. did you ever imagine that he's one day be Willy Wonka. The man certainly has range as an actor. Wow.
So in the sprit of Inside the Actor's studio I decided to ask myself the famous 10 Questions.
Here goes;
1. What is your favorite word ?
2. What is your least favorite word ?
3. What turns you on ?
Strength of character.
4. What turns you off ?
5. What is your favorite curse word ?
6. What sound or noise do you love ?
Thunder and chirping birds.
7. What sound or noise do you hate ?
When my neighbor downstairs slams the door.
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt ?
Fashion design.
9. What profession would you not like to attempt ?
10. If Heaven exists, what would like god to say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates ?
" You were always right - and yes, nobody ever listened ! "
So there you have it. Feel free to answer these questions for yourselves and email me back the answers. I'd love to hear them.
In other news, tomorrow is the RED SOX HOME OPENER ! As I've stated before, this should be a state holiday.
Although my beloved Sox are kind of in a slump right now. I think this whole continent hopping they did at the beginning of the season plum wore them out. They had a terrible outing in Toronto ! I'm hoping that being back at Fenway will turn things around for them. They're certainly not going to win me any furniture at this rate.
P.S. You really can buy the weirdest crap on Amazon. No pun intended.
06 April 2008
Yankee Fans Beware.

05 April 2008
How To Drive Your Husband Crazy In Three Easy Steps.
2. Play NKOTB videos on YouTube all morning.
3. Put NKOTB songs on your brand new Zune and dance around the house like a Mexican hooker on uppers.
A little piece of Bunny trivia here; NKOTB was the very first concert I went to. I was 12 ( 1988 )and I went with Jessica ( who lived next door..Hi Jess ! ) and Jessica's mom and my dad. It was at the Providence Civic Center, which is now known at the Dunkin Donuts Center.
And lately I've found that you cannot find a woman who is in her later 20's or early 30's that does not have a favorite New Kid.
I took an unofficial poll and far and away everyone's favorite seems to be Donnie, with Joey Mac running a very close second.
I have to say through, my friend Lisa has ALWAYS been a Jordan fan.
So for all you Donnie fans, I give you this.
I should add here that Brock is also a big Donnie fan, but not because of NKOTB. Donnie, who turned out to be a fantastic actor, was in Band Of Brothers on HBO. Speaking of Donnie being a fantastic actor, I watched The Sixth Sense in it's entirety and when they got to the credits at the end Donnie's name flashed on the TV. And I'm all like..." Donnie was in this movie ? "
For the life of me I could not figure where he appeared in that movie, and lo and behold we was in the very beginning as the crazy dude in the bathroom.
I also took a peek at their new website, they are looking good and their new song is great. It still sounds like NKOTB, just more grown up. Check it out if you have time.
In completely unrelated news; If you look at the bottom of this page you'll see that I have a brand new ticker. We have been officially wait listed to apply to Wide Horizon's new Taiwan program. Let me clarify - we are not waiting for a referral from Taiwan. We are on the wait list to apply to the Taiwan program. More news to follow. Stay tuned.
04 April 2008
Retro Music Friday. Then, Now & In Between.
I'm sure that you could all gather from this post that REM is my favorite band. I felt that they were a great inspiration for this week's RMF for a couple different reasons.
1. Tomorrow is the 28th anniversary of their very first show. At that time I believe that they were still an unnamed band. Their very first show was for a friend's birthday party and I think they only intended it to be a one off show.
2.Tickets for their summer concert tour go on sale tomorrow.
I've picked a few videos that I feel best represent REM from the early days right up until today.
This is Wolves, Lower. This song was off their debut album Chronic Town. It was released in 1982
Man on the Moon. I love this song. It's one of my favorite REM tunes. I saw them do this live the last time I saw REM in concert in 1995. AWESOME !
This is Supernatural Superserious. It was just released this week to great reviews and I have to say I really like it a lot. It's very catchy and might I even say, it rocks.
I was a little worried when their drummer Bill retired in 1997. They had been a four piece for 17 years and obviously it was a formula that worked very well for them. They seemed to flounder a bit for a few years, but I think they're finally back in the groove.
I intend to be 1st in line ( so to speak ) when tickets go on sale tomorrow.
I hope you all enjoy these videos as much as I do.
03 April 2008
Flaky Katie.
Let me backtrack a bit here.....Bertucci's was always our old stand by. Great food, great service, reasonable prices. However I think they've become a victim of too big too fast. They've been adding new locations like crazy and both the food and service had suffered because of it.
The last time we ate there the food was average at best and the service was inconsistent.
Tonight however was a real gem. We had the Flaky Katie experience. First off, we got seated right away - always a good sign. We were given menus - great ! Then we proceeded to wait for Katie for almost 20 minutes to even come to the table and give us a " Hi my is Katie, I'll be taking care of you tonight. " which she followed up with " and I'll be right back. "
And she took off for another 10 minutes. No rolls, no water....... " I'll be right back "
Katie then graced us with her presence again to take our order. By this time I think we both had the menu memorized and we figured since she was at the table we should just get all of our ordering out of the way...who knows when she would return, or if she would even remember that we were seated in her section.
Katie takes our order and leaves.....still no rolls or water.
Katie comes back at least 5 minutes later with a dish of olive oil for the rolls that we still don't have.
Katie leaves again.
Another 5 goes by, Katie comes back with rolls. And then her mouth opened again and what came out of it blew. our. minds.
" Mmmkay.. ( giggle ) the rolls are like..all the way over there ( she points over her shoulder )
and like the oil is all the way over there ( pointing over the other shoulder ) ( another giggle ) .....this is hard. "
We are stunned.
Rolls + oil = hard.
Still no drinks.
Katie leaves again.
Brock waits until Katie is out of ear shot and says " Another one of the unemployable employed by Bertucci's"
I'm starting to have a little sympathy for Katie because I'm beginning to think that she is perhaps learning disabled.
Several more minutes go by.
Katie comes back with water and Brock's beer.
3 more minutes go by.
All of our food comes at the same time and we've not even had enough time to finish one roll each.
Katie disappears for at least 25 more minutes.
At one point she proceeded to have a conversation with the two ladies seated at the table next to us. I can assure you that the meaningless drivel that spewed from her mouth to them was equal to the rolls + oil = hard comment she made to us. I figured better them than us ' cause Brock's fuse with stupid is real short.
Brock waits until she's out of ear shot again.
" Clearly she's a mensa candidate "
By this time I'm beginning to find the whole situation amusing.
Katie reappears to two very clearly empty plates on our table. " How is everything ? Can I get you anything else ? "
We say no, we're fine thankyouverymuch. Katie then assess the situation at our table and decided that I needed a refill on my water.
So there we are, sitting at a table with very clearly empty dishes and a nicely refilled water.
I'm sure you can all guess what happened next...yep, Katie vanishes again.
I spy her at another table. I can't hear what she's saying to them, but I'm positive it was pretty lame.
I ask Brock " Do ya think that Katie is the waitress that bangs the chef in the walk-in cooler after closing time ? "
To which Brock replies " Only if he's got a huge bag of weed. "
Finally Katie reappears with the check. Thank g*d 'cause my butt was falling asleep I was sitting so long.
I threaten Brock within an inch of his life if he left her a tip. Which he did. And then we ran out of there like our asses were on fire.
It will be a long, long, long time ( if ever ) before we go back there again.
P.S. Sox start opening season week 3 for 4. Woo Hoo !