31 May 2008
Hello Lover.
30 May 2008
Retro Music Friday.
There are certain songs I call my 2 X 60 songs....songs you can listen to with both windows rolled down at 60 mph in the car. This song happens to be one of them. I've been listening to Prince's Greatest Hits CD in my car all week. Of course when I pull up to a red light I turn it down because I was starting to notice that my fellow commuters were staring at me.
At any rate - is there any other man on earth who can pull off gold lame pants and purple eyeshadow ? I think not.
Prince is one of those people who is so hot it's sorta repulsive - like a car wreck you can't look away from. At least that's how I see Prince.
BTW, Prince is going to be 50 next week.
So - enjoy the Purple One.
28 May 2008
Should Also Read " Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery"
One morning last week, in our bathroom.....
Brock commences to brushing his teeth.....
Brock continues to silently brush away.
Me( pointing at the tube of toothpaste ): " SEE, IT SAYS VIVID WHITE NIGHTTIME ! IT"S NOT NIGHTTIME ! "
Brock spits and rinses.
Me: " Well, I just don't know what we're going to do now....you fucked it all up...see, we have a daytime toothpaste and a nighttime toothpaste..."
Brock gives me the one-eyebrow lifted stare.
Me ( clearly frustrated that he's not getting what I'm trying to explain to him ) :::::sigh:::::
Brock: " Really, what's it gonna do...make me drowsy ? "
Clearly he has no regard for rules.
I'm not sure I can live with this kind of anarchy.
26 May 2008
Sage Advice From Kenny Rogers.*
It's been heavily advertised on E that Denise Richards is going to have her own career suicide reality show on E called It's Complicated. From what I can gather it is supposedly about her life post Charlie Sheen divorce. Now, I have no intention of watching this show. I happen to like my IQ right where it is thankyouverymuch - this is exactly the same reason I don't watch American Idol.
For a while there I was all into reality TV. I was all about the Scott Baio show on VH1 for a while. I couldn't get enough...until I realized that Chachi was really just a non-committal douchebag with self esteem issues. Seriously - on more than one occasion I wished I could have reached through the TV and smacked him. There is NOTHING remotely attractive about a grown ass man whining like a little bitch.
But I digress.
I'm not going to claim that I know much about Denise Richards. I mean, I think she's basically famous for being a Bond girl - and being married to Charlie Sheen.
I'm sure you've all heard about their nasty divorce on TV and whatnot. It's basically a huge he-said-she-said thing with many, many nasty accusations flying back and forth.
What I really don't get is why she married Charlie Sheen in the first place. Had she been living her life under a rock during the 80's and early 90's ? In case you're not familiar, here is Chuck in a nutshell
Drug problems, prostitutes, rehab, more drugs, more rehab, two previous divorces, more hookers, a gambling addiction and oh yeah, this is the big one....HE SHOT ONE OF HIS GIRLFRIENDS.
Does anyone else remember his Dad ( Martin Sheen ) going to court and begging the Judge to lock his son up ?
Dude, if your OWN DAD is begging a Judge to lock you up you've got some SERIOUS ISSUES.
Everyone has skeletons in their closets, and certainly people make bad choices in their lives, but come on - how much is one willing to overlook ?
That's not to say that people can't change - I truly believe that people are capable of amazing transformations. But some mountains are just unscaleable.
What made her say " By Golly, that's the man for me ! "
Brock and I had this discussion the other day...he seems to think that she thought perhaps she could " fix him ".
Really ?
Now - I also believe that when in a serious relationship you really have to love and accept the person for who they really are ( flaws and all ) - not who you think they can be, or should be, or you want them to be. There is only so much fixing one is going to do.
Perhaps getting a guy to pick up his clothes off the floor is manageable. Even with a bit of charm and finesse ( and withholding sex ) you could even get a guy to quit smoking.
But hookers ? Drugs ? Handguns ?
I think not.
So in conclusion - this is most definitely Not Complicated.
When it comes to Charlie Sheen it is very,very important to know when to walk away and know when to Run. Like. Hell.
Now, onto potato salad.
Have a nice holiday everyone !
* Not sure if anyone else remembers but Kenny used to own a chain of chicken restaurants called Kenny Rogers Roasters. There was one in FLA near Brock's parent's house. One time Brock, Bill and I went there and they were out of chicken. Yeah, Kenny Rogers Roasters was out of chicken. Now, Brock and I can deal with such disappointment but Bill however took it as a personal affront as to the lack of chicken @ KRR's. Really, he was unreasonably upset if memory serves.
24 May 2008
From Zero To Crazy In .6 Seconds...

At any rate - Dunkies makes a damn good cup of tea. Starbucks iced tea is also really good, however when my boss asked me if Dunkie's was better than SB's I kinda told her that DD tea is the bastard cousin of SB's tea.....she really had a laugh over that one.....I can't believe I said " Bastard " in front of the minister's wife....one way ticket to hell right over here....
And get this....( how bad am I ? ) I get it with straight up, plain, old, white sugar. You know, when there is so much sugar in it that it crunches a little bit in your teeth until it all dissolves in the tea. I'm sure if my dentist read my blog I'd get an ear full. In my own defense I do brush and floss twice a day.
Not sure if it's the caffeine or the sugar. I mean, I think ( and those of you who really know me can attest to this ) I tend to be a little wound up on a good day. But one medium iced tea is like dumping gas on the fire - like when a kid has way too much Halloween candy. Yeah, like that.
Zero to Crazy in .6 Seconds.....
God love my Hubs.. I think he's going for sainthood.
No my friends, you cannot bottle this.
Trix - I'll help you fix the soup tomorrow. =)
23 May 2008
Retro Music Friday - Blue Eyed Soul
I love Hall & Oates. Really. I have many a fond memory of Hall & Oates. My mom had Rock & Soul Part 1 on a tape when I was a kid.
Backtracking a bit here.....when my sister and I were young my mom worked at the hospital from 3 -11 PM, so we used to be home with my mom during the day. My dad, if memory serves, worked from 6 to 2PM at that time. So when dad came home mom left for work. At any rate, my mom used to take my sister and I out to do errands and would play this tape in the car.
Speaking of cars my parents used to drive; I remember at one point my mom had an orange Ford Grenada and my dad used to have a 1974 Toyota Celica. At one point they got rid of the Grenada and bought this HUGE blue cargo van that my dad had to get seats from the junk yard to put in it so we'd have a place to sit. But I digress.
Daryl Hall is the greatest white soul singer ever. Hands down. There are many imitators but only one original.
This was not the RMF song I wanted to use for today. The song I really wanted was I can't go for that ( no can do ) ...but alas embedding was not an option for that song. I can't go for that is one of the most sampled songs in the past 20 years or so, as can be found HERE. If you listen to the hook on that song it's really quite catchy.
At any rate, please enjoy Hall & Oates.
21 May 2008
17 May 2008
Step By Step.....
( insert high pitched squeal here....)
16 May 2008
Retro Music Friday - Kickin' Off My Karaoke Training Wheels.
Last night was Tom's Tavern again....big shock there I know, it seems to be our regular Thursday nite thing now. Last night we met up with Dickie and his posse of lady friends there for dinner - truth be told I don't think they quite knew what to make of us, but I digress.
After many weeks of " running behind the bike " so to speak, Chris finally let go and I went solo. Although we did put our own spin on Love Shack, and I have to say, Chris had to carry me along on that one.
I've been trying to come up with the perfect song to sing for a while now. I mean, I never claimed to be able to sing. In fact, I'm altogether a pretty crappy singer. I wanted a song I didn't think I could butcher too badly.
I think my version of this song turned out OK. No one booed or threw nachos at me, so I guess it wasn't too bad.
BTW, this is The Motels.
13 May 2008
Someone Cue Taps......
I tried a few things on at the Gap outlet this evening and let me tell you, I looked Re-friggin-diculous. I'm glad I have enough self awareness to know that I looked like a total idiot.... I mean, there is nothing sadder or perhaps more pathetic that someone clearly dressing too young.
I had to leave my old friend the Gap behind and stroll on down to Ann Taylor..... I think she and I are going to be BFFs.
12 May 2008
I Didn't Get New Kids Tickets........
And I'm kinda bummed about it. It was damn near impossible to get Ticketmaster to cooperate, of course, I don't think the Internet connection in my office helped the situation much.
So, I decided that we're going to have our own little new kids concert here;
I am going to try StubHub later on, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
A Donnie Wahlberg girl with a severe case of Adult Onset Jon Knight-itis.
09 May 2008
Retro Music Friday - Thursday Night Spin Class.
Tina, who is the Thursday night spin class instructor, plays the best music. Last night she played this song toward the end of class. Tina is by far the most popular spin instructor at the Y. Her class is ALWAYS packed. You have to get there by 5:45 for a 6 PM class if you want to get a good spot - or sometimes a bike for that matter. Last night I counted 18 people in class ! I have tried to get several people to go to spin on Thurs. with me, but so far no takers.
I used to have The Bangles first album - yes, vinyl - I think it's still somewhere in my parent's house. Perhaps I should go look for it, you know, for nostalgia's sake. I mean, it's not like I have any apparatus to actually play it on. But I digress......
I love this song, always have. It went to the soundtrack of Less Than Zero. I have to say, I had a crush on Andrew McCarthy back in the day - man oh man was he cute ! I saw him recently on an episode of Law & Order SVU, he's looking a bit more...mmmm......mature these days.
Speaking of The Bangles, can anyone tell me who wrote the lyrics to Manic Monday ? Anyone ? Anyone ?
It was Prince.
08 May 2008
Wide Horizons Called......
I think they meant to say the Taiwan program.......if memory serves I believe the Philippines program prefers that the perspective parents have a religious background.
Brock and I are not particularly church going folks. Unless you count the church of Fenway Park.......
Anywho, I'll call them back tomorrow and see what this is all about. I have a feeling it's really nothing and they are just taking a poll of some sort. I'm not getting too excited here if you know what I mean.
I'll keep you posted.
P.S. Snarky Bitch was already taken......it's HERE.
05 May 2008
Mad Love For Molly.
I asked a couple different folks before I got to Molly. I asked Brock and got the look.
I believe that he also said something along the lines of
" ..are you for real ? The freakin' New Kids ? You know I love you honey, but my devotion to you stops at the New Kids. "
Then I asked Therese. Her response was " Yeah, don't put me down for that one....." It's OK Therese....I understand. And thank you for letting me down gently. I appreciate that.
So, it's me and Molls. Tickets go on sale Monday.
In other news; It has come to my attention via my online music service that the name of R. Kelly's new song is........wait for it.......wait......
Hair Braider.
Hair Braider ?
Someone needs to clue R. in that he's slipped off the cool plateau. I mean, I believe I can Fly was an awesome tune....but somewhere along the line he just stopped making good career decisions. I'm not sure why someone didn't sit him down after Trapped In The Closet and just shake him.
Hair Braider ? WTF ?
04 May 2008
If You Want To Catch A Fish You Have To Put Another Line In The Water.
Seeing as how the past few days have been kinda boring around here.....the exception being Thirsty Thursdays @ Tom's......I thought I'd take this time to fill you guys in a bit more about the Taiwan program.
I don't think that the folks at WHFC wanted to make a huge deal about the new Taiwan program for specifically one reason - they'd get flooded with folks wanting to apply. Even more specifically they'd get flooded with people who are currently awaiting a referral from China. And as it turns out this is just what happened.
When it came to my attention that this was a new program available to us I jumped on it quick. It seems to me that the state of international adoption is sort of like a get-on-it-while-it's-hot-game these days.....even our social worker Jane commented on how adoption just ain't what it used to be ( predictable ).
I spoke with the folks running the Taiwan program , who are also the same people who run the China program, and asked them to send me the dossier requirements asap. I was like an Indy race car....full speed ahead when they slammed on the brakes for me. They were flooded with folks wanting to apply to the Taiwan program - so much so that they had to start a waitlist.
What was explained to me was that they are going to see how the first batch of referrals go from Taiwan before they send more files. Then they are going to approach the people who have asked to be placed on the waitlist who have been waiting on the China list the longest. Which sadly, is not us. However, I feel that we are sort of near the middle to upper-middle part of this list.
I think that the people who have somewhat imminent ( meaning within the next year ) referrals are not going to bother applying to the TWN program. If we had a LID of Jan - May of 2006 I wouldn't apply. I think this puts about about 10 months worth of folks ahead of us and 12 months + worth of people behind us.
So - who knows, keep your fingers crossed.
I should also mention that I work with someone from Taiwan who explained how babies / kids become available for adoption in Taiwan.
1. There is no gov't infrastructure for disabled people in TWN. Meaning that if a child is born in anyway disabled the parents have very little help in the way of early intervention programs or special schools. There is no DMR in Taiwan.
2. Along the lines of no gov't infrastructure...there is no agency to police abused children.
If a child is removed from the home there is no foster care.
3. As cosmopolitan as the Taiwanese people like to think they are they can go " old school " real quick. Meaning that there is a HUGE stigma attached to teenage pregnancy. Pregnant teenagers are strongly encouraged to make an adoption plan.
So there you have it. Taiwan in a nutshell.
I'll keep you posted.
02 May 2008
Retro Music Friday - Bill # 1
Whenever I hear Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top my thoughts automatically turn to my BIL Bill. I should clarify here....I have two BIL's and they are both named Bill.
The Bill I am referencing here is Brock's brother. When I told him that my sister was marrying someone also named Bill he asked that he be Bill # 1
Why does this song remind be of Bill you ask ? Well, it's really quite simple. Bill is very particular about his clothing. It almost borders on OCD. His wife refuses to wash his clothes because he is so particular about wash settings, detergents, fabric softeners, etc.
One time, many years ago, Brock and I went to visit Bill at his bachelor pad in Orlando. Bill had to work the next day so Brock and I were staying at his place by ourselves for the afternoon. I remember Brock calling me into Bill's bedroom as he was standing in front of Bill's closet and , no word of a lie here, all of Bill's shirts were arranged by color and sleeve length. Seriously.
So - this one is for Bill. Our favorite Sharp Dressed Man.
In other news; last night we went to karaoke at Tom's Tavern with Chris again - and last night was 1800 Tequila night / Thirsty Thursday / early Cinco De Mayo night. We kicked ass at TV show theme song trivia , so much so that the DJ told the three of us to " Shut the F*ck up !" 'cause we already won prizes.
And I have to say that Chris's version of La Bamba was superb. Chris, you're my karaoke hero.