At any rate - Dunkies makes a damn good cup of tea. Starbucks iced tea is also really good, however when my boss asked me if Dunkie's was better than SB's I kinda told her that DD tea is the bastard cousin of SB's tea.....she really had a laugh over that one.....I can't believe I said " Bastard " in front of the minister's wife....one way ticket to hell right over here....
And get this....( how bad am I ? ) I get it with straight up, plain, old, white sugar. You know, when there is so much sugar in it that it crunches a little bit in your teeth until it all dissolves in the tea. I'm sure if my dentist read my blog I'd get an ear full. In my own defense I do brush and floss twice a day.
Not sure if it's the caffeine or the sugar. I mean, I think ( and those of you who really know me can attest to this ) I tend to be a little wound up on a good day. But one medium iced tea is like dumping gas on the fire - like when a kid has way too much Halloween candy. Yeah, like that.
Zero to Crazy in .6 Seconds.....
God love my Hubs.. I think he's going for sainthood.
No my friends, you cannot bottle this.
Trix - I'll help you fix the soup tomorrow. =)
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