WTF Moments...I have many of them. Too many in fact.

I found this little gem on another blog I read religiously. The post in it's entirety is HERE. ( You'll need to scroll down to the May 19th post. )
I was TOTALLY HORRIFIED when I watched it. I wasn't able to watch for more than a minute. So if you can make it all the way through this without vomiting in your mouth a little bit you're clearly a better person than I.
Did anyone else happen to hear that Preparation H is the hot new club drug ? Of course I heard this on Fox News so who knows if it is actually true. In case you hadn't heard they tend to make shit up and call it " fair and balanced ". I'm not convinced that the newscasters on Fox News are actual people . I prefer to think that they are some sort of robot automatons made in a secret lab. 'Cause really, who'd have so little self respect as to work for Fox News ?
On the other hand.........
.....doesn't this guy look like he'd think rubbing Preparation H all over himself to pick up chicks is a good idea ? Can't you just hear him saying " How you doin' ? " like Joey from Friends ?
Did I also hear that Al Franken is running for Senate in Minnesota ? Steph, please confirm this for me...cause I think I'm gonna have an aneurysm. In an odd way it makes sense to me. I mean, Minnesota is populated with just about the dang nicest people you could ever imagine ( I mean that - not being sarcastic here...) why wouldn't the guy who played Stuart Smalley run for Senate.
Brock and I had a yard sale last weekend and a bunch of Nigerians bought most of my shoes......ok, that's just plain weird. WEIRD !
So, those are my WTF moments for the week.
If you've had any WTF moments recently - by all means - please shoot me an email and let me know.
In completely unrelated news.....I have to tell all of you that I , in fact, have the MOST WONDERFUL HUSBAND ON THE PLANET !
Why is that you ask ?
'Cause this would be a GIGANTIC VAT OF HOMEMADE SALSA !
That's why.
Al Franken is indeed running for the Senate in anyone really surprised?? This is the state that brought us Govenor Jesse "The Body" Ventura. He will in fact be MY senator if elected. You can go to for more info!
So, are you going to vote for him ?
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