The 2006 me thought we'd have a baby by now.
Foolish, foolish woman.
In case you were all wondering, number #17 on our beloved Sox is Hyde Park's own Manny Del Carmen. A.k.a MDC in these parts. I couldn't find a clear pic of MDC in his Sox uni with # 17 showing. So - here is MDC in his old PawSox uni.
How am I you ask ? Hmmm......to say this week has been a little nuts is a gross understatement.
I'll give y'all the bullets.
* We've gotten a disclosure and a P & S for a house.
* I've been negotiating a late close date for a stove.
* I've called three different home inspectors to get bids.
* I've called two real estate attorneys.
* I've spoken with Buffy 241,899 times this week.
* One of my clients has a rash.
* One of my clients got suspended from his job @ S & S.
* One of my clients has a stress fracture in her foot.
* My hamper is overflowing.
* My sink is overflowing with dirty dishes.
* I need to vacuum.
* My car needs an oil change.
Ask me what The Mister has done all week.
I'm gonna venture a guess that if you, dear reader, are the wife part of the relationship equation I probably don't need to answer that question.
We've all been there and have the T shirt.
I've had to keep my shit together all week and it has been a chore.
Right now I am listening to The Grateful Dead and drinking rum & coke.
For some reason The Dead have sort of a meditative effect on me.
Rum helps too.
Tune in tomorrow, I think y'all will love RMF. It's a doozy.
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