30 October 2008

Retro Music Friday - A Day Early.

Since I will be away from my regularly scheduled blog tomorrow I did not want you guys to have to wait for RMF.

So - here goes.

This is the theme song from The Jeffersons.

And since we are moving the hell out of this dump tomorrow I thought it was appropriate.



28 October 2008

Moving Sucks.

This is about the size of things around here lately.
I cannot wait for this to be over.
Pray for our souls.

24 October 2008

Retro Music Friday.

Yes kids, it is the THE FINAL COUNTDOWN around here. We move one week from today. And believe you me we are counting down the days.
I am sooooo tired of my life being in complete upheaval. There are boxes everywhere......everywhere.

In addition to this, Jen showed me the second video this week at work. I don't feel that I can really do justice describing it to you, so you'll just have to watch it for yourselves.
Although I will say that I can really appreciate the conviction with which this young man performs.
Jen, Karina and I cracked up watching this the other day. Chris however, well, lets just say he's a tough crowd. I think I heard crickets.

This is Europe - Swede Glam Rock. Kinda sound like an oxymoron, doesn't it?
This song was from 1986. I was 10 and in the 5th grade.


22 October 2008

Offer Me Solutions, Offer Me Alternatives, And I Decline.

Let's all take a deep cleansing breath.

In through the nose and out through the mouth.

Ok, one more time.

In through the nose and out through the mouth.

There.....everyone feeling better now ?

Feeling more centered now ?

No ?

Ok, let us all watch an REM video.

Have I told you guys that I love REM ? Not recently ? OK, well I guess we won't go into now.

Anyone remember The Sheetcake Incident ? Yes, well if I had to write a book about my job this chapter would be called " Return Of The Sheet Cake. My Clients Strike Back "

My two clients ( one of whom I am only owning temporarily ) were bound and determined to get another fucking full fucking sheet cake for 15 people. I had this discussion with both of them two weeks ago about how a FULL FUCKING SHEET CAKE was way too much cake for 15 people. I ordered a lovely 1/4 sheet cake with them TWO WEEKS AGO.

Problem solved.

Or so I thought.

I went into their apartment today and what to my wondering eyes should appear.....A FULL SHEET CAKE !

I could not believe my eyes. I thought I was going to have a full on stroke right there on the kitchen floor.

It gets better ( doesn't it always ? ), the cake had been sitting out in their kitchen since last Saturday.

Oh yeah - so it's gonna be good and skanky by this Saturday.

(I could give a rat's ass....I'm not gonna be the one eating that cake. )

What to do you ask ?


I give up.

I threw my hands in the air and gave them the big 'ol Whatever.

I think Darrell would call this surrender. I call it picking my battles.

Oh yeah, and my boss and I met with another one of my clients this afternoon and, in the span of one hour, I heard every curse word I knew and some I didn't. Which sort of impressed me, 'cause you know I consider myself pretty a cosmopolitan gal well versed in the art of cursing.

Then when I got home I ran into Al in the driveway who asked me if he could come by and show the apartment in the next 15 minutes. I could barely eek out a response as my head was still spinning from the curse-fest of the last hour.

And...and I got hit on at Dunkin Donuts this morning. I'm not kidding. Homeboy was damn lucky that it was only 9AM and it was still too early for me to be pissed off with the world yet.

Thanks for letting me vent. I needed that.

For being so understanding please enjoy this laugh on me. Brock and I were rolling watching this.

Say Hi to your Mother for me.



21 October 2008

I ( Heart ) Mark Walhberg.

It all started with the SNL skit entitled Mark Walhberg Talks To Animals. I'm not exactly sure where the inspiration for this particular skit came from. I think it's just sort of a riff on Mark's speech pattern.

Brock cracks up everytime he says " Say Hi to your mother for me. "

I guess Mark didn't find this skit too funny. Here he is on Jimmy Kimmel expressing his displeasure.

Either Mark is a really good sport or he was in on the joke from the beginning. I'm not sure which. I'm glad they made up though. ;-)

I wouldn't want to be on Mark Wahlberg's shit list - No Sirree Bob.

Although if I were ever in a fight or had to " thrown down " with someone(s) I certainly want Mark having my back.

Wouldn't you ?



20 October 2008

That Was Unfortunate.

OK, there really is no free furniture for us.
The Sox bit it last night against the Rays.


I could go on more of a rant today, but I'm ill and just not feeling it.

Be good.


17 October 2008

Retro Music Friday.

Freak Out ? Me ?

Ok, yes. I'm FREAKING OUT over here.
We close on our house two weeks from today.
I could very well lose my mind ( or what is left of it ) before then.

You might just find me sitting in the middle of my living room floor ( which is stacked to the ceiling with boxes, btw), rocking back and forth, blathering incoherently and maybe, just maybe, drooling a little bit too.

I had a little bit of a meltdown on Buffy the other day. She did her best, in the most soothing former beauty queen voice she could muster, to tell be to knock it the fuck off.

Why the freaking out you ask ?
I'm deathly afraid that it will all fall apart.
That for some reason we will not close on this house.
That I will be sitting here, two weeks from now, blogging about how I now have to unpack all of these boxes.

The little part of me that can occasionally be rational knows that it will all be OK.
But really, I don't think I'll be totally OK until they hand me the keys at the close.

So, if between now and then any of you see and/or talk to me and I appear to be losing my mind, just smack me around like a red-headed stepchild.
I will thank you for it eventually.

This is Le Freak by Chic. I believe this song was from 1978. I was two.



15 October 2008


OK - I was wrong.
The Sox have one more chance to blow it tomorrow at Fenway.
I thought the ALCS was the best of 5 games.
It has been brought to my attention that it is the best of 7.

My bad.

Oh For Crap's Sake !!!!!

Well, I guess there is going to be no free furniture for us.
The Sox got smacked around like a rented mule by the RAYS !


THE RAYS !!!???



GGGGGRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In happier news, The Mister finally came home yesterday.
Please excuse me if I walk a little funny today.

How was his marathon time you ask ?
5:53 - Six minutes better than his Disney Marathon time.


P.S. Hey Karina......I know someone who has a wee crush on you.

11 October 2008

Yet More Fun With The Scanner.

Remember when I told you guys that I really did love my sister and that there were really cute pics of us ?
I wasn't lying.
Here they are;

The back of this pic is dated Spring 1979.
I was 3 and my sister looks
roughly 6 months old.
I remember asking my mom frequently
if I could sleep with her in my bed when she
was a baby.
Mom always said no.
( insert big frowny face here )
This pic is dated November 1979.
I was 3 1/2 and my sister was almost 1.
Can you feel the love in this pic ?
I can.
Brock is running the Chicago marathon tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for him !
I'll post updates on the race tomorrow.

10 October 2008

Retro Music Friday.

This is Dyslexic Heart by Paul Westerberg. As is the case with most RMF's I had forgotten how much I like this song until I came across it via my online music service.

Paul Westerberg was in a really influential 80's new wave / alternative band called The Replacements. You can read more about him and them HERE.

This song was on the soundtrack to the movie Singles. Which I had also forgotten how much I liked it until I heard this song the other day.

I remember having a wee crush on Campbell Scott at the time Singles was released. Again with the tall, dark and handsome....I know. I KNOW !

BTW, the song and the movie are from 1992. I was 16 and a Sophmore in High School.




P.S. Would you believe I misspelled Dyslexic ? HA HA HA ! IRONY !!!

09 October 2008


OK, so I have this client that I particularly enjoy.
She is the bright, shining light on my caseload.
She is a joy and a delight.
As a matter of fact, everyone enjoys this particular client.
Well, everyone except one person and really that just BLOWS MY MIND.

I'm all like, " Dude, for real ? How could you not LOVE her !?"
Whatever.......her loss.

I took this particular client out shopping after a Dr. appointment today. Her ( bamboo ) purse handle had broken on Tuesday and she needed a new handbag. I could not let her walk around with that lame excuse for a purse for one more day.
So it was off to Marshall's we go.

Now I should preface this by saying that this client rehashes conversations to herself. Aloud and in public.
Only these conversations are imaginary and exist only in her head.
They're not conversations that have actually happened.
Sounds crazy, I know. It is actually really kind of cute and endearing.

I've tried to make this client a little more decisive as I've worked with her. In the past she would not have an opinion on anything. At all. Ever.
Now....my God. She's actually deciding what she wants to have for dinner at the pizza shop.
I know this may sound insignificant to you guys, but believe me when I say this is MAJOR PROGRESS.

At any rate. As I was saying, we went to Marshall's this afternoon.
I told her that she needed to find the handbags in the store and pick one out.
Meaning that I wanted her to walk to the display of handbags and that I would follow her.
This resulted in us standing in the front of Marshall's with her staring blankly at me for about two minutes.
Clearly she does not feel comfortable with me following her.
I know...more progress is yet to be made.

After I decided that I was tired of standing in the front of Marshall's I decided to walk and sure enough, she began to shuffle along behind me.

Then the imaginary conversation to herself started.
Now bear in mind, she not actually talking to me. I realize that it may appear rude to those not familiar that I do not engage her when she is yammering on and on like that.
These little conversations she has are more of a self soothing tactic on her part.
So I just let her talk.

Is it bizarre that I completely disregard ( not in a bad way ) people shuffling along behind me talking to themselves about things that have never actually happened ?
Have I been living in the monkey house too long ?

I digress.

This was the imaginary conversation this afternoon.

" My mother was really upset that my purse handle broke. And then I told my mom that it broke on the hayride and that M---( my boss ) broke it and my mom was really upset and I said it's ok mom, it's only a purse and I can buy a new one with Bunny at the store Marshall's and mom was still upset and I said it's ok mom, you'll just have to let it go......"

Have to let it go?
I thought my ears were playing tricks on me.
I'm all like, did she just say " let it go.." ?

Then it dawned on me.

I say " let it go" all the time.

Holy Crap.
She's repeating what I say.
And it's pretty damn funny.
I had to call someone and tell them what just happened.

She did get a new purse. And it is really quite fashionable.


06 October 2008

Doing What I Do Best.

So as you've all seen from the last post Brock and I got matching tats on Saturday.
For the most part we've received thumbs up from everyone regarding our tats.

However - if you all remember - I have parents.
And they are thoroughly unimpressed with our matching tattoos.
Especially my Dad.

My Mom has taken the if-I-block-it-out-it-hasn't-really-happened approach to our new body art.
My Dad first tried to get me to admit that I was kidding - the photographic evidence clearly shows that I am not......( they have NO IDEA that this blog exists - they've been tortured enough....poor things )
Then he gave me the sigh followed by the I-can't really-believe-what-I'm-hearing groan.

Neither one of them can quite wrap their heads around it.

I have no earthly idea why they could possibly be shocked by my behavior.
I've never prescribed to the rules they seem to think that I should play by.
I buy organic vegetables and listen to NPR, remember ?
Sometimes I think even they think I'm adopted.........

I many moons ago used to have purple hair.
No really, I did.
I used to also have piercings waaayyy up on my ears.

If you look closely at the tat pics you'll see that I got the purple put back in my hair - but I only did half of my head - so I guess you could say this is me being conservative.

So I will continue to do what it is I do best.
What is that you ask ?
Be myself.
Flying by the seat of my pants and having a blast doing it.


05 October 2008

Ten Years & Tats.

Just in case some of you thought that I only talked the talk.
I also walk the walk.
I really did get a tattoo.
Here is the photographic evidence.

BTW, this is Tom.
As far as tattoo artists go he was awesome.
And no, it did not hurt all that much.
It mostly felt like a really prolonged bee sting.

I really don't have a double chin.
I had to look down for my tattoo.

The finished product.

Brock getting his tat done.

Finished product.

Why tats you ask ?
As I’m sure is the case with any married couple, you take a certain amount of pride in the length of time that you’ve been married.
Being married certainly is not easy at times.
Those of you who really know us know that we’ve had some insanely difficult times.
We’ve been handed more crap in ten years than most people are handed in a lifetime.
I’ve often told Brock that I feel like we’re in a life raft in the middle of a stormy ocean with only each other.
I’ve got one paddle and he’s got the other.
We’re really quite proud that we’ve been married this long.
A nice dinner out wouldn’t have covered the depth of emotion here.
That’s why the tats.
Now back to my regularly scheduled nonsense.
We went out Friday night and saw Craig Ferguson at the Wilbur Theatre.
He’s funny as hell.
I believe the show we were at is eventually going to be a Comedy Central Special, so watch for it. We also had dinner at Myers & Chang. Yum.
Although the waiter decided to act like a little bitch at the end.
Whatever dude.

Brock also scared some ( I think ) Italian tourists in an elevator Friday night.
Yeah, I know.
They were scared of Brock……
I think they thought he was going to mug them.
And the tattoo guy apologized to Brock for tucking paper towel in the back of my shirt yesterday. He ( the tattoo guy ) explained that he wasn’t hitting on me.
Does Brock look menacing ?
I tease him that he looks like a thug....but I'm only teasing.
If anyone have thoughts as to why people seem to be intimidated by Brock I'd love to hear them.
Have a wonderful day.

04 October 2008


I’ve been married to Brock for ten years today.

He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and he knows it.
I can’t imagine my life without him.
He is my compass, my anchor and my best friend.
He knows when to push me and when to back off.
When to laugh with me ( or sometimes at me ) and when I need a hug.

He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman that ever walked the earth.

I can be insanely difficult to be married to, but somehow he makes it look easy.

I’ve been married to this man for ten years, and they’ve been the ten best years of my life.

I love you Baby.


03 October 2008

Retro Music Friday.

This was our wedding song.

No further explanation needed.

Have a great day.



01 October 2008

Countdown To 10. Chapter Three.

I am very, very tired this evening. So please forgive me if this post lacks that journalistic punch you may have come looking for here today. And I'm really truly sorry this is a few days late.

Chapter 3. The Planter's Cheeseball Incident.

As I have written previously I went home with Brock for spring break the first year we met. I remember eating Planter's Cheeseballs in the car on the ride there. ( I don't know if they even still make these, do they ? I'm not up on my orange, fake cheese snackfoods these days for previously stated reasons. i.e. I don't eat dairy foods.)

Brock had to take the front seats out of his car to run wire for new speakers ( yeah, I know..in an Escort ? ) and lo and behold, under the passenger seat were 450,000 stale Planter's Cheeseballs in varying degrees of smashed-ness. He recalls being really perturbed with me that he had to clean up my cheeseball mess and I was 927 miles away. He claims that I not only spilled the chesseballs, but that in fact also mashed them into the carpet on purpose.

You know, I really don't remember spilling the cheeseballs. I really don't. And really, I think I lack the deviousness to smash cheeseballs into the carpet ( of an Escort ) with Brock sitting right next to me for 1000+ miles.

I remember him calling me, not to whisper sweet nothings, but to complain to me about cleaning up my cheeseball mess ( in the Escort ).
He's said that he and his Dad were like a couple of CSI detectives upon the removal of the seats.
They're all like " What the hell is all this....??"
And then suddenly Brock recalls The Cheeseballs.
And then he said " EVIL,EVIL WOMAN ! "

However, he was unable to stay angry with me for too long.

I asked Brock to recall this incident while I was typing this and he said
" Yeah, thanks babe. It wasn't enough that I had a cheesy car, I had to have cheese smashed into the carpet of my cheesy car. Yeah, thanks. Now I'm gonna have an axe to grind for two days. "

As I have written previously Brock and I had many difficult times early in our marriage and there are, unfortunately, not too many funny stories from this time.

However, I feel that I should also throw in a little T&T (Todd & Therese ) story here.
Therese met Todd right around the same time that I met Brock.
Todd lived downstairs from Therese and I - Brock lived on the other side of campus.
Therese and I used to get home from class around the same time everyday.
I don't recall Todd's class schedule...however I do recall that he worked out quite a bit.
I always knew when Todd returned from a workout as Trix nearly lost her mind at about 4 pm everyday.
Trix used to beckon me to her room ( her window overlooked the front steps of the building),where I always found her crouched down in the corner of the window, peeking out from the drapes as not to be seen.
Then she would whisper to me;

" Hey girl, shhh...shhhh.....come here....look !! Look ! It's HOT BOD TODD !! "

Gotta give Trix mad props, she decided that was the man for her and she went after him.
At the risk of being cliche...YOU GO GIRL !
