18 October 2007

Sheet Cakes, Felons and Intestines Aflame.

As you have probably gathered from the title of the post, my day has not been pretty.
Although my day did not start out horrendously. It was actually pretty good until about 4:30 this afternoon.

Here we go, bullet style;

* I have a client " D " who ordered a birthday cake from the grocery store bakery for her sister-in-law. No Biggie, right ?
" D " ordered A FULL SHEET CAKE ! Do you know how big A FULL SHEET CAKE is ? It's flippin' huge ! Its enough cake for at least 75 people. I asked " D" how many people are coming over to her house for this party and she said " 30 ". I do not believe this for one minute, not one. In fact, it is right up there with someone trying to sell me some magic beans.
This gets even better......I found out way after the fact that THE PARTY ISN'T UNTIL NEXT WEEKEND !!!!! ( they were just planning ahead )
Are y'all thinking what I'm thinking.....Mmmm Hmmm...the cake will surely be bad by next weekend. I, and the other case manager involved, had to find a temporary home for the cake until next weekend.
So here I am, sitting in a parking lot, calling group homes to find out who has a deep freezer.
I did find a home for it and it is going there tomorrow.

* I have another client " H " who has found herself in quite a pickle. Quite a few pickles actually.
An ex boyfriend bought a $6000 plasma TV under her name and she's been getting called by collection agencies.
Her jail bird boyfriend is getting paroled on Monday and is coming to STAY AT HER HOUSE !
She has a stalker at her new job. Yep, she's been at her job for three weeks and some creep has attached himself to her. She told me that he brings her roses every day and wants to marry her.
Oy Vey.

* I have been having some gastro-intestinal issues for about 5 days or so. It has really been causing me quite a bit of discomfort.......I will spare you the details.
I finally got to see the Dr. today. She thinks I may have picked up some sort of intestinal bug that is causing my intestines and...ahem...colon to become inflamed. I have to be on a bland diet for the next few days in order to let my poor intestines heal. If it does not take care of itself I may need to go in for more tests. Again, I will spare you the details.
I always found it to be a little pretentious when other bloggers request prayer for different things. I mean, who are they to presume on their readers ? I always thought that I would never do that...but....I am requesting prayer for my intestines. Please pray that they heal quickly so I won't have to go for more tests.


In other news; Joe Torre told the Yankees to bite him.
Good for you Joe ! Despite my complete and total hatred for the Yankees, Joe Torre is not a bad coach. He can only do so much with the over paid pretty boys that seem to be populating the Yankee locker room these days.

The Sox are Do Or Die tonight in Cleveland. I hope they can bail out this sinking ship.


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