16 October 2007

Deep Thoughts With Darrell.

Ok, so you guys remember this post...this is sort of a continuation or perhaps an addendum to that post.

Last week I told Darrell ( y'all remember Darrell right ? bliss / zen, blah blah yeah ok moving on ) that he, unbeknownst to him, helped me work though some of the feelings that I was unsure what to do with. Although he said that he really did nothing, it was just me utilizing a higher form of consciousness.
We did not have the opportunity to discuss too much in depth last week. However, we did manage to catch up this week and we ended up talking for over an hour.
Seriously, we were so engrossed in conversation that time just slipped away.
But anyway, we covered some major points about enlightenment. Way too much for me to try to summarize here.

I was really trying very hard to absorb what he was saying. I tend to be a very concrete thinker and Darrell, we lets just say that he is not a very concrete thinker. I had to work very hard to put my brain in a place to get what he was laying down. It was some deep stuff man.
Basically, in a nutshell, I have to be more willing to let stuff go and quiet the mind.
Not an easy feat for me by any means. But I am willing to give it a try.
More to come. Stay tuned.


In other news, as I said in the previous post I was diggin' on some Eric Clapton. I decided to dig a little deeper and get some background on Mr. Clapton. Guess what ? Dude has some major issues. Talk about not being able to maintain a relationship.
I hope he's worked through his issues.
At any rate, aren't the most talented people a little damaged in some way ?
Click here for more info.


Lastly, I am adding onto my list of pet peeves. I HATE buttheads who don't stop for the people in the crosswalk. WTF ??!! I nearly got ran over going into CVS this afternoon by some middle-aged dude in a Camry.
I did the big what-the-hell-is-your-problem arm gesture then I gave him the bird. I totally felt like whipping my purse at him........jerk.
Not very zen-like of me, but then again I'm only human.

Luvs Ya !

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