30 July 2007

This Shirt Is Dry Clean Only...

which means its dirty !
For those of you not familiar, this is Mitch Hedberg.
He was a standup comedian and really freakin' funny.
The Mister and I saw him at a comedy club in St. Pete a few years ago.
Brock and Mike did not find him to be too funny.
But Paula and I laughed our asses off.
Mitch was truly an original and gone way too soon.
( He OD'd on my birthday, BASTARD ! )
At any rate, if you are not familiar with his work have a laugh on Bunny and

29 July 2007

Bunny Gets Her Kicks.

Most of you know me well enough to know that I tend to have these little obsessive kicks that I get on. They can be about food, stores, TV shows, actors, etc. I obsessively attach myself to something, beat it into the ground and move onto the next thing. The ADD thing really contributes to this aspect of my personality.
My latest kick is Classic Rock. I've been ( obsessively ) listening to the following;

Blue Oyster Cult
Steve Miller Band
The Allman Brothers
Led Zepplin
Thin Lizzy
Genesis ( not the I Can't Dance Genesis. The Follow You Follow Me Genesis )
and so on and so on.
You get the idea.

I ( partially ) have the Mister to blame for this. While BTM ( before the mister) I did enjoy me some classic rock, I only really got into it via him.
The same can be said for asparagus. BTM I would not have touched asparagus for love nor money. Now, I loves me some asparagus. Mmmmm.
Ah, the impact one person can have on your life.
One of these days I am going to be all Steve Miller-ed out and will be back to listening to Prince's Greatest Hits.

Until then Take The Money And Run !!!!!!!


25 July 2007

Meet My Stalker.

I love my cats, don't get me wrong, however, one of them is stalking me. Seriously. He follows me all over the house. He must be wherever I am at all times. If I am on the computer, he is sitting behind the monitor. If I am peeing, he must sit square in front of me and attempt to climb on my lap. If I am sitting on the couch, he is sitting on the arm of the couch. If I leave a room, he must follow.
If I am laying in bed, he will meow at the top of his lungs to be invited into bed with me. Yes, he will sit on the floor and meow until I pat the bed and make my kitty kissy noises. Only then will he grace me with his presence. Get this though, he'll only hop up into the bed if I peel back the blankets to expose the fitted sheet only. And once on the bed he'll continue to meow until he's decided that I've petted him enough, then and only then will he actually lay down.
And God forbid I go into a room and actually shut the door. Oh my heavens ! The trauma !
Sometimes he'll just wander into a room and meow for no apparent reason. I think he just likes to hear himself meow.
The Mister calls it Feline Degenerative Stupid
The Mister does not get stalked, that privilege is all mine
Here is the photographic evidence of the stalking.

On the bed, looking quite dejected that I am not petting him.
Outside the bedroom door. This pic was taken at 11pm ( I actually figured out how to turn the flash on ) before he was invited to get up in bed with me.

You thought I was kidding about sitting behind the computer monitor.

The little ears kill me.

I stalk because I love.

My name is Chabils.
That's right MoFo, Cha-blis.
Wanna make something of it ???
You wanna go ?
Didn't think so.
Those two pale, chubby assholes think they're in charge here.
HA !
I run shit around here. They just live here.
If I am not fed on command
there will be much retribution.

24 July 2007

The Gardens Of Golden Valley, a.k.a Steph and Tim's Little Slice Of Heaven

As I had mentioned in an earlier post, we went to Minnesota to see Steph, Tim and the kids at the end of June. We had a lovely time and, as I also mentioned before, they were very gracious hosts. I wanted to thank them for the lovely time they showed us, and for a while I was stumped for just the right way to say " Thanks ". It became very evident to us that Steph and Tim put a great deal of time and effort into their yard. I took some pics of their yard while they weren't home one afternoon and put them in a scrapbook for them to enjoy.
I've been waiting until they got the scrapbook I made before I posted any pics.
Here is a small sampling of pics I took.

I took the scrapbook to work before I mailed it.
My boss said she liked the " depth of field " in this pic.

This pic by far was everyone's favorite.
It is a Varigated Maple.


23 July 2007

Don't Judge Me...

My obsessive baby clothes shopping is the only thing keeping me sane right now. I have realized that we are in for a very,very long wait for this baby, so I've been slowing down on the shopping. I admit I was a little loony there in the beginning......that being said here are my latest purchases. BTW, most of these were purchased at consignment shops and were 50% off.
Can you blame me ??

I bought this at Cracker Barrel. I realize that there are heavy undertones of
white trash with clothing purchased at Cracker Barrel, but this was too freakin' cute and very appropriate given the situation.
Close up of the decal.

How delish is this bathing suit ?

Baby Gap jumper. I figure this could work for most any season depending on what you put underneath it.

This whole outfit was $2 !!!!!

This is a Talbots Kids dress. Remember, we buy anything with ladybugs on it.
I wouldn't be surprised if this outfit was $ 45 @ Talbots.
Drum roll please....I paid $ 4 for it.
And it is reversible ! Two dresses for $4 !!!!

I will never lose this child at the beach if she has this on.
It practically glows in the dark.

I thought this was adorable.

Close up of the detailing.
As I mentioned earlier, we are in for a very long wait for this baby. We are only probably less than a 1/4 of the way though the wait. Talk about having your patience tested !
In other news.....there are certain songs out there that, when played ( and perhaps sung along with by yours truly..) drive The Mister INSANE !!!!
There is one song in particular that drives him the most nuts of all.
Ever heard " All Cried Out " by Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam ? It is soooo deliciously cheesy I can't help but sing at the top of my lungs. I think I am the only person that loves this song, that would not surprise me at all.
I sang this song to Molly in the mall once and she commented that she understood why The Mister hates this song.
Maybe someday, if given enough alcohol, I will sing it to all of you.
Oh, and Copacabana also falls into the category.
Work finally got a bit better today. The suckiness ended at about 10:30 this morning. Although today definitely had elements of suck to it,yesterday was worse. Due to a seriously crappy, ( and I mean that literally ) day yesterday, topped with being overly sensitive to criticism by a co-worker, I proceeded to make a series of poor food choices that ,topped with alcohol, resulted in me hurling chocolate birthday cake at 10:45 last night.
Chocolate birthday cake you ask ? Whose birthday was it ??? No one. Ok, it was probably some one's birthday, just no one I know.
I asked The Mister to stop and pick up one of this shitty grocery store birthday cakes on his way home from work. I was so immersed in my own self pity yesterday I had chocolate cake and coke for dinner.
The Mister said " Why chocolate cake for dinner ?? "
I said " I'm 31, and I can "
So after I hurled cake at 10:45 last night and climbed back in bed he said
" Because you can, huh ?? "

21 July 2007

On Today's Episode Of Pimp My Grill..

Today on Pimp My Grill we find two 30-something, suburbia dwelling, self described food snobs and their busted-ass excuse for a grill.

Yes folks, the window is no longer attached to the front of the grill as the little screw/latches that held it have been obliterated into little piles of dust. ( mad props to The Mister for improvising with the foil..)

The once hunter green paint has peeled / melted off.

And although not visible from these pics, the surface grates are hanging on by a very thin thread.

The manufacturer that made the grill is no longer in business.

A little grill history......this particular grill was purchased in the summer of 1998 @ Sam's Club in Indianapolis, Indiana. It has moved from Indiana, to Florida, and finally onto Massachusetts.

Its been totally rebuilt, twice.

This grill has seen more abuse than a truck stop hooker.

Mmmmm..time for a new grill ?
Most likely.
Stay tuned.



Today's Post Is Brought To You By The Letters H,O And T.

Commence drooling ladies....I know I am.
This is Mike Lowell.
He plays 3rd base for my beloved Sox.

Me and Mr. Lowell.....we got a thing goin' on.

This pic is courtesy of People En Espanol Magazine.
Why People En Espanol you ask ?
Sr. Muy Guapo was born in Puerto Rico.
Although I don't really understand why, if he was born in Puerto Rico and also claims to be of Cuban decent, his last name is Lowell.
I'll have to keep working on that one.
And be still my beating heart....his wife is a chunky girl like myself.

Podria ser convencido a ser una chica muy mala para Sr. Lowell.




19 July 2007

Fuckity Fuck Fuck Fuck.

First, my friend Simon ( remember him ? ) has a little disclaimer for all of you.

Please click here.

Ok, secondly lets clear up some business. My buddy Walter has joined my little group of faithful readers. So lets all welcome Walter....." Hi Walter !!! "

Now......don't tell me I didn't warn you.

Much to my dismay I have been elected the Mayor of Shmuckville again today. What the hell have I done to deserve this ??!! Seriously dudes !! If you'll remember from yesterday's post I was verbally chastised for showing up early for an appointment with a client. I was mortified and embarrassed about the (very public and very uncalled for ) chastising and told my boss so this morning. I really tried to let the whole unfortunate experience go an move on but noooooo.

The party continued today....

Today the chastiser decided to tattle ( and really, that's the only way to describe this whole situation...a grown ass man tattling on me. WTF ! ) on me to my BOSS's BOSS. I got tattled on to the VICE PREZ OF THE COMPANY PEOPLE !!! The "tattler " thought I was trying to manipulate and barge my way into an appointment by showing up early.
Now that I've been tattled on to my boss's boss I now have a little " conference " with my boss today and re-explain the whole situation over again. Fuck.
Really, the " tattler " needs to get a life.
I just do not have the time or energy to put that much planning into fucking up this dude's day.
Bite me dude. Seriously, just bite me.

My boss was cool with the whole situation though, she too realizes that the " tattler " needs to get a life. I was not in any kind of hot water, but it still left me feeling like a major douche for the rest of the day.

Secondly.....drum roll please.......( hey Walt, you may want to excuse yourself at this point, we're going to be discussing " girly " things..)

My utterly-pointless -at -this- point -in -my -life period has shown up a full week early. I can't quite figure out why, if I am nearly out of eggs and do not ovulate, I am still plagued with this ?? I'm convinced that I am cursed and someone out there has a voodoo doll of me. It is nearing the end of times in the Rafferty house kids. I'm waiting for the swarm of locusts and for the seas to boil with blood. If I had to foresight to buy stock in Kotex when I was in High School I'd be a millionaire ! Cramps be damned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, enough about that. Lets move onto my beloved Sox. Ugh. Talk about an exercise in heartache and frustration. They've only won one game since the all star break. They are slowly blowing that nice, cushy lead they had in the AL East. At this point I think that Myself, Charo, Stephen Hawking and the Jackson 5 could play better ball than them. They.are.killing.me.

In some lighter news, my mother and my sister's MIL got table centerpieces for the bridal shower on Wednesday night. I was unable to participate in this little project but did manage to make it over to the house to see what they had picked out. My mother and the sis's MIL decided that 150,000 latex balloons attached to little weights would do very nicely thank you very much.......hehehehehe. Most of you know where I'm going with this one. In a very brief second, after whipping said balloons out the the bag, my mom then said " Fuck !!!" The 150,000 latex balloons have to go back to the store 'cause I would surely have gone into complete anaphalacitc shock right there at the bridal shower. My mother had completely forgot that I have a pretty serious latex allergy going on here. Now they have to rethink the whole table centerpiece thing. hehehehehehe..............

The Mister has gone golfing. He'll be gone for a few hours. He's no dummy.

I am really hoping that today gets better.



18 July 2007

Once, Twice, Three Times A Shmuck.......

Hello there !
This is Ms. Shmuck 2007 speaking. Yes folks. I have done many shmucky things today. However the shmuckiness did not start until after approx. 2PM. Do this make me a total shmuck or just a partial shmuck ? I'm not sure.
Today's shmuck moves included the following...

1. I walked into my boss's house unannounced. ( long story )
2. Was verbally chastised for being too early to a client's appointment. ( I know...makes no sense to me either ..)
3. Had a pretty moderate debacle with another person's client. ( major shmuck points here..)

:::::::sigh ::::::::

I had dinner with Molly and Joy tonight at Cracker Barrel. They assured me that I was not a total shmuck and not to worry about it. Then after we ate I put the rest of the biscuits and corn muffins in my purse " Sophia Style "

Moving on.....

This really pisses me off. Jerks like these have kids and we don't. The world it just not a fair place people. It is really not.

Your friend.

17 July 2007

I'm Bored.

As my friend Simon has explained, I have mildly sprained my ankle. I have been instructed by my Dr. not walk too much or put any excessive weight on it until Wednesday. So that means I am home today, trying not to walk too much or put any excessive weight on it. It also means that I am bored out of my flippin' mind.
Those of you who know me know that I have this mild ADD part of me that does not allow me to sit still for too long. This has been a chore.

What have I been up to you ask ? Why I Googled my own name to see what would pop up.
( I told ya I was bored ! ) FYI, if you Google your own name, be sure to put it in " quotes ".

This is what google came up with;

" Erica is a genus of over 700 species of flowering plants. "

" Erica craft and sewing center has one of the broadest selections of needlework supplies. "

" Erica is a fixture on TV sets across the country. "

" Erica features bright, whimsical, and cheerful illustrations. "

" Erica eliminates those barriers. "

" Erica is now in the running to take the lead role in the remake of Barbarella. "

I heard a rumor that The Mister is only working a half day today. God I hope so, I really need someone to talk to.

I did have some entertainment this morning. My cats were engaged in a pretty serious Kitty Fight Club session. I think I broke the Kitty Fight Club rules.....
" The first Kitty Fight Club rule is to never talk about Kitty Fight Club."

Let the boredem continue........:::::::sigh::::::::

The Cripple

16 July 2007

Substitute Blogger.

My friend Simon is filling in for me today. He can explain a bit more in regard to my absence.

15 July 2007

New Baby Stuff.

I was really only going to buy two things at Target today, I swear. However I am powerless to resist a clearance rack. I got a few good buys and here they are.

This was in the garden dept.
It caught my attention because it had a little Asian girl on the cover.
And what little girl doesn't need a pink kitty cat apron ?
A closer look at said child.

This blanket was on my registry. It is on clearance now,
so I guess it is not on my registry anymore.
I don't know if you can see it very well but there are lighter green polka dots
on it.

Baby beach hat.

FYI, ladybugs are the symbol of Chinese adoption.
Brock and I buy anything that has ladybugs on it.
Strange but true....when we were going through paperwork hell last summer
there was a ladybug that had decided to live in our house all summer long.
Just when we'd thought it had left it would turn up in some random place.

Brock bought this at Starbucks a few weeks ago.
Cute, no ?

We also went to the Sox game Friday night. We had not intended on going to the game as we had plans to see Molly ( Hi Molly ! ) at a bar to celebrate her birthday. As you can imagine it was butts to nuts in Kenmore Square on a game night. We ended up having dinner at Uburger.....( the best burgers ever !!!!) then decided to take a chance and see if we could score some tickets.
We got bleacher seats for $120 for two at a broker. The Sox lost, but we love Fenway park so all was not lost.
Afterwards we did meet up with Molly at the Cask N' Flagon. The Cask N' Flagon is a super popular bar right outside the park. I had a Cosmo...or so I thought. It was the most wretched drink I've ever had. I don't know what that was, but it was not a Cosmo. I took a sip of it and it burned my mouth and my throat as I drank it. Not just that mild " I'm having an
adult beverage " burn, it was uncomfortable and quite nasty. Ugh ! It was a $9 drink so I was not about to just abandon it. I drank the whole thing ( big mistake ) after watering it down with the melted ice cubes from Brock T & T. Bletch !
We left the Cask after that and headed for the subway ( big mistake #2 ). It was also butts to nuts in the subway and hotter than hell. Then I started to feel very, very nauseous. But I persevered and made it to the shuttle stop to catch the bus. While waiting for the bus I seriously felt like I was going to blow chunks. My loving spouse said to me...." If you're gonna hurl go stand over by the trash can." He's so nice...." go stand over by the trash can..." Thanks hon.
Anyway, now the shuttle bus shows up and 600 people jam into it. I cannot stomach the thought of getting on that hot, crowded bus so I decided we had to wait for the next one. Of course all this time I'm sitting on a bench with my head between my knees.
Bus # 2 shows and we climb on. Little did I know we were in for the longest ride in the world back to our car. Now mind you my buzz from the drink has worn off, but I still feel like hurling. I sat next to Brock on the bus was looking for the best place to run to if I blow.
Kay, no place on the bus to blow. What to do now you ask ? I emptied my purse and had The Mister hold its contents wrapped in a shirt he bought.
While I'm emptying my purse Brock says to me " Are you serious ? " He was mildly perturbed that he was holding all of my purse contents in his lap. I have a feeling that he would have been even more perturbed if I yakked all over him.
At any rate, I made it home without yakking. However I felt like total crap the whole next day.
I took some Gavescon and began to feel a bit better later in the day.
Brock and I concluded that there was something wrong with that so-called " Cosmo " and that it probably had grain alcohol or something in it. It could have been toilet bowl cleaner, who the hell knows.
So, I'm off to swim in the 'rents pool. Hope y'all are having a nice day.
Gotta Bounce.

13 July 2007

Finding Porno In Your Everyday Life.

Brock and I went to Stop & Shop last week to buy vegetables to make a salad. As usual Brock and I split up in the store and I proceeded in the general direction of the cucumbers. I was going to buy a regular cucumber, but they were really rather sad and pathetic looking. Then the english cukes grabbed my attention as they were on sale. I looked a little closer and saw the most massive, obscene cucumber I've ever seen in my life. I thought for a second " Jesus, I don't need a cucumber that big. " Then I quickly saw the comedic value in this. Then I thought " Yes, I really do need a cuke that big. ". So I put it in my cart.
After some time Brock caught up with me and looked in the cart. The look on his face was PRICELESS ! Of course I laughed my ass off! Then the 12 year old boy in Brock came out and he was doing really obscene things with the obscenely large cucumber.
How big of a cucumber are we talking about ? Look for yourselves. I put some objects next to it to give you a frame of reference.

An ordinary, average playing card.

My shoe. I wear a size 9 FYI.

The playing card again.
My mother called while I was taking the above pictures. I put the camera down to answer the phone and our conversation started like this....
Me: Hello
My Mother: Hi. What are you doing ?
Me: Taking pictures of a cucumber.
MM: You have too much time on your hands.........

This is by no means the largest vegetable we've had in the house lately. I bought green leaf lettuce at the farmers market last week and we've not been able to make a dent in it. It is HUGE !

Like Brock and I always say...Go Big or Go Home.



11 July 2007

Bunny Feels Like A Butterfly...

because I feel like I've finally come out of my cocoon. And it only took 31 years.
Its a long story, but lets just say that in the past three years I've shed other's notions of what and who I should be and began to discover who I am.
I've begun to drink a little bit more. Whereas before I rarely drank. I know this may seen insignificant to some, but for me this is HUGE.
(Brock is a little peeved about this because now he has to be the designated driver. Well guess what ? I was the designated driver for YEARS. Time to pay the piper mister! )
I've also decided to go to Rhode Island School Of Design. I'm going to sign up for the CE classes in the fall.
I've always wanted to go to RISD, however I was not able to attend right from HS.
Now the ball is in my court and gosh darn it....I'm going.
And lastly, I no longer give a crap about what others think of me. Ok, I never really gave a crap about what people thought of me. I just give less of a crap now.
Although there is part of me that wonders if this is all a normal part of becoming "over 30" ?
Anyone have any thoughts on this ?
So goes the evolution of Bunny.
Luv Ya !

07 July 2007

Gotta Love PhotoShop !!

Hilarity always ensues with PhotoShop.
For example...here.
And here.
Yeah, The Mister and I laughed our butts off too.
Speaking of The Mister...last night we had dinner with Molly at Sophia's Grotto in Roslindale.
( FYI, Roslindale is a section of Boston. The locals call it Rozzi )
The ambiance is fantastic as most of its dining space is al fresco.
Unfortunately The Mister and I aren't able to dine al fresco at home as our back porch is on the verge of falling down. If the wind blows hard enough you can hear the supports creak.
I swear one of these days it is going to fall down.
We've decided that it is OK with us if it falls down, as then our landlord will have to buy us a new grill and patio set.
There is a method to our madness after all.

06 July 2007

A Mishmash Of Sorts...

I found this website that will read your website or blog and pull out random words.
You could put them on a t-shirt if you like, but I chose to post it to my blog.
Pretty cool, no?
P.S.: Can someone explain to me how the hell this happens ????

04 July 2007

Me and Mr. Lowell, we got a thing goin' on.......

The Spanks are now twelve games back in the AL East.

This makes Bunny one happy, happy lady.

And Mike Lowell is hot with a capital H.

Lets just leave it at that.

I have a few random thoughts / facts for today.

1. I've always wanted Brock to stand outside, holding up a radio, playing " In your eyes " by Peter Gabriel. You know, like Lloyd Dobbler / John Cusack in Say Anything.
However thus far (its been 12 years now) he has refused to do this.
When I ask him why he has refused to do this for me he usually just walks away from me muttering that " I've lost my fucking mind ".

2. I love Cheetos. I am depressed that I can no longer partake of the Cheeto as I am allergic to dairy. Damn you fake,orange cheese !!!!!!

3. My cousin Emma does not like Bjork.
That's all I have for today.
Luv ya !

Can You Dig ?

I've heard that Sly Stone is planning a comeback. Does this make anyone else as excited as it does me ? I'm gonna say probably not. Unfortunately my penchant for old school music leaves me standing alone sometimes.
I've always dug Sly and The Family Stone.
My favorite song was ( and still is ) " If You Want Me To Stay ".
If you've put Sly behind you, or if you are just not familiar with his music, I urge you to revisit it. You will not be disappointed.


03 July 2007

Crush Redux.

I feel badly that I have neglected my friend Therese in the previous " Crush " posts.
So Thesere, here is a photo homage of Joaquin Phoenix.
Just for you.
BTW Trix, I cannot say I disagree with you on this one. I may have to put him on my list also.
The next time we are in NYC we may have to go " Joaquin hunting" in SoHo.

You are totally welcome !



02 July 2007