18 July 2007

Once, Twice, Three Times A Shmuck.......

Hello there !
This is Ms. Shmuck 2007 speaking. Yes folks. I have done many shmucky things today. However the shmuckiness did not start until after approx. 2PM. Do this make me a total shmuck or just a partial shmuck ? I'm not sure.
Today's shmuck moves included the following...

1. I walked into my boss's house unannounced. ( long story )
2. Was verbally chastised for being too early to a client's appointment. ( I know...makes no sense to me either ..)
3. Had a pretty moderate debacle with another person's client. ( major shmuck points here..)

:::::::sigh ::::::::

I had dinner with Molly and Joy tonight at Cracker Barrel. They assured me that I was not a total shmuck and not to worry about it. Then after we ate I put the rest of the biscuits and corn muffins in my purse " Sophia Style "

Moving on.....

This really pisses me off. Jerks like these have kids and we don't. The world it just not a fair place people. It is really not.

Your friend.

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