25 April 2009

Retro Music Friday.

I was looking for a source of inspiration for today's RMF....and although I truly hate to benefit at the loss of others.......

So, it looks like Bea Arthur passed away. I guess kinda like the Beatles there are only two people at the four-top left now. Which, if you think about a Beatles / Golden Girls comparison it kinda makes sense.......

Let me break it down for you;

Sophia = Lennon ( everyone's favorite )

Dorothy = Harrison ( not the star, but still an important part..)

Blanche = McCartney ( the cute / slutty one...)

Rose = Ringo ( the loveable goofball )

So, RIP Bea.....we hardly knew ye.

At any rate, too nice outside to be sitting here talking to you people and besides Sox/ Yankees are on FOX........catch ya later ! =)



21 April 2009

I'm Still Alive Over Here.

I decided that I would let The Mister make the decision as to whether or not to get this b-day gift early.

And after he'd tortured himself for two full days wondering what I had been up to with " K " he decided that he just. couldn't. wait. any. longer.

I had anticipated a more immediate and intense reaction upon his first view of the pictures.
The Mister doesn't speak needlessly, but he's never at a loss for words.

As he ( very slowly ) flipped the pages he said something to the effect of;

" I feel like if I make any sort of comment it just wouldn't be the right words. "

He did start and abruptly stop a lot of sentences though. And he did more than his fair share of giggling like a little school girl.

I think he's looked at the pictures at least 157 times in a 24 hour period.

He's so cute.
Precious even.


19 April 2009

Retro Music Friday.

I should probably just start calling these posts " Retro Music Friday -When I Can Get My Ass In Gear. " I'm really going to try to start a regular Friday posting routine again. It seems as of late that my Fridays have been a wee bit on the insanely busy side........

Ok, moving on........The Mister's birthday is this week and as I have stated previously I am through buying him material possessions for his birthday. Unlike a lot of men out there my Mister has no issue going shopping for himself when the mood strikes him. I only rarely make an attempt at buying him clothing....never do I attempt sporting goods or the like. At any rate, I started scratching my head about this year's birthday experience about three months ago. And then as it does, genius struck......

I'm sure those of you that know me ( Therese.....nothing I do shocks her anymore. My eyeballs could lite themselves on fire, spring from my skull and roll down the street and she may feign mild disbelief) will not be shocked at all by this, but....I had " boudoir " photos taken of myself a few days ago. And in case I need to be more specific;

Boudoir Photos = Nude Pictures. ( Ok, maybe not totally nude...I was wearing earrings and shoes in some of the pics...)

Oh yes I did. And they came out awesome ! I've been looking at the proofs all weekend and I still can't quite believe that is me in the pictures !

I went with one of my coworkers to the photography session as the photographer was a friend of hers. His website is HERE. ( And upon further investigation I found out that he used to work at French Vogue. Tell me my inner SITC geek wasn't all a twitter when I found that out ! ) I could not have pulled this off without her, so mad love for " K ". I knew she's be totally cool with it and I was right. She did not even bat an eye at my disrobing. Not even a hiccup. In fact, she even went so far as to compliment my shape. " K "'s definition of what constitutes beauty in the feminine form is not at all in line with current trends and I so dig that about her.

I have to say though that once you've had one of your coworkers dust your naked ass with Victoria's Secret Heavenly Angels glitter powder that relationship moves on to a whole new level of intimacy.

I will not be posting any of these pics on here....they are property of The Mister.

This is " K " and I. Tell me we don't look like some sexed up, nymphette version of Laverne and Shirley.

So for this week here is Centerfold by The J. Geils Band. I felt it was appropriate given the events of this weekend. " K " did feel that I could have submitted some of the pics to Playboy. I won't go that far...but they are damn good. Although I've always told The Mister if Playboy finally does the " Heavy Honeys " issue I'm all over it.

1982 - I was 6. And FYI, it is a common misconception that the lead singer of the J. Geils band was J. Geils.....it is not. The lead singer is Peter Wolf.

I'm pretty sure that the only person seeing me naked when I was 6 was my mother. And speaking of my mother....she has NO IDEA that I have done this. As I have stated previously, my parents have been tortured enough and they have no clue that I have a blog ( I seriously doubt that they have any idea what a blog even is.....my dad spends all his online time looking for Catherine Bell in the buff and my mom quite fancies her computer games. ). Nor have I told my sister...because much like a catholic priest.....her ears are a direct line to God ( i.e. my mother ).

It's not long before Blogger slaps me with a Content Warning, is it ?????

And at the risk of becoming pathologically unoriginal I still think this THIS is hysterically funny.

So in summation...after seeing these pics one of us ( either me or The Mister ) may be dead by the end of the week.

Either he is going to drop dead of a massive coronary or he'll screw me to death.

If none of you hear from me by Thursday please notify the proper authorities.



12 April 2009

NAMA & My Replacement.

Ever heard of NAMA ??? Neither had I until today. What is NAMA you ask ? Why it's the North American Moron Association. And apparently they have a newsletter that I am not privy to. Further more this newsletter must have advised ALL the morons in North America to get behind the wheel of their cars TODAY. All of them. At the exact same time.

Unlike the rest of the free world I had to work today. My commute is a challenge on a good day, but throw in card-carrying members of NAMA all dressed in their Sunday best, piled 17 deep in a Windstar, trying to find Great-Aunt Ethel's house......and well, my normally challenging commute turns into well...........a flippin' nightmare.

I had to call Mumbles Mile and voice my frustration, which included a certain amount of four letter words.......thankfully Mumbles Mile is not easily offended.

Not sure if any of you other long term couples do this or if it's just us......OK, or if it's just me.

I have expressed my thoughts to The Mister on the next woman he should date and/or marry should I get creamed by a bus tomorrow. The Mister rolls his eyes and humors me as I'm sure you can all imagine.
The woman I have sort of based my replacement on is Bridget from The Girls Next Door. Now bear in mind I said " sort of " based. I've taken the salad bar approach to spouse shopping for him....you know...a little of this....a little of that.
I've seen TGND a few times....mostly to try to understand how an 80-something guy who looks like The Crypt Keeper continually dates women less than one-third his age.......I suppose " because he can " is the easy answer, second only to his really fat.....wallet.
Anyway, Bridget always seemed like a sweet and genuine girl. Not a snarky bone in her body ( unlike someone else we know....).
At some point this week The Mister had seen Bridget's new show on the Travel channel. And based on his verbalization earlier this evening I guess it's back to the drawing board for me.
Our conversation was rather one sided, but it went something like this;

TM: Hey, know that Playboy Bunny you keep telling me I need to marry....
Me: Yeah ?
TM: I watched that beach show the other night on the Travel Channel for a few minutes...
Me: And ?
TM: Oh My God.....she's an IDIOT!
Me: But.....
TM: Oh my God...could you have at least picked someone who would stimulate me intellectually ?
Me: But....
TM: I mean.....can I get someone who's outgoing, beautiful and smart ?
Me: But she's outgoing and smart......and she.....
TM: I'd rather beat myself senseless with a lead pipe than have to spend 10 minutes with her....
Me: But she seems.....
TM: Know what would be better than dating her ? Running full speed into a brick wall.
TM: I'd rather jerk off with a chain mail glove than listen to her mindless drivel.....
Me: But she...she...SHESEEMSSOSWEET !!!!


Like I said, back to the drawing board.


10 April 2009

Retro Music Friday.

Today's post was inspired by the friendly folks at PETA. Apparently they've requested that the Pet Shop Boys change their name to " The Rescue Shelter Boys." You can read more about it HERE.
I appreciate what the folks at PETA do, and I understand why they operate in such extreme measures.....but isn't there a Japanese whaling ship they can go after ? Perhaps somewhere there is a celebrity they can throw buckets of red paint on and call " MURDERER !!!!!"
I find it somewhat puzzling and highly amusing that they are aiming their guns on The Pet Shop Boys.

At any rate, I'm sure none of you will be shocked that I loves me some 80's Brit Synth Pop.
So today I'm giving y'all an 80's Brit Synth Pop three'fer.

Say what you will about this particular genre of music, but some of these song really stand the test of time. Or at least in my head they do.......... but then again there is a lot of shit that only makes sense in my head..........

This is West End Girls by The Pet Shop Boys. Please forgive me if I've already put this one up on a previous RMF. I love this song.......from what I can tell this song was released in Europe in 1984, but wasn't released in the States until 1986. I was 10.

Speaking of me being 10....I recently took apart all the picture boards from my Grandmother's wake and came across a picture with myself in it where I was 10. I had the MOST HORRENDOUS hair cut. UGH ! I was just this side of a full on Carol Brady shag / mullet.
But then again everyone looked horrid in the 80's, right ? Right ? Please tell me everyone looked horrid in the 80's........it wasn't just me, right ????

Here's Promises, Promises by Naked Eyes. I played hookie from work one day last week to go shopping at Old Navy. ( hey, wanna know who's in Old Navy at noon on a Monday ? Nobody. Well ok......me and a couple of SAHMs. Which, if you ask Dooce what SAHM means she'll tell you it means Sh!t A$$ Ho M0therfuc#er........but I digress)
They were playing this on the PA and I had forgotten how much I liked this song.
1983, I was 7.

File under " Throwing The Mister A Bone ", this is True Faith by New Order. The Mister loves New Order. By and large The Mister is not all that complex of a guy to figure out. But his fondness for New Order makes me scratch my head every single time.
1987 - The Mister was 11.

So there you have it.
Sorry this is a day late.


09 April 2009

Just Like Having A Pet Tiger.......

OK, so apparently Billy Bob Thornton gave a really bizarre interview on CBC.
I can't say I'm entirely shocked. Come on....this is Billy Bob Thornton we're talking about. He's Grade A BSC.
If I were the interviewer I would totally have expected this.

It's like those people who you occasionally see on Good Morning America or The Today Show....( who really watches The Early Show on CBS ??? ) They usually live in some trailer park in Tennessee or Arkansas or some other gravel pit town with a Wal-Mart. They have a FREAKIN" TIGER caged up in the back yard and then they act all shocked when Fluffy goes bananas and eats the four year old Grandson during a birthday party.
Can't you hear it now ( insert hick drawl here )....... " He was always such a nice pet, we dun had him since he was a cub..he usedta sleep in the bed with us until he got too big.....he's jus like a member of the family...."


Or as it applies to BBT;


The interview in its entirety can be found HERE.


P.S. If you guys have not seen Bad Santa please do yourselves a favor and put it on your NetFlicks Queue. You'll not be disappointed.

07 April 2009

A Truer Statement Has Never Been Uttered.

This evening, while discussing Ozzy Osbourne ( yep, we've got A LOT going on......), I had wondered aloud why Ozzy always had the same uniform, mostly consisting of of black sweatpants and a black T-shirt.

The Mister threw his two cents in...........

" Honey, Ozzy is the Prince of Darkness. You really can't expect him to be walking around in hot pink sweatpants. I mean, he's got an image to maintain. "

The Mister may not say much, but when he does speak that shit is profound.

As a quick aside here.......I've not felt much like blogging lately. Had a lot of stuff going on. I'll be regaling all of you with tales of the inane absurdity that is my life very, very soon.
