07 April 2009

A Truer Statement Has Never Been Uttered.

This evening, while discussing Ozzy Osbourne ( yep, we've got A LOT going on......), I had wondered aloud why Ozzy always had the same uniform, mostly consisting of of black sweatpants and a black T-shirt.

The Mister threw his two cents in...........

" Honey, Ozzy is the Prince of Darkness. You really can't expect him to be walking around in hot pink sweatpants. I mean, he's got an image to maintain. "

The Mister may not say much, but when he does speak that shit is profound.

As a quick aside here.......I've not felt much like blogging lately. Had a lot of stuff going on. I'll be regaling all of you with tales of the inane absurdity that is my life very, very soon.


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