25 April 2009

Retro Music Friday.

I was looking for a source of inspiration for today's RMF....and although I truly hate to benefit at the loss of others.......

So, it looks like Bea Arthur passed away. I guess kinda like the Beatles there are only two people at the four-top left now. Which, if you think about a Beatles / Golden Girls comparison it kinda makes sense.......

Let me break it down for you;

Sophia = Lennon ( everyone's favorite )

Dorothy = Harrison ( not the star, but still an important part..)

Blanche = McCartney ( the cute / slutty one...)

Rose = Ringo ( the loveable goofball )

So, RIP Bea.....we hardly knew ye.

At any rate, too nice outside to be sitting here talking to you people and besides Sox/ Yankees are on FOX........catch ya later ! =)



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