He still blows my hair back to this day.
He's a heck of a guy.
He cooks me the breakfast of my choosing every Saturday.
Like....whatever I request....BAM ! There it is on a plate.
And it's usually followed with " You want some juice honey ? "
I've told him that he really doesn't have to cook me breakfast every Saturday.
But he's shared with me that he actually likes cooking me breakfast.
I'm a spoiled brat, I know.
I've stopped telling people that he makes me breakfast every Saturday.
Nate said I was a little smug about it and people were starting to hate me.

What else ??
He's the only person who has made laugh so hard that I peed my pants ( just a drip ).
He's sent me flowers at work FOR NO REASON !
He thinks my idiosyncrasies are genuinely cute.
Like that time I was SO SICK of the potato masher getting stuck in the kitchen drawer I threw it out on the porch.
He actually laughed.
Or that time I tried to shut the screen in the guestroom window and I struggled with it for ten minutes before it finally fell two stories to the ground - and I then went outside to the backyard and picked up the screen, flung it across the yard like a Frisbee and flipped it off.
Yup, he laughed again.
For the record, my Mother would not find any of the aforementioned antics amusing.
I will also say that there is no other human on Earth who knows me like he does.
I cannot BS him.
At all.
Sometimes he's almost psychic.
Like earlier this evening.......
We'd gone to the Polish deli across town the other day. Needless to say with the endless variety of smoked meats and unidentifiable things wrapped in cabbage leaves ( I gave him a stern warning about a dutch oven ) The Mister was in heaven.
Polish smoked meat and cabbage wrapped heaven.
Me ?
I love the cookies. Bring me cookies from a far away land and I am in Nestle Nirvana.
Wanna know what else I love about this man ?
The fact that I can wander the aisles of the Polish deli and load up with numerous boxes of cookies and when the basket gets heavy I hand it over to him and he takes it.
No questions asked.
But anyways.....
I cracked open a box of Polish cookies earlier this evening and helped myself to one cookie.
Coconut and Caramel with shortbread.
Quite tasty, btw.
I remarked how tasty the cookie was to The Mister.
After a few minutes I wandered back into the kitchen as he was setting the coffee maker....
( yep, he sets the coffee maker every night too...... I'll just shut up now.....I'm sure you're all tasting vomit in the backs of your throats by now.....)
and this was my post-cookie remark greeting;
" Back for another cookie, huh ? "
I told y'all.......... HE KNOWS !
The 14th anniversary of our 1st date is next month.
1 comment:
Great photo of that guy in your blog.
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