I'd rather see Keith Foulke back. Hell, I rather see Bob from Bob's Discount Furniture pitch at this point.
Just last night for example, Sox down by 4 runs in the bottom of the 8th when they score 5 runs on shitty Angles pitching and errors in the field. This puts them up by one stinking run in the 9th.
By now TM and I are watching the last of the game in bed and they are about to pull Manny Delcarmen and I'm talking to the TV like Tito can hear me....
" Get Timlin up....just get Timlin up...please Tito..for the love of everything good on this earth JUST GET TIMLIN UP....."
To which TM says.." Timlin isn't warmed up. "
To which I responded with..
" Timlin could kill a Yak with his bare hands..he doesn't need to be warmed up.. "
And then... the call to the pen....and who appears...Eric Gag-me. ( this is what TM and I have been referring to him as...you know, we give all the sox players nicknames.)
And suddenly the Angels come back and score three runs to win it.
We did have our chance in the bottom of the 9th, but it got ugly fast when both Tito and Youk got tossed. (TM and I get all geeked out when people get tossed.)
I am holding Theo responsible for this. I like to think Theo is a smart guy, after all, he did go to Yale. However, he DOES NOT make good trades. I mean, fer chrissake Theo, why did we trade Gabbard ? And Arroyo ? And did we really need Renteria and Wiffy Mo Pena ? Noooooo.
So Theo, for the rest of the season I'd appreciate it if you'd just sit up there in your little luxury box with you hands neatly folded in your lap and please, please keep your cakehole shut.
Come to think of it...this is where my issue with George Bush lies. He was the GM of the Texas Rangers and now he is in the White House. A baseball GM does not a president make.
As I said before...Theo is a pretty smart guy but I wouldn't put him in charge of foreign policy.
The best I we can all hope for with Gag-me is that he gets booed right out of Boston just like my man Bell did.
At any rate...I'm going to listen to some Journey ( just a city boy...born and raised in south Detroit..) to get the mojo working for tonights game. So CLAP CLAP CLAP, LETS GO SOX WOOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other news..I'm beginning to realize that there is TONS of useless info packed into my little brain. When I went back to work on Wednesday after my ( unscheduled ) day off my co-workers told me that they all thought I should go on The Singing Bee. They told me I'd win all the $$. They're probably right, I can't do any sort of complicated math, but damn it, I know the words to Who Can It Be Now by Men At Work.
And just yesterday Emma and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire when she told me that I only got " the dumb questions right " and she got all the " smart questions right ".
Out of the mouths of babes.......sigh.
* I borrowed this tagline from the good folks at Surviving Grady. I didn't think they'd mind. And besides, it really summed up my feelings for today. And I just could not come up with anything snappier for today's post.
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