The seasonal items ( i.e. grills ) were finally on sale / clearance at Targey. TM put it together in the house and last night I helped him move it to the porch. ( I swear the porch is going to fall right the hell down one day ....) Before we could put it outside we had to put the old grill under the deck ( it is going to the dump on Saturday). I felt we should have said a few words, you know - like a grill eulogy - but TM looked at me like I was nuts-o. I started to hum what I thought was Taps, but it came out The Wedding March.....I'm a ditz, I know.
I did manage to get in a few words on our way down the stairs though ;-)
Now my hubby can get down to the business of being the Jedi grill master that he is.
So lets all admire our new grill, shall we ?
In other news; The Sox lost to the Spanks last night. Dice-K did a great job of keeping them in the game but they just could not get runs in. It was a tie game until the Dice man gave up a two run homer to Johnny Damon.
Tonight it is Josh Beckett ( Commander Kick A$$ of the F*ck Yeah Brigade ) vs. Roger Clemens.
BTW, lately I've been obsessed with my furnimator. I've been stalking my cats ( how the tables turn...) and furmitating them. Crazy amounts of fur come off of them. Perhaps I'll post about this another time.
Keepin' it real.
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