If you want to make wee versions of yourselves please CLICK HERE. I had a blast making Wee Bunny. Please email me the results if you do this, I'd love to see them.
In other news....the Sox clinched the AL East with a win over the Minnesota Twins. ( sorry Steph...) And the Yankees lost to the Baltimore Orioles. It was party time in the ol' town last night.
The next two games will determine whom gets home field advantage during the playoffs.
29 September 2007
28 September 2007
If You Got The Money Honey We Got Your Disease.
I had the day from hell yesterday. The suck factor was at 11, seriously.
I had a eleventy billion things to do and absolutely no time to do them in.
Not the least of which was doing a housing voucher re-cert in ONE DAY ! ONE STINKING DAY PEOPLE !!!!! Normally one gets oh, about 3 months or so to get this done.
For reasons I will not begin to summarize, I had only ONE DAY to get THREE MONTHS worth of paperwork done.
Don't worry though, I got it done. It was no small miracle, let me tell you.
Murphy's Law definitely in effect because if I had to be someplace IN A HURRY yesterday I inevitably got stuck behind a garbage truck, a semi, a school bus, broken left turn signals, and so on and so forth.
As I sat at my 8 millionth red light yesterday, fuming mad about all the places I had to be IN A HURRY AND I WAS STUCK AT ANOTHER FLIPPING TRAFFIC LIGHT Welcome to the jungle came on the radio.
And as I was sitting at this red light, I thought to myself Welcome to the damn jungle indeed.
I never thought that Axl Rose could sum up just how I felt at that moment in time.
Days like these are rare for me. I work very hard to minimize the stress at my job.
I call it the Whack-A-Mole ( a mole pops up and you whack it back down ) theory of case management. If a problem arises I address it immediately. ( And I also anticipate where the next mole / problem will arise so I can whack it back down too. )If I don't, larger problems will most surely arise in the future. I've got this shit down to a science, so much so that it appears that I do very little at my job.
I would have preferred to have been attacked by an ape than been at work yesterday.
In other news, the CCAA did a second batch of referrals for September. WHOOP WHOOP !!!
Can I get another WHOOP WHOOP !!?? This is almost unheard of as they only normally do referrals once a month. Of course, they could refer twice in September and none in October.
Keep all your fingers crossed for October referrals. This could mean that things are speeding up in China ! WOOO HOOOO !!!!!!
A BIG HUGE Congrats to the all 11/26/05 - 11/30/05 folks out there. You guys sure waited a long time.
Hey Millers...keep your eye on the mail for a package. ;-)
I had a eleventy billion things to do and absolutely no time to do them in.
Not the least of which was doing a housing voucher re-cert in ONE DAY ! ONE STINKING DAY PEOPLE !!!!! Normally one gets oh, about 3 months or so to get this done.
For reasons I will not begin to summarize, I had only ONE DAY to get THREE MONTHS worth of paperwork done.
Don't worry though, I got it done. It was no small miracle, let me tell you.
Murphy's Law definitely in effect because if I had to be someplace IN A HURRY yesterday I inevitably got stuck behind a garbage truck, a semi, a school bus, broken left turn signals, and so on and so forth.
As I sat at my 8 millionth red light yesterday, fuming mad about all the places I had to be IN A HURRY AND I WAS STUCK AT ANOTHER FLIPPING TRAFFIC LIGHT Welcome to the jungle came on the radio.
And as I was sitting at this red light, I thought to myself Welcome to the damn jungle indeed.
I never thought that Axl Rose could sum up just how I felt at that moment in time.
Days like these are rare for me. I work very hard to minimize the stress at my job.
I call it the Whack-A-Mole ( a mole pops up and you whack it back down ) theory of case management. If a problem arises I address it immediately. ( And I also anticipate where the next mole / problem will arise so I can whack it back down too. )If I don't, larger problems will most surely arise in the future. I've got this shit down to a science, so much so that it appears that I do very little at my job.
I would have preferred to have been attacked by an ape than been at work yesterday.
In other news, the CCAA did a second batch of referrals for September. WHOOP WHOOP !!!
Can I get another WHOOP WHOOP !!?? This is almost unheard of as they only normally do referrals once a month. Of course, they could refer twice in September and none in October.
Keep all your fingers crossed for October referrals. This could mean that things are speeding up in China ! WOOO HOOOO !!!!!!
A BIG HUGE Congrats to the all 11/26/05 - 11/30/05 folks out there. You guys sure waited a long time.
Hey Millers...keep your eye on the mail for a package. ;-)
25 September 2007
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Click here for a real treat.
Isn't Gene Kelly a phenomenal dancer ?
For a bio of Gene Kelly, click here.
For a quick rundown on Singing In The Rain, click here.
23 September 2007
I'm Getting Maaaaarriiieeedd !!!!
My sister's bachelorette party was last night / very early this morning. It was hosted by the other two bridesmaids Lisa and Sarah. They really put a lot of effort into it and it was fantastic. Kudos to them !
First we had a very yummy dinner at Lisa's house, then Lisa's husband chauffeured 11 very rowdy ladies in a very... ahem**... decorated 12 passenger van to Foxwoods.
During the course of the evening the following happened;
* The attendees we able to shoot each other with penis pop guns. Those were a big hit.
* My sister was decorated in the finest bacherlorette attire that you can buy at iParty.
( I had no idea that iParty sells adult gifts in the back...) She was lit up like a Christmas tree
with all manner of flashing penises.
* The attendees were asked to given themselves stripper names. I was Bunny, big stretch I know. Other stripper names included Starr, Suga, Honey and Ginger.
* Many, many people pointed and stared at the bobbing penises on her head. Many people.
* She was asked to remove the bobbing penises from her head by security.
* Some very drunk random dude asked her to come up to his room with him.
* We did raspberry kamikaze shots at the bar. Bleech !
* My sister hugged every other bachelorette at Foxwoods. And took pictures with some.
* My sister told every random Security guard, old lady, middle aged person, Asian person, Puerto Rican, African-American, and so on and so forth " I'm getting Maaaarriiiieeeddd !!!!! "
* She hugged the valet guy and told him " I'm getting Maaaarriiieeedd ! "
* As we pulled away from the valet to go home she leaned out the van window and yelled to all the other folks waiting at the valet " I'm getting Maaaaarriiieeedd ! "
She professed her undying love for me in the ladies room. Then asked her other friend to take our picture.
First we had a very yummy dinner at Lisa's house, then Lisa's husband chauffeured 11 very rowdy ladies in a very... ahem**... decorated 12 passenger van to Foxwoods.
During the course of the evening the following happened;
* The attendees we able to shoot each other with penis pop guns. Those were a big hit.
* My sister was decorated in the finest bacherlorette attire that you can buy at iParty.
( I had no idea that iParty sells adult gifts in the back...) She was lit up like a Christmas tree
with all manner of flashing penises.
* The attendees were asked to given themselves stripper names. I was Bunny, big stretch I know. Other stripper names included Starr, Suga, Honey and Ginger.
* Many, many people pointed and stared at the bobbing penises on her head. Many people.
* She was asked to remove the bobbing penises from her head by security.
* Some very drunk random dude asked her to come up to his room with him.
* We did raspberry kamikaze shots at the bar. Bleech !
* My sister hugged every other bachelorette at Foxwoods. And took pictures with some.
* My sister told every random Security guard, old lady, middle aged person, Asian person, Puerto Rican, African-American, and so on and so forth " I'm getting Maaaarriiiieeeddd !!!!! "
* She hugged the valet guy and told him " I'm getting Maaaarriiieeedd ! "
* As we pulled away from the valet to go home she leaned out the van window and yelled to all the other folks waiting at the valet " I'm getting Maaaaarriiieeedd ! "
She professed her undying love for me in the ladies room. Then asked her other friend to take our picture.
After she told me how much she loved me.
Shortly after this pic was taken she kissed me on the cheek
and left a big lipstick print on me.
Then she told me she loved me again.
The she told me
" I'm getting Maaaarriiiieeddd !"
Then she told everyone else in the ladies room
" I'm getting Maaaaarrriiieeedd !!"
( and yes those are the bobbing penises on her head )
I rolled in at about 2:45 am after having penis cake back at her friend Lisa's house.
** The van was decorated with all sorts of bacherlorette things...but did feature something lovingly called Dashboard Dicky. Dashboard Dicky was a bobbing, lifelike penis on a spring and a suction cup that bobbed up and down. And up and down, and up and down.
22 September 2007
21 September 2007
20 September 2007
What Do These Two Have In Common ?

There is something about Ernie getting whacked and burried in a cornfield
that makes me a little sad..........
19 September 2007
17 September 2007
When Your Pet Peeve Comes Back To Bite You In The Ass.
I got the following email last night from Hubcaps.com:
Dear Erica,
Just a quick note to say thank you for your past business you have done with Hubcaps.com and hope you will do business with us in the future! Please remember that HUBCAPS make a GREAT GIFT for friends and family that are missing a hubcap or they just need to replace the old looking ones. Easy Step by Step - Log on to http://www.hubcaps.com/- Locate the make of your car, (Click that button) - Locate the model of your car (Click that button)- Locate the picture of your hubcap- Order your hubcap using the red button below the hubcap you need, or call Toll Free to to speak with a salesperson.- If you can not find the picture you need or want to change to different hubcaps, call toll free 1(800) 826-5880, for help. - FREE SHIPPING on ALL HUBCAPS We hope we have not bothered you in any way.Thanks Again, Hubcaps.com1 (800) 826-5880http://www.hubcaps.com/
Mmmkay, the entire point of my relationship with Hubcaps.com is not to have one. Meaning that I only rely on them when I have lost yet another hub cap and need to replace it. They keep me from being white trash and save me $$ in the process. ( their prices are much cheaper than going to the dealer )
With the rash of crappy customer service I've gotten lately I do appreciate that they've taken the time to thank me for my business. And no Mr. Hubcap.com man, you're not bothering me at all.
St. Bunny
Our Lady of the Perpetual Lost Hub Cap.
Dear Erica,
Just a quick note to say thank you for your past business you have done with Hubcaps.com and hope you will do business with us in the future! Please remember that HUBCAPS make a GREAT GIFT for friends and family that are missing a hubcap or they just need to replace the old looking ones. Easy Step by Step - Log on to http://www.hubcaps.com/- Locate the make of your car, (Click that button) - Locate the model of your car (Click that button)- Locate the picture of your hubcap- Order your hubcap using the red button below the hubcap you need, or call Toll Free to to speak with a salesperson.- If you can not find the picture you need or want to change to different hubcaps, call toll free 1(800) 826-5880, for help. - FREE SHIPPING on ALL HUBCAPS We hope we have not bothered you in any way.Thanks Again, Hubcaps.com1 (800) 826-5880http://www.hubcaps.com/
Mmmkay, the entire point of my relationship with Hubcaps.com is not to have one. Meaning that I only rely on them when I have lost yet another hub cap and need to replace it. They keep me from being white trash and save me $$ in the process. ( their prices are much cheaper than going to the dealer )
With the rash of crappy customer service I've gotten lately I do appreciate that they've taken the time to thank me for my business. And no Mr. Hubcap.com man, you're not bothering me at all.
St. Bunny
Our Lady of the Perpetual Lost Hub Cap.
If They Made A Movie About My Life I Would Want Sally Field To Play Me.
As many of you may or may not know The Mister and I really don't do the dairy thing in our house. I realized a few years ago that dairy and I do not mix very well. I detoxed off dairy and have been OK since then. After doing some research about dairy allergies I found out some very icky info about dairy. If you're curious about it you can click here. But I'm warning you, you may never eat ice cream again.
The Mister has gone along with my dairy strike and has mostly dairy detoxed himself. Although occasionally he gets a little crazy and gets himself a pint of Ben & Jerry's. I warn him about " the fallout " from reintroducing dairy after so long without it, but unfortunately my warnings sometimes fall on deaf ears.
Lately he has been all about the Fage Greek Yogurt 0%. He claims that it is a natural cleanser.
Living life dairy free is not easy. I have a hell of a time in restaurants. Everything has butter on it. Everything. If you ask for something without cheese...well, lets just say I'll never live in Wisconsin. The entire world is geared toward dairy.
The next time you're in the store check the labels of the food you buy and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Needless to say I am always very happy and delightfully surprised when I find non-dairy alternatives. I've found tofu cream cheese, sour cream and ice cream. I've also found soy spray whipped cream in a can !
( of course the only place to get these things is Whole Foods Market )
Imagine my surprise when I found what I thought was Whole Foods Brand tofu ravioli ! Oh Happy Day !
I promptly bought a bag and put it in my freezer for another day.
That other day happened to be today. And could you further imagine my surprise when I read the ingredients on the bag of the ravioli bag only to find that in fact yes, there was tofu in the ravioli, along with three different kinds of plain old cheese !
CRAP ! I had to rethink my whole dinner plan.
Whole Foods Market Bastards !
Norma Rae
The Mister has gone along with my dairy strike and has mostly dairy detoxed himself. Although occasionally he gets a little crazy and gets himself a pint of Ben & Jerry's. I warn him about " the fallout " from reintroducing dairy after so long without it, but unfortunately my warnings sometimes fall on deaf ears.
Lately he has been all about the Fage Greek Yogurt 0%. He claims that it is a natural cleanser.
Living life dairy free is not easy. I have a hell of a time in restaurants. Everything has butter on it. Everything. If you ask for something without cheese...well, lets just say I'll never live in Wisconsin. The entire world is geared toward dairy.
The next time you're in the store check the labels of the food you buy and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Needless to say I am always very happy and delightfully surprised when I find non-dairy alternatives. I've found tofu cream cheese, sour cream and ice cream. I've also found soy spray whipped cream in a can !
( of course the only place to get these things is Whole Foods Market )
Imagine my surprise when I found what I thought was Whole Foods Brand tofu ravioli ! Oh Happy Day !
I promptly bought a bag and put it in my freezer for another day.
That other day happened to be today. And could you further imagine my surprise when I read the ingredients on the bag of the ravioli bag only to find that in fact yes, there was tofu in the ravioli, along with three different kinds of plain old cheese !
CRAP ! I had to rethink my whole dinner plan.
Whole Foods Market Bastards !
Norma Rae
16 September 2007
Don't Hate Me 'Cause I'm Beautiful.
Like my new layout ? Isn't my blog pretty ? I worked long and hard on my new Sox theme. I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I do.
That tune that plays is I'm Shipping Up To Boston by The Dropkick Murphys.
Speaking of the Sox. Friday nights game was downright ugly. They had the lead but ended up giving it up like a drunk girl on prom night. Ugh.
They fared much better on Saturday. They out scored the Spanks 10 to 1. It was happy happy time in the Rafferty house. The only thing that would have made that game any better would have been a hot tub filled with Doritos with a vodka fountain in the middle in our living room.
Tonight is Curt " Prince of Medfield, King Of New England" Schilling v. Roger " Used to be the rocket but is now more like a sparkler" Clemens. Two mostly washed up, middle aged pitchers. I think the deciding factor for tonight's game is ultimately going to be whom is more washed up.
With the Sox bats as hot as they've been lately I'd put my $$ on The Schill going 6 strong innings.
8:00 pm on ESPN..see you there.
Oh Yes, and yours truly got the deal of the year at the Brooks Brothers outlet yesterday.
I was cruising the clearance racks when I came across a lovely mint green trench / rain coat.
I loved the shape and color of the coat, it really looks quite nice on me. However it was 60 % off 169.95. Still pricey, I know.
I noticed some very minor stains on the cuffs ( not anything that can't be fixed at the dry cleaner ) so I decided to ask the manager for additional $$ off. She agreed and was going to give me another 10 % off. That would have brought the price to 70 % off, or just about $50.
Not a bad deal, right ?
It turns out that it was marked down even further, and the manager still took the additional 10 % off. I got a Brooks Brothers coat for $32 ! Go Me !
I will post pics later.
That tune that plays is I'm Shipping Up To Boston by The Dropkick Murphys.
Speaking of the Sox. Friday nights game was downright ugly. They had the lead but ended up giving it up like a drunk girl on prom night. Ugh.
They fared much better on Saturday. They out scored the Spanks 10 to 1. It was happy happy time in the Rafferty house. The only thing that would have made that game any better would have been a hot tub filled with Doritos with a vodka fountain in the middle in our living room.
Tonight is Curt " Prince of Medfield, King Of New England" Schilling v. Roger " Used to be the rocket but is now more like a sparkler" Clemens. Two mostly washed up, middle aged pitchers. I think the deciding factor for tonight's game is ultimately going to be whom is more washed up.
With the Sox bats as hot as they've been lately I'd put my $$ on The Schill going 6 strong innings.
8:00 pm on ESPN..see you there.
Oh Yes, and yours truly got the deal of the year at the Brooks Brothers outlet yesterday.
I was cruising the clearance racks when I came across a lovely mint green trench / rain coat.
I loved the shape and color of the coat, it really looks quite nice on me. However it was 60 % off 169.95. Still pricey, I know.
I noticed some very minor stains on the cuffs ( not anything that can't be fixed at the dry cleaner ) so I decided to ask the manager for additional $$ off. She agreed and was going to give me another 10 % off. That would have brought the price to 70 % off, or just about $50.
Not a bad deal, right ?
It turns out that it was marked down even further, and the manager still took the additional 10 % off. I got a Brooks Brothers coat for $32 ! Go Me !
I will post pics later.
14 September 2007
Yankees ? We Don't Need No Stinkin Yankees !
7:05 tonight. Sox -Yankees at Fenway. I'll be firmly planted on my sofa, bag of buffalo wing pretzels in hand, drinking a Molly Mojito.
See you there.
P.S. A Molly Mojito is vodka and Minute Maid Limeade. Stir up and enjoy !
See you there.
P.S. A Molly Mojito is vodka and Minute Maid Limeade. Stir up and enjoy !
10 September 2007
The Ugliest Thing I've Ever Seen In My Life.

I stopped cold on the Shop NBC channel when I saw this.
I could not believe the sheer ugliness of it.
Oh. My. God.
Who would wear this ?
And where would one wear something like this to ?
Who is the woman who says to herself;
" I know what I've been missing my whole life ! A diamond and gold ring of a lion done in the likeness of Elvis. "
I just don't know what else to say.
08 September 2007
The Stop & Shop Diaries.
Today The Mister and I made a quick trip to Stop & Shop for a few things. Mostly it was a pretty uneventful trip, boring you might say.
But I have a couple of observations.......
1. As most of you know, we are into the snacking foods. ( i.e. anything crunchy and in a bag )We were in the chip aisle ( big shock there, I know ) and noticed that Lays has come out with a new flavor of chip...drum roll please....Crab Seasoning. I went looking for more info about this on the Lays website, but could not find anything. I think it may be a test flavor in a limited market. TM and I stood in the chip aisle for a few minutes trying to decide what exactly that would taste like. This is one of those times it would be wise to have free samples. I don't think anyone would buy an entire bag of Crab Seasoned flavored chip without trying them first.
2. Ever seen a 14 year-old boy bag up maxi pads ? They were the very last item he bagged up. I don't think our poor bagger even wanted to touch them. Then when he did pick them up he put them in a bag like he was holding a live bomb. TM and I both made this observation and giggled to ourselves on the way out of the store.
But I have a couple of observations.......
1. As most of you know, we are into the snacking foods. ( i.e. anything crunchy and in a bag )We were in the chip aisle ( big shock there, I know ) and noticed that Lays has come out with a new flavor of chip...drum roll please....Crab Seasoning. I went looking for more info about this on the Lays website, but could not find anything. I think it may be a test flavor in a limited market. TM and I stood in the chip aisle for a few minutes trying to decide what exactly that would taste like. This is one of those times it would be wise to have free samples. I don't think anyone would buy an entire bag of Crab Seasoned flavored chip without trying them first.
2. Ever seen a 14 year-old boy bag up maxi pads ? They were the very last item he bagged up. I don't think our poor bagger even wanted to touch them. Then when he did pick them up he put them in a bag like he was holding a live bomb. TM and I both made this observation and giggled to ourselves on the way out of the store.
07 September 2007
Crack In A Sack.
Let me introduce out newest snacking obsession. BBQ flavored kettle corn - or as The Mister refers to it -crack in a sack.
I am beginning to realize that TM and I are quite prolific snackers.

More to the point, we seem to love anything that is crunchy and packaged in a bag.
We've got some mad love for Stacey's Pita Chips
and I'm sure you remember The Snyder's Buffalo Wing pretzels.
Oh, and Steph totally got us hooked on Plocky's.
( the thing about Plocky's is that unfortunately for us they are only sold at Roche Bros, which means that I can only get them if I am in the vicinity of work. And then I usually end up getting at least three bags in a trip...'cause I just never know when I may be in near a Roche Bros again. And heaven forbid I run out of Plocky's. )
Our chip cabinet ( yep, an entire cabinet devoted solely for the purpose of containing bags of chips and their various compatriots) is loaded with at least a dozen different varieties of snacking materials.
Is there a rehab or a 12 step program for this sort of thing ?
TM was playing around with our camcorder this afternoon when he suggested that we remake The Guns Of Navarone
starring our cats.
And he gets on me for my cat fur pics ?!
05 September 2007
Julia Child Need Not Worry.
Most of the time I think that I am a pretty good cook. I am not a chef, that is The Mister's job, but I like to think I can hold my own.
I do the basics really well. Sloppy joes, spaghetti and meatballs, pot roast,baked chicken,pasta salad, brownies, you get the idea.
Once in a while I try out a new recipe.
Tonight I decided to try out Zucchini Crust Pizza. I found this recipe on another China mom's blog and it looked yummy.
It went a little something like this...
2 cups grated zucchini
mixed with
1/2 c. bread crumbs
2 eggs
1/3 c. parm.
I skipped the parm and added crumbled soy mozzarella
and added salt and pepper.
Mix those together and bake flattened ( and round ) on a well oiled a pizza pan @ 375 until golden. About 20 minutes.
Then add any pizza toppings you like and put back in the oven until cheese is melted.
I used crushed organic tomatoes. uncured, nitrite free pepperoni, tri colored peppers, red onion and soy mozzarella. Oh yes, I also purchased the zucchini and red onion at the farmers market.
Are you choking on the granola yet ?
Let me tell you where I went wrong.
1. I forgot to remove the blade attachment on the food processor as I was grating the zucchini.
This left me with zucchini soup that I had to strain all the excess water out of.
2. I did not oil the pan well enough.
Which means that we had to scrape the " pizza " off the pizza pan. So it really wasn't so much a pizza as is was heaped onto a plate into an unrecognizable pile of mush.
But it was really quite tasty.
I do the basics really well. Sloppy joes, spaghetti and meatballs, pot roast,baked chicken,pasta salad, brownies, you get the idea.
Once in a while I try out a new recipe.
Tonight I decided to try out Zucchini Crust Pizza. I found this recipe on another China mom's blog and it looked yummy.
It went a little something like this...
2 cups grated zucchini
mixed with
1/2 c. bread crumbs
2 eggs
1/3 c. parm.
I skipped the parm and added crumbled soy mozzarella
and added salt and pepper.
Mix those together and bake flattened ( and round ) on a well oiled a pizza pan @ 375 until golden. About 20 minutes.
Then add any pizza toppings you like and put back in the oven until cheese is melted.
I used crushed organic tomatoes. uncured, nitrite free pepperoni, tri colored peppers, red onion and soy mozzarella. Oh yes, I also purchased the zucchini and red onion at the farmers market.
Are you choking on the granola yet ?
Let me tell you where I went wrong.
1. I forgot to remove the blade attachment on the food processor as I was grating the zucchini.
This left me with zucchini soup that I had to strain all the excess water out of.
2. I did not oil the pan well enough.
Which means that we had to scrape the " pizza " off the pizza pan. So it really wasn't so much a pizza as is was heaped onto a plate into an unrecognizable pile of mush.
But it was really quite tasty.
03 September 2007
You Can Do It, But We Have No Intention Of Helping You.
Yesterday we rented a rug cleaner from the big, orange home improvement mega store.
The rug cleaner was due back today and I had the good fortune ( lucky me ! ) of being the one to bring it back as TM was working. I was the one who wanted the rugs cleaned in the first place, so I guess that it is fitting that I be the one to return said machine.
I pulled up to the big, orange home improvement mega store and parked in the No Parking zone. ( oh yes I did ! )
I wanted to park as close as possible to the door as I had hurt my back** on Friday and did not want to have to lug the machine any further than I had to.
I took the rug cleaner out of my trunk, chipping a nail ( damn ! ) in the process.
I lugged said machine into the store and proceed to wait for 32 minutes to return it.
There were two couples in line in front of me waiting to rent various machines. Let's call them Middle Aged Couple #1 and Middle Aged Couple #2.
Middle aged couple #1 was attempting to rent a pressure washer from inept big, orange home improvement mega store employee #1. He could not seem to figure out how to process the transaction to save his own life.
Middle aged couple #1 woman, lets call her Mrs. Ugly Sunglasses, was becoming very irritated at said employee's ineptitude.
Middle Aged Couple #2 were outside getting a machine lesson from big, orange home improvement mega store employee #2.
20 minutes has gone by.
Just before all the flesh started to melt off my face Mrs. Ugly Sunglasses says to me
" Rug cleaner, huh ? "
I wish I would have had a wittier response like
" Jeez, is that you're supposed to to with this.....?? "
" Oh My God do I have some explaining to do..."
but the only thing I could come up with was
" Yup, my rugs are nice and clean now. "
Neither of the big, orange home improvement mega store employees have chosen to address me at all. The over head PA system started to play " Shiny, Happy People "....you think I'm kidding ?
By this time I would have preferred someone hit me repeatedly in the forehead with a ball peen hammer.
10 more minutes have gone by.
I was going to walk out, leaving the ball and chain rug cleaner behind.
Things were getting desperate and I had to save myself.
Big, orange home improvement mega store employee #3 makes an appearance.
(Where the hell has he been this whole time ????)
Surprisingly enough, he could have passed as Bob Ross's twin brother.
Finally, finally, finally I get a
" Can I help you ? "
About flippin' time.
I could not get home fast enough. I had to chill or my head was going to become unattached from my neck.
I poured myself a drink and listened to Wings.
Feeling much better now.......just another typical, run of the mill day in the life of bunny.
Last night TM and I were watching Family Guy while passing the container of S.Clyde Weaver's very fine peanut butter, chocolate chip granola back and forth between us.
It was like we were taking hits off a bong.
I slugged TM if I thought he was taking too much granola.
Hey man, you've had that way too long....gimme.
Our container of S.Clyde Weaver's very fine peanut butter granola is now empty.
** I did hurt my back on Friday and was in a considerable amout of pain for about two days.
But fortunatley muscle relaxers are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. :-)
Here's to self medicating.
The rug cleaner was due back today and I had the good fortune ( lucky me ! ) of being the one to bring it back as TM was working. I was the one who wanted the rugs cleaned in the first place, so I guess that it is fitting that I be the one to return said machine.
I pulled up to the big, orange home improvement mega store and parked in the No Parking zone. ( oh yes I did ! )
I wanted to park as close as possible to the door as I had hurt my back** on Friday and did not want to have to lug the machine any further than I had to.
I took the rug cleaner out of my trunk, chipping a nail ( damn ! ) in the process.
I lugged said machine into the store and proceed to wait for 32 minutes to return it.
There were two couples in line in front of me waiting to rent various machines. Let's call them Middle Aged Couple #1 and Middle Aged Couple #2.
Middle aged couple #1 was attempting to rent a pressure washer from inept big, orange home improvement mega store employee #1. He could not seem to figure out how to process the transaction to save his own life.
Middle aged couple #1 woman, lets call her Mrs. Ugly Sunglasses, was becoming very irritated at said employee's ineptitude.
Middle Aged Couple #2 were outside getting a machine lesson from big, orange home improvement mega store employee #2.
20 minutes has gone by.
Just before all the flesh started to melt off my face Mrs. Ugly Sunglasses says to me
" Rug cleaner, huh ? "
I wish I would have had a wittier response like
" Jeez, is that you're supposed to to with this.....?? "
" Oh My God do I have some explaining to do..."
but the only thing I could come up with was
" Yup, my rugs are nice and clean now. "
Neither of the big, orange home improvement mega store employees have chosen to address me at all. The over head PA system started to play " Shiny, Happy People "....you think I'm kidding ?
By this time I would have preferred someone hit me repeatedly in the forehead with a ball peen hammer.
10 more minutes have gone by.
I was going to walk out, leaving the ball and chain rug cleaner behind.
Things were getting desperate and I had to save myself.
Big, orange home improvement mega store employee #3 makes an appearance.
(Where the hell has he been this whole time ????)
Surprisingly enough, he could have passed as Bob Ross's twin brother.
Finally, finally, finally I get a
" Can I help you ? "
About flippin' time.
I could not get home fast enough. I had to chill or my head was going to become unattached from my neck.
I poured myself a drink and listened to Wings.
Feeling much better now.......just another typical, run of the mill day in the life of bunny.
Last night TM and I were watching Family Guy while passing the container of S.Clyde Weaver's very fine peanut butter, chocolate chip granola back and forth between us.
It was like we were taking hits off a bong.
I slugged TM if I thought he was taking too much granola.
Hey man, you've had that way too long....gimme.
Our container of S.Clyde Weaver's very fine peanut butter granola is now empty.
** I did hurt my back on Friday and was in a considerable amout of pain for about two days.
But fortunatley muscle relaxers are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. :-)
Here's to self medicating.
Vanilla Gelato, The New Heroin.
As you've probably gathered from my previous post we had ourselves a little day trip to Newport, RI on Saturday. We had a lovely day. Seafood at an outdoor cafe for lunch. ( lobster roll....mmmmmmm) We walked up and down the main drag of town. There was even an Irish Festival going on. We contemplated going to the festival, however admission was $12 apiece. We could not see paying that to see the entertainment that was free outside the chain link fence. There was also had an Irish market place that specialized in crap we don't need.
I mentioned to TM that had Bill been with us he would have had to go the Irish festival. 'Cause for Bill, being Irish is like heroin. Irish festival...must.go.in..cannot resist....
But I digress.
At any rate, on the other end of the main drag in Newport there is a gelato shop. We went in and tried their free samples before I decided on Strawberry Lemonade sorbet and TM had Madagascar Vanilla gelato.
At some point during the day TM dropped Madagascar Vanilla gelato on his left sneaker. I was not aware of this until yesterday.
No big deal, right ?
Yesterday, we kept hearing this weird thudding noise. We both looked around to discover that Chablis was practically making love to TM's left sneaker, while completely ignoring the right sneaker. She was purring up a storm and rubbing her face all over his shoe. She was even ramming her face inside the shoe. Then she'd roll over onto her side and lick the side of his shoe. At one point she'd pulled the shoe across the room by the laces. Then she'd walk off. Then she'd come slinking back to his shoe. She could not resist the vanilla gelato.
You'd think he dropped smack all over his shoe. She was like a little vanilla gelato junkie.
I'm not really surprised here. Chablis's food tastes run a little on the weird side.
One time she ate a kalamata olive ( ? ) and she's also been known to polish off an entire bag of beef jerky.
Of course this prompted us to get out the video camera in an attempt to get video graphic evidence.
But, the video camera was not charged and I probably would have spent an eternity trying to figure out how to upload videos to my blog.
Perhaps another time.
I mentioned to TM that had Bill been with us he would have had to go the Irish festival. 'Cause for Bill, being Irish is like heroin. Irish festival...must.go.in..cannot resist....
But I digress.
At any rate, on the other end of the main drag in Newport there is a gelato shop. We went in and tried their free samples before I decided on Strawberry Lemonade sorbet and TM had Madagascar Vanilla gelato.
At some point during the day TM dropped Madagascar Vanilla gelato on his left sneaker. I was not aware of this until yesterday.
No big deal, right ?
Yesterday, we kept hearing this weird thudding noise. We both looked around to discover that Chablis was practically making love to TM's left sneaker, while completely ignoring the right sneaker. She was purring up a storm and rubbing her face all over his shoe. She was even ramming her face inside the shoe. Then she'd roll over onto her side and lick the side of his shoe. At one point she'd pulled the shoe across the room by the laces. Then she'd walk off. Then she'd come slinking back to his shoe. She could not resist the vanilla gelato.
You'd think he dropped smack all over his shoe. She was like a little vanilla gelato junkie.
I'm not really surprised here. Chablis's food tastes run a little on the weird side.
One time she ate a kalamata olive ( ? ) and she's also been known to polish off an entire bag of beef jerky.
Of course this prompted us to get out the video camera in an attempt to get video graphic evidence.
But, the video camera was not charged and I probably would have spent an eternity trying to figure out how to upload videos to my blog.
Perhaps another time.
02 September 2007
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