Let me introduce out newest snacking obsession. BBQ flavored kettle corn - or as The Mister refers to it -crack in a sack.
I am beginning to realize that TM and I are quite prolific snackers.

More to the point, we seem to love anything that is crunchy and packaged in a bag.
We've got some mad love for Stacey's Pita Chips
and I'm sure you remember The Snyder's Buffalo Wing pretzels.
Oh, and Steph totally got us hooked on Plocky's.
( the thing about Plocky's is that unfortunately for us they are only sold at Roche Bros, which means that I can only get them if I am in the vicinity of work. And then I usually end up getting at least three bags in a trip...'cause I just never know when I may be in near a Roche Bros again. And heaven forbid I run out of Plocky's. )
Our chip cabinet ( yep, an entire cabinet devoted solely for the purpose of containing bags of chips and their various compatriots) is loaded with at least a dozen different varieties of snacking materials.
Is there a rehab or a 12 step program for this sort of thing ?
TM was playing around with our camcorder this afternoon when he suggested that we remake The Guns Of Navarone
starring our cats.
And he gets on me for my cat fur pics ?!
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