Let me introduce you to Dollar Bill. Dollar Bill owns and operates his own discount retail store in the fine community of Derry, New Hampshire.
We have the distinct pleasure of having a New Hampshire TV station as a part of our cable package, ( more on that later ) so therefore we get to enjoy Dollar Bill's show every Saturday morning. I will say that he is quite entertaining. He actually humped a display of power tools once. No joke.
Click Here to see what I'm taking about.
This guy is absolutely flippin' mental. Dude needs some prescription narcotics BAD.
There are all kinds of whack-a-doos in New Hampshire. ( Not you Jess, don't worry )
For more proof of the whack-a-doo phenomenon that is The Granite State, click here.
The only way I can explain it is that Rhode Island is your wacky Aunt who drives the TransAM,wears blue eyeshadow and collects Hummels. New Hampshire is your really weird, reclusive Uncle who only shows up for Thanksgiving every three years or so, and then he only sits on the back porch and drinks beer.
I hope that was helpful.
Not too much else to report, only that the Sox won the first game of the ALCS against the Cleveland Indians. They pretty much walked away with this game. Although I was HORRIFIED when Tito put Gag-Me in the game and he proceed to load up the bases.
WHY THEO, WHHHHYYYYY ??????!!!!!!!
Game 2 t'nite, 8:30 pm on Fox. See you there.
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