Although technically Fausto Carmona was not the winning pitcher, is sucks just the same.
I am putting this loss squarely on Curt Schilling. He was giving it up like a drunk girl on prom night. The Schill just does not have his stuff anymore. Really. I mean, it looked like he was just hobbing meatballs up there.
I fell asleep in the 6th inning and it was tied at that point. I watched the lowlights this morning.
I'm beginning to think that Eric Gag-me has some dirt on Tito. Why does Tito keep putting his sorry excuse for a middle reliever in the game ? Why ? Whhhhhyyyy ?????? Gag-Me loads up the bases every stinking time he's up there.
I am quite frankly shocked that some fans didn't just jump over the dug out and run onto the field and do bodily injury to this guy. Clearly he sucks.
And then to wrap this game up with a nice little bow, former Red Sox Trot Nixon knocked in the winning run. Ugh.
A bit of trivia for y'all; Trot Nixon was the only MLB player ever, EVER to be ejected from a game while on the disabled list. Dude is nuts.
So I will leave y'all with a hope and a prayer that Monday night's game will be exponentially better than last night's game.
P.S. I hope you've all enjoyed The Who. I've decided to change things up and have a little homage to Eric Clapton. He and I share a birthday. I've picked a few of my favorite Clapton songs, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
To learn more about Eric Clapton, CLICK HERE.
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