27 February 2009

Retro Music Friday - What Little I Know.

We've got three videos this week. I know, where does the fun end here at ADITLOB ?

I used to think that I knew a lot about music. And really, I think I have better knowledge than most about particular genres of music.....by no means am I claiming to know everything. But I sort of got my ass handed to me this week by one of our clients. Not that I minded...I was actually kind of...ok, who am I kidding ?....I was REALLY impressed !

I only work with this particular client ( for very short periods of time )twice a week. I only really had peripheral interactions with this client for a long time. Now that I am working with him on a regular basis I had to win him over, if you will. I need an " in " so to speak. Turns out this client is an OBSESSIVE music collector. I swear he was a Dj in a past life. He has a massive collection of CDs and Vinyl. Crazy massive. You name it and he's probably got it.....somewhere....( this client tends to run a bit on the messy side ). Just two weeks ago we had gotten into a very involved conversation about the merits of older vs. newer Mary J. Blige. So music was going to be my " in ".

Anyway....I had been wearing out my Carly Simon CD this week in the car. So on Monday I was driving this client to the destination of his choosing after we had finished up our To Do list and I was still playing my Carly Simon CD.

This was the conversation that followed;

Client: Carly Simon, huh ?

Me: Yeah, this is her Greatest Hits CD.

C:( puzzled look at the cd player ) This song isn't on her Greatest Hits CD.

M: You're right, I believe this CD is called Reflections.

C: Oh.

M: I love this song, it's my favorite one on here. ( taking my time to totally impress him with my expansive knowledge of 70's soft rock......) I believe this was on Boys In The Trees.

C: Yeah, ( long pause..........) This is a cover of a Doobie Brothers song.

M: ( in disbelief...) Whaa ?

C: Michael McDonald wrote this song.

M: ( continued disbelief ) Whaaaa ??

I made a brief stop in the office afterward and did a little research as I had a few minutes to spare.

Lo and behold he was right and I was blown away. I was sure to let him know later in the week that I was not worthy.

This is Carly Simon's version of You Belong To Me. After much consideration The Mister and I have decided that this is the best version of this song. Look closely at the blonde in the background.....I believe that is Carly's daughter Sally singing back up. This was released in 1978. I was two.

Please forgive the lame version of this video. I could not find a decent vid for this song. This was released in 1977. I was one.

I'm giving you a bonus vid this week too. This is Chaka Khan and Micheal McDonald doing You Belong To Me as a duet. I couldn't pass this up. Released 2007.

Enjoy them all.



26 February 2009


I got a very unsettling diagnosis about one of my clients today. As the title of this posts points out, I am crushed.

Here I was expecting today to be like any other. As it seems any given day can flip on a dime.

I drove this person home from the Dr. today and they sat in the back seat of my car singing a Billy Joel song.

I was pale and nauseous.

Really, I felt like it might as well have been me getting this unsettling diagnosis.

This client has a very limited understanding of even the most basic of concepts, so they really have no clue as to what is going on.

I suppose this is where a disibility can be a blessing in disguise.

I suppose I'm so worried about this because they aren't able to be.

I guess I'm owning all the feelings they can't.

In a moment of clarity I thought that the Universe must have decided that if shit was going downhill I was the right person to see them through it.

Please pray.


24 February 2009

An Open Letter To Mother Nature.

Dear Mother Nature,

First, I'd like to compliment you on the depths of your sheer awesomeness. The shit you can pull off is truly amazing. Like the view from the top of Cadillac Mountain, perfect orchids, chirping birds, the amber waves of grain......it's all cool. You got mad skills girlfriend.

But really, I am SO FLIPPIN' SICK OF THE COLD WEATHER. In case I've not expressed this to you lately, I really don't like being cold. This can be evidenced by my heated mattress pad, towel warmer and extensive collection of fleece pants and sweaters.

Granted, lately it's not the take-your-breath-away-as-soon-as-you-open-the-front-door cold of New Years Eve. Now it's the type of cold that is not quite cold enough to be painful, but it's just cold enough to be annoying. Damn annoying.

I'd also like to tell you too that you are a BIG TEASE. Don't think I've forgotten about those few days when it was almost 60. Yeah, and I saw those two cardinals the other day too. I nearly fainted....I couldn't remember the last time I saw A BIRD, let alone TWO BIRDS.

Normally I'd be trying to take off to some tropical destination by this time, you know, someplace like Bali, or Aruba....maybe Tucson.
But The Mister and I just bought a house and well, we're sort of short on fun-time funds these days.

So, if you could kindly pack it in already I'd really appreciate it.



21 February 2009

Now That's A Group I'd Like To Join....

I wonder how much the dues are ?



20 February 2009

Retro Music Friday. My Friend Kathy.

I thought I would start doing sort of RMF tributes to all the people I love.

So, here goes; My friend Kathy and I used to work together many moons ago. I don't think it's so long ago that it could be considered " back in the day ", but we go back a long way. Kathy and I have gone on to different employers but we still keep in touch. Unfortunately our schedules don't permit us to see each other that often, we can usually manage a lunch or dinner together once every three months or so. However, when we do get together it's like we saw each other just yesterday. We have a lot in common, more than I can begin to ( or want to ) summarize here....but sufficed to say Kathy " gets it " and I so dig that about her. She has this uncanny knack for verbalizing exactly...exactly....what I am thinking before I can get three words out of my mouth.

Kathy has expressed on occasion that I keep her hip. Part of me " keeping her hip " is that I sometimes burn her CDs. She ( I think...) loves the CDs I burn her. I recently made her a new CD that she has yet to come by and pick up from me. ( truth....I'm holding the CD hostage as a bargaining chip for her to get her ass over to my house. I've not seen her since before Xmas..)

Today's RMF is a sneak preview of the latest CD I've made her.

This is Ooh Child by The Five Stairsteps. This is such a great song and it reminds me of Kathy, which is why I put it on the CD for her. This song was released in 1970. I wasn't born and I think Kathy was about three.

As it turns out there are a few other versions of this song. There is one by Hall & Oates. ( love them ! ) and another version by Nina Simone ( equally awesome ! ). And file this one under " You Never Know What You're Gonna Find On YouTube. ", there is even a Chipmunk version of this song. I thought about embedding the Chipmunk version, but then I thought...credibility....credibility...credibility. So if you want to hear the Chipmunk version please CLICK HERE.

Some other random Kathy facts;

She has the same birthday as Prince and the exact same ( month, day and year ) birthday as Dave Navarro. When I told her that she shared the exact same birthday as Dave Navarro she asked me who the hell Dave Navarro was.

I guess I have yet more " hip " work to do.

And BTW, OH HOLY CRAP THIS STUFF IS AMAZING ! My hair looks big. And fluffy. Oh my. You don't need to order it from Amazon UK. I picked up some yesterday at CVS.



19 February 2009

The Dooce Meme.

Ok, I don't usually participate in Memes, but I found this one on Dooce and she asked us all to participate. So here it is.....The Dooce Meme, Bunny & The Mister edition.

What are your middle names?

Mine is Lynn. Brock’s is Adam.
If you asked a random sampling of women born from 1973 to 1978 I’d be willing to bet that at least 30 % have the middle name Lynn. It was tre popular in the 70’s. Brock’s middle name is Adam because his mother wanted he and his older brother to have the EXACT SAME initials. Which could either be construed as totally white trash or really blue-blood elitist. I haven’t made up my mind yet.

How long have you been together?

Nearly 14 years. As you’ve read on this very blog previously our first date was 12/8/95.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

Umm…this sounds shameful…..five days. But we weren’t serious for at least three weeks after that though. LOL.

Who asked whom out?

As also previously written here…he asked me out first. And kept asking me out. And not saying anything. For weeks. He admitted to me not long ago that he was initially interested in me because I was “ different “. Little did he know what he was getting himself into. Strangely ( or maybe not so strangely ) these days “ different “ has turned
into “ a handful “.

How old are each of you?

We’re both 32. I am twenty three days older than him. And ever since I got carded at the liquor store my teasing of him that it appears as if he is married to a much younger woman has increased ten fold.

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Well….we see my sister on occasion. Perhaps once every two months. Which is also shameful since she and my BIL only live across town. We see Brock’s brother and my SIL maybe once a year.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Hmmmm…..not really sure. It really sucked during that whole fertility-testing-adoption-homestudy time period. It sucked even more when we realized that we were going nowhere fast when it came to having a family. We seem to have made peace with this whole situation a while ago. Nothing is really stressing us lately.

Did you go to the same school?

College yes, High School no. Brock went to a private military academy. I went to a pansy, liberal public high school. Brock had to wear a uniform everyday. I wore Doc Martens and had purple hair.

Are you from the same home town?

No. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Massachusetts. Brock grew up in a town so small that they recently removed the only Stop light in town because there was really no point to it.

Who is smarter?

Book smart is Brock, hands down. I would say that I’m more instinctually smart, if that makes any sense.

Who is the most sensitive?

Brock has his moments, but like a small child he really only loses his shit when he’s either really hungry or really tired. I tend to more sensitive in general though.
However, the times that I have been pregnant were the worst. I was tipped off the last time that I could possibly be pregnant when I found myself sobbing my eyes out watching an episode of Seventh Heaven.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

When we lived in Plainville it was at The Chieftain Pub. Now…ok…..I’m gonna come right out with it….we hit up The Beef Barn quite a bit. Hey, don’t knock it till you try it !

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Austin, Texas.

Who has the craziest exes?

Neither of us really. We too young to have gathered any crazy exes when we met.

Who has the worst temper?

By his own admission Brock has a longer fuse, but when he does blow you best be hiding your ass under the table. Duck and cover my friend.
I tend to be a bit more chronically ill-tempered.

Who does the cooking?

Brock. The man needs his own cooking show. Seriously.

Who is the neat-freak?

Me. Although my neat-freakness ends at our desk for some reason. I can make the entire house look like a page out of the West Elm catalog, but the desk will continually look as if some mentally deranged psychopath lives here.

Who is more stubborn?

I can be very unyielding and ok, stubborn when I want to get my way or if I think I’m right about something. Brock is more stubborn if he thinks someone is trying to push him into something he does not want to do.

Who hogs the bed?

Me. But only because I am always so. freakin. cold. Brock is like some super-charged furnace, I’m always “ up under him “ as he says.

Who wakes up earlier?

Me. I’m usually up around 5 AM no matter what day of the week it is. I like to pack a lot into a day so I see more than my fair share of sunrises.

Where was your first date?

Applebees in Charleston, South Carolina. I had the Ceasar Salad, Brock had the riblet basket. I have no idea why I remember that.

Who is more jealous?

Neither of us are really jealous people. Life is too short for that crap.

How long did it take to get serious?

We got engaged eight months after we met. I know….BANANAS !

Who eats more?


Who does the laundry?

Me. Although recently I had sort of a I’m-tired-of-the-perceived-unequitable-division-of-labor-in-this-house-why-am-I-the-only-one-who-sees-all-this-dirty-stuff melt down about six weeks ago. Then Brock started helping me by telling my that he’d wash his own clothes. Now we’re back to me doing all the laundry again.

Who's better with the computer?

Do. Not. Fuck. With. My. Gateway.

Just as I predicted Jen made it to the " Myyyy tteeaarrss wwwwiiilllll BBBUUURRRNNN THHAAA PPPILLOOOWWW !!!!! " part of All Cried Out before she threw the ear buds of my Zune back on my desk and said something to the effect of " OH. MY GOD. I can't listen to this anymore ! "

So, mad props to Jen. She made it way further into the song than Brock ever did.



18 February 2009

While We're Still On The Subject Of Whores.....

The nurse practitioner at my primary care Dr.'s office made me feel like a total whore today...and I wasn't even wearing the Candies !

I had gone in to have a few very minor things addressed and as per usual she starts to ask me the general questions.... ( FYI, my regular Dr. was on vacation.. )
My answers are in blue, what I was really thinking is in parentheses.

Do you smoke ?
No. ( I'd rather spend my $$ on Starbucks. )
Do you exercise ?
Sometimes ( I run only when chased..)
Are you sexually active ?
Yes. ( and it's freakin' awesome !)
Do you use condoms ?
No. ( what the fuck for ? )
What form of birth control are you using ?
None. ( total waste of $$ )
Why not ?
I am unable to have children. ( don't make me go into this...it's like a Pandora's Box. )
How do you know ?
I've had every test known to man. ( please drop it already. )
Do you want me to run an STD panel ?
No, I don't think that is really necessary. ( excuse me ? ST what ? Ummm....no. I've been married to the same man for 10 years and believe you me, he does not have the time to be cheating on me. Or is it that I just give off that whore vibe ? )

I will say that I was a little touchy and unsettled today, so I was in no mood for her line of questioning.

In happier news; I got my Boden trench coat in the mail today. Let me just say, that coat is the Bomb Diggity.


P.S. I'm putting All Cried Out By Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam on my Zune. Why you ask ? Because Jen ( my super awesome co-worker ) has never heard it before. And really, that's a crying shame. So, I'm putting All Cried Out on my Zune ( expressly for Jen ) so I can take it to work tomorrow have the Myyyyy teeeaaarss wiiillll BUUUUURRNN THE PIILLLLOOOOOWWW......kill off a few of her brain cells.
I am playing this song REALLY FLIPPIN' LOUD right now because I have no neighbors and I can.
Well, I suppose I played All Cried Out REALLY FLIPPIN' LOUD before we bought the house, but only to get back at the pain in the ass downstairs for the Tourette-like incessant door slamming that gave me a drinking problem. :-)

17 February 2009

" Man, You're Really A Whore Now. "

Guess what I did tonight ? Just guess. Come on, humor me and make a guess.
Give up ? Really ?
You're never gonna guess......

I bought a pair of Candies.
More to the point, I bought these Candies.

Fabulous, no ?

( I have to confess....these shoes were in the juniors dept. )

I bet you're all wondering why I bought this particular pair of Candies. Well, because I thought they'd go very nicely with the satin trench coat I recently purchased from Boden.

I know, flippin' ridiculous right ? I know what those of you that are well acquainted with me are thinking.....no one can pull off the heights of sublimely ridiculous quite like me.

I bet you're all wondering as well where I intend to wear such an outfit and to tell you the truth, I have no earthly idea. I guess I'll just have to have another party.

The Boden trench really took my fancy and well, any woman worth their salt will agree with me that matching shoes are an absolute must.

At any rate, I got home and whipped out the shoebox in front of the Mister and gave him the whole " You're not gonna believe these..." look. He took one look at the logo on the box and said;

" You bought a pair of Candies ? Man, you're really a whore now. "

In his defense he did tell me he thought they were " hot " when I tried them on.



P.S. Happy 25th to Karina ! Have fun dog mushing sweetie !

P.P.S. Jonathan Knight is still a total hottie. He's just flippin' mantastic. I swear, if I ever get my hands on him I can't be held responsible for my actions.

15 February 2009

And You'll All Be Able To Say You Knew Me When.....

It seems as if I am surely on my way to fame and forture as my interview with Mumbles Mile is finally published......


Happy reading everyone !


14 February 2009

Retro Music Friday - Eight Beers & Two Shots Of Whisky.

The Mister and I had a pretty rockin' party last night. I invited all of my co-workers and sundry other people over to our house for dinner and Rock Band.

And for a very brief moment in time the case managers, fueled by an excess of food and drink, channeled their collective inner client.

It was awesome and ( I think ) a good time was had by all.

One of the hit song performances of the evening was Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran.

Why the Eight Beers & Two Shots of Whisky you ask ?

After the last few party goers staggered out the door sometime after midnight Brock and I were standing at the kitchen taking stock of the mess to be cleaned when he leaned against our kitchen island, put his head down and said " Man, I am so wasted. "

Having been the hostess with the most-ess last night I remained pretty well sober. I had also given many tours of the house so I was not keeping tabs on The Mister.

While his head was down on the island I asked him how much he'd had to drink. To which he replied " Eight beers and two shots of whisky, I think..."

I'm gonna betcha that if The Mister's liver could have physically manifested itself today it would have probably most closely resembled Gary Busey.

Hungry Like The Wolf is on the album Rio, which was released in 1982. I was six and in the second grade. And seriously, how hot was Simon Le Bon back in the day ?



08 February 2009

Coming Attractions.

Coming soon to a blog near you.....Bunny " The Interview ".
And no, this time I am not interviewing myself.

My friend over at Mumbles Mile will be interviewing me tomorrow, to later be published on said blog.
I volunteered to be interviewed for Mumbles Mile as its author was complaining of " blog block " and felt the need to change things up with an interview.

I have no idea what her questions will entail and the interviewer has not given me advance knowledge of her line of inquiry, but I've decided that if I'm going to be in, I'm going to be all in. No matter the question, I will answer to the best of my ability.

Mumbles Mile writes largely about Canadian politics and I've expressed to her that I do not know much about Canadian politics and will not be able to speak intelligently about it.

We'll see how it goes. Either it will be rollickingly awesome or..well.....I don't know.

Link to be posted soon.



07 February 2009


The Sox equipment left Fenway yesterday for the long drive to sunny Florida. You can read more about it HERE.
And, according to my friends over at Surviving Grady....truck day is " pants optional ". I'm not endorsing the " pants optional " thing...but all you Sox fans out there can do what you feel is necessary.

Pitchers and Catchers report in FIVE SHORT DAYS !

Have a great Truck Day all !


06 February 2009

Retro Music Friday - Two Versions Of The Same Song.

OK, this week we're doing a little compare and contrast. Here are two versions of the same song. This is Fly Like An Eagle.....

This is the original version by The Steve Miller Band.

I happen to love The Steve Miller band, and so does one of the clients in our program. I took this particular client to the New England Aquarium last summer during our car ride to meet up with the rest of the group we were listening to the local classic rock station. They had played a SMB song and this particular client had expressed his love of Mr. Miller and his band. I got so excited as I've yet to find another person with SMB interest equal to my own.

Every time I've seen this client since then I have to remind him that we both like SMB. He gets so excited that someone else likes them as much as he does......see, he's disabled and he forgets that we've previously had this conversation...so every time I tell him we both like SMB...well, it's like the first time every time for him.....for me, well.....it's getting a bit old. But I keep it up for his sake...it seems to make him happy.

This is Seal's version.

I saw an interview with Heidi Klum not too long ago and the interviewer had asked her how she came to meet Seal ( FYI, they're married ). She said she met him backstage at some awards show and that upon her first view of him her eyes bugged out of her head and her tongue unrolled like a cartoon character. It was kind of a funny story to hear her tell it. I don't think I really did it justice.

I'm not sure which version I like better. I think they are both equally great. I know the vids I picked for these songs aren't too visually stimulating, but try to enjoy the tunes.

Have a great weekend !



04 February 2009

I Knew There Was Something To This Whole Over 30 Thing.....** UPDATED **

I really didn't think too much about turning 30 at the time of my 30th birthday. As I've said before, it really didn't bother me at all. I didn't feel 30. I certainly didn't ( and still don't, if you don't mind me saying ) look 30.

However about the time I turned 32 there was sort of this shift within me. I can't really explain it to you....but I felt more....me.

I finally felt comfortable in my own skin. It was as if I was shopping for a coat and all the coats I had been trying on weren't quite right and finally I found the right coat.

I've grown to accept, embrace and appreciate many things about myself. For instance, I have a rather large nose. For a long time I HATED my nose. I would have given anything, paid any amount of money to have it removed from my face altogether. But now, meh....it's my nose and as unattractive as I still think it is, I have come to realize that it is not going anywhere anytime soon so I better make the best of it.
And, well..many of you already know this...but...I tend to run a little on the wacky side.
But, it's who I am.

I am more secure in my relationships with many people. I know who truly loves me and I am better able to distinguish whom not to invest too much of myself in.
I've learned that not everything has a yes or no answer....and that sometimes a maybe or an it depends is an OK answer too.

This is me, for better or worse.

At any rate, I came across this article via The Frisky this other day and lo and behold, I am not the only on feeling this way.

Great news for those of us who are 32: we’re totally hot! At least, this is the age we report feeling the most beautiful, anyway. A new survey of 1500 women found that 40% of respondents said they felt most attractive at this age. At 32 women say their life “had the mix of confidence gained from life experience, an active love life and the pleasure of eating and drinking sensibly.” Hmm…do women not have that at 33 anymore? Or at 38, or 43, or 50? While I would hope these things would continue well past 32, some psychologist named Sandra Wheatley says this is “really encouraging” news because it means women are placing value on life experiences and achievements instead of just how shiny there hair is or how perky their boobs are. She told the Daily Mail: “It sounds to me like women are becoming much more swayed by personality. It’s a sign that we are valued for who we are and what we are capable of, not just what is on the surface. Feeling beautiful is tied in with confidence and life experience. At 32, a woman has been through and survived more experiences and achieved more than at 22.”
Yes, but hasn’t she survived even more at 52? Isn’t the real argument here that in addition to the added confidence a woman may have at 32 that she lacked ten years earlier, she actually looks better, too. At that age she still has relatively youthful skin, good hair and a firm body, as
well as a more honed personal style, and larger income to buy quality clothing, pay higher-end hair stylists, and afford those Pilates classes that lengthen her posture. So, sorry Dr. Wheatley, but as much as we value our life experiences and achievements, what’s “on the surface” is still pretty important, too — at least when it comes to how beautiful we feel.

So there it is.

Anyone have any thoughts ?


P.S. A big ol' HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to my #1 Brother In-Law Billy. He's 36 today.

** I got carded at the liquor store this evening. I was shocked. My mouth dropped when the cashier asked for my ID.
I handed her my license, she looked at it, looked back at me and said " Wow, you had me fooled. "
I was positively giddy.

03 February 2009

Funny....But Not " Ha Ha " Funny.

Click on the picture for a better view.

I came across this website on a link from Dooce. I think I like their cartoons so much because they appeal to that zany sense of humor I seem to possess.

I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Wanna know what song I've been song binging on lately ? CLICK HERE.

I know, can you believe it ?

I must be having a mid-life crisis or something.

