Ok, I don't usually participate in Memes, but I found
this one on Dooce and she asked us all to participate. So here it is.....The Dooce Meme, Bunny & The Mister edition.
What are your middle names?Mine is Lynn. Brock’s is Adam.
If you asked a random sampling of women born from 1973 to 1978 I’d be willing to bet that at least 30 % have the middle name Lynn. It was tre popular in the 70’s. Brock’s middle name is Adam because his mother wanted he and his older brother to have the EXACT SAME initials. Which could either be construed as totally white trash or really blue-blood elitist. I haven’t made up my mind yet.
How long have you been together?Nearly 14 years. As you’ve read on this very blog previously our first date was 12/8/95.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?Umm…this sounds shameful…..five days. But we weren’t serious for at least three weeks after that though. LOL.
Who asked whom out?As also previously written here…he asked me out first. And kept asking me out. And not saying anything. For weeks. He admitted to me not long ago that he was initially interested in me because I was “ different “. Little did he know what he was getting himself into. Strangely ( or maybe not so strangely ) these days “ different “ has turned
into “ a handful “.
How old are each of you?We’re both 32. I am twenty three days older than him. And ever since I got carded at the liquor store my teasing of him that it appears as if he is married to a much younger woman has increased ten fold.
Whose siblings do you see the most?Well….we see my sister on occasion. Perhaps once every two months. Which is also shameful since she and my BIL only live across town. We see Brock’s brother and my SIL maybe once a year.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?Hmmmm…..not really sure. It really sucked during that whole fertility-testing-adoption-homestudy time period. It sucked even more when we realized that we were going nowhere fast when it came to having a family. We seem to have made peace with this whole situation a while ago. Nothing is really stressing us lately.
Did you go to the same school?College yes, High School no. Brock went to a private military academy. I went to a pansy, liberal public high school. Brock had to wear a uniform everyday. I wore Doc Martens and had purple hair.
Are you from the same home town?No. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Massachusetts. Brock grew up in a town so small that they recently removed the only Stop light in town because there was really no point to it.
Who is smarter?Book smart is Brock, hands down. I would say that I’m more instinctually smart, if that makes any sense.
Who is the most sensitive?Brock has his moments, but like a small child he really only loses his shit when he’s either really hungry or really tired. I tend to more sensitive in general though.
However, the times that I have been pregnant were the worst. I was tipped off the last time that I could possibly be pregnant when I found myself sobbing my eyes out watching an episode of Seventh Heaven.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?When we lived in Plainville it was at The Chieftain Pub. Now…ok…..I’m gonna come right out with it….we hit up The Beef Barn quite a bit. Hey, don’t knock it till you try it !
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?Austin, Texas.
Who has the craziest exes?Neither of us really. We too young to have gathered any crazy exes when we met.
Who has the worst temper?By his own admission Brock has a longer fuse, but when he does blow you best be hiding your ass under the table. Duck and cover my friend.
I tend to be a bit more chronically ill-tempered.
Who does the cooking?Brock. The man needs his own cooking show. Seriously.
Who is the neat-freak?Me. Although my neat-freakness ends at our desk for some reason. I can make the entire house look like a page out of the West Elm catalog, but the desk will continually look as if some mentally deranged psychopath lives here.
Who is more stubborn?I can be very unyielding and ok, stubborn when I want to get my way or if I think I’m right about something. Brock is more stubborn if he thinks someone is trying to push him into something he does not want to do.
Who hogs the bed?Me. But only because I am always so. freakin. cold. Brock is like some super-charged furnace, I’m always “ up under him “ as he says.
Who wakes up earlier?Me. I’m usually up around 5 AM no matter what day of the week it is. I like to pack a lot into a day so I see more than my fair share of sunrises.
Where was your first date?Applebees in Charleston, South Carolina. I had the Ceasar Salad, Brock had the riblet basket. I have no idea why I remember that.
Who is more jealous?Neither of us are really jealous people. Life is too short for that crap.
How long did it take to get serious?We got engaged eight months after we met. I know….BANANAS !
Who eats more?Brock.
Who does the laundry?Me. Although recently I had sort of a
I’m-tired-of-the-perceived-unequitable-division-of-labor-in-this-house-why-am-I-the-only-one-who-sees-all-this-dirty-stuff melt down about six weeks ago. Then Brock started helping me by telling my that he’d wash his own clothes. Now we’re back to me doing all the laundry again.
Who's better with the computer?
Do. Not. Fuck. With. My. Gateway.
Just as I predicted Jen made it to the
" Myyyy tteeaarrss wwwwiiilllll BBBUUURRRNNN THHAAA PPPILLOOOWWW !!!!! " part of All Cried Out before she threw the ear buds of my Zune back on my desk and said something to the effect of
" OH. MY GOD. I can't listen to this anymore ! " So, mad props to Jen. She made it way further into the song than Brock ever did.