First off, let me tell all of you that my Sweet Emmsie and her fellow tennis teammates won the state champs for their division yesterday.
Later on in the afternoon, after watching a dozen or so sixteen year-old girls fill up their bellies at TGI McFunster's, I found myself at my Aunt's house.
While comfortably seated on my Aunt's sofa she gave me permission to use Nate's....
Memba Nate ?
My Aunt, his mother, let me use his laptop to cruise the interwebs. As I am not one to miss a golden opportunity I took the time to change the wallpaper on his laptop. Previous to my tampering he had lovely picture of the solar system as his wallpaper.......YAWN.
My pathological need to " liven things up " resulted in my setting our friends at Sesame Street as the wallpaper on Nate's ThinkPad.

Cookie Monster ? Eating disorder.
Grover ? Delusional. Super Grover ??
Big Bird has " Mommy Issues ", why else would he not have ever had a lady friend ? I mean come on, Big Bird was a catch ! He had is OWN NEST for Pete's Sake ! He's wasn't some scrub living in the basement at Mom's nest ! Although I do think he had unrequited love for Maria.
The Count ? Only gay men wear capes.
Oh yeah, and Oscar the Grouch ? Anger Management problems and issues with Authority Figures. I think he might have been a bit of a Borderline, with agoraphobic tendencies.
But back to Nate. He wasn't home when I changed the wallpaper. In fact, I did not see him at all while I was at my Aunt's house. But something tells me that he will figure out it was myself who changed his laptop wallpaper and I'm gonna bet that at a later date I will be intimately acquainted with the linoleum on my Aunt's kitchen floor. Perhaps with an arm or two pinned behind my back. That's just how Nate rolls.
The Mister and I went to a Halloween party Saturday with my friend " K " and her BF " J ". I'm sure you'd all be totally shocked to know that my costume was so obscure that nobody....I mean NOBODY got it.
I was Stacy London.

I even sent The Mister out for white hair colorant spray so I could even have the gray streak in my hair. I wasn't playing yo.
NO BOD EEE got it. Wait, I stand corrected.... The Mister got it. As did K's BF J.
See, there is a guy at work....he works in a different department and well, we sort of became friendly over the past year or so....
See, the guy at work is going to be Clinton
and I'm going to be Stacy at work this coming Friday.
I'm going to have to tell " Clinton " to bring his A-Game on Friday,
Cause my Stacy is FIERCE !
Fingers crossed someone will have to foresight to take pictures.
The " Sasquatch " referenced in the title is Nate. Due to his size ( 6'4" ) and the depth of his voice I felt this was an appropriate moniker.
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