24 October 2009

Wherein We Begin Buying Geritol At Costco.

This morning I ran across an article in the style section of The Huffington Post. The content of the article was little retro rewind of sorts to all of our favorite MTV lady Vj's from back in the day.
I called The Mister over as I thought that he'd enjoy the little trip down memory lane as much as I did.

Upon reviewing the rundown of the lady Vj's....well, lets just say I can tell who is going to " turn his crank ",for lack of a better term, before he even opens his mouth.

Me: So, ahhh.... how 'bout that Karen Duffy ? "

The Mister: Ooohhh yeah. She was SO.DAMN.HOT. ( The Mister has a serious weakness for well dressed, saucy brunettes......hence yours truly )

I then went on to push the envelope a bit further.

Me: I betcha think Martha Quinn is cute too..... (He also has a place in his heart for cutesie, girl-next-door types )

The Mister: Yeah, I'd hit that.

We continued the conversation a bit later on in the kitchen while The Mister was cooking breakfast.

Me: I wonder what ever happened to Martha Quinn ?

The Mister: I dunno. Why don't you see what you can find out online ?

After a quick Internet search I found out that Martha Quinn reportedly hosts a radio show on XM satellite radio, lives in CA and is a Mother of two. And she's fifty years old.
Yep, Martha Quinn is fifty.

I reported my findings back to The Mister.

Me: Hey, Martha Quinn hosts a radio show on XM.

The Mister: That's cool.

Me: She's got two kids and she lives in California.

The Mister: Oh yeah ?

Me: She's fifty years old.

The Mister: WHAT ?

Me: Martha Quinn is fifty.

** slight conversational pause **

The Mister: I feel nauseous.

** further conversational pause **

The Mister: Fuck. We're old.

To read the article for yourselves please CLICK HERE.


Sometimes I watch the show Flipping Out on Bravo. I love looking at the architecture and interior design of the houses they try to unload. I also watch the show because I can't quite believe how much of an anal retentive, pain in the ass Jeff Lewis is.
I recall one episode where he and his assistant Jenni were asked to house sit, in a manner of speaking, for a friend.

They went to check on the house as requested and while there he ( Jeff ) proceeded to rearrange her furniture. He felt that she ( the friend he was " house sitting " for ) could have made better use of her home's space.
He then went on to run her dishwasher and while he was at it he cleaned out underneath her kitchen sink. The entire time he's doing this he's going on and on to Jenni ( although I think Jenni blocks out a certain percentage of what he says to save her sanity ) about their friend's cleanliness, or lack thereof.

" Ugh, when is the last time she even looked under here. Look at this...lets just throw this away, gross. My God, does she not organize ? There is just stuff thrown in here. "

All the while Jenni is trying her damnedest to get him to leave her cabinets alone.

And I'm watching this thinking;

Jeez, who goes into their friend's houses and like, cleans and rearranges their furniture ? That is sooooo over the top. Really, there is no need.

Yeah.....wanna know who goes to their friend's house and rearranges their shit and cleans up after them ?

I do.

I have gone to my friend's houses and rearranged their living room furniture, their dining room furniture and just last night I cleaned another friend's kitchen ( my finger stuck to the hood over his stove. something had to be done ). And this isn't even all the same friend ! I've done this to multiple friends. Yet, they still seem to hold some measure of affection for me.

I can't decide if my friends are lazy and are only too happy to have me tidy up after them or if this little idiosyncrasy I have really irritates them, perhaps the only thing saving me from a shovel to the back of the skull is my unbelievable cuteness.

Happy Saturday All !


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