Believe me, there are many a tear being shed right at this very moment all round Red Sox Nation.
For those not familiar, Dougie ( as he is affectionately known in these parts ) was the knuckle ball specialist catcher for pitcher Tim Wakefield. He is kind of a cult hero in Boston as can be referenced with the never ending Dougie's going deep shtick. You can read it HERE.
Doug was as smooth as ice with a catcher's mitt - as graceful as a ballerina if you will.
No one could catch for Wake quite like Dougie. Many have tried ( remember Kevin Cash ? )
and they all failed. In fact, so many failed that Dougie was given a police escort to Fenway park to catch a game for Wake after being re-signed from the San Diego Padres.
My friend Molls is quite upset about this. She feels like this is her version of John Lennon being shot. She feels that the Red Sox just don't know how to work with Dougie. Her exact words were
" WTF ! Just let him do BP naked and eat a chicken parm and have a scorpion bowl and he'll hit bombs over the wall every night ! "
Again - you have to read Dougie's going deep to get why this is funny.
God Speed Dougie.
There will always be a free beer and double chicken parm at Joe Tecci's for you in Boston.
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