It was a very long day. The line we waited in stretched as far as the eye could see. I wasn't entirely sure we were going to get in. It took us about 2 hours in line to make it into the building, then we waited another two hours for the speech to begin.
My patience was getting a little thin as we waited an eternity for him to get in and get the ball rolling.

I've supported Barack from the beginning, but seeing him today only reaffirmed that I had made the correct choice when I voted in the Mass primary.
For too long I've felt that the leadership in this country did not reflect the make up of it's constituents, that there was a real disconnect between who and what this country is and the representation we have been receiving and showing the rest of the world. I sure as hell know that the current administration does not represent me or my values.
I know that Americans as a whole are more alike than we are different. We all want the same things. We all care for our neighbors and want to see them do well. Among many other things we also want good paying jobs, good education for our kids and we all want to be safe in our homes and communities.
I think that after eight years of...pardon my bullshit in the White House change is long overdue.
I think Barack is the only candidate that can bring us together after so many years of being divided. We can change this country and make it something that we can all be proud of.
To get a better idea of what I witnessed today you can CLICK HERE. Although this was not the speech I saw, it's very similar.
To check out Barack's site please see the link on my side bar.
So, from now on is proudly supporting Barack Obama for president.
Got hope ? I do now.
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