it's finally back in stores. I bought the biggest bag of it
I'd ever seen at Bed, Bath & Beyond two weeks
ago. Brock and I managed to polish it off
last night. Mmmmm.
BTW, did you know that you can use
those BB&B 20% off coupons at Linens n' Things ?
niece yesterday. I thought this bathing suit was tres chic.
Very Pucci-esques.
How could I pass this up ?
let me tell you, it is mighty tasty.
We also managed to polish off a box of
it this week. My only complaint it that it
is a little heavy with the raisins.

call it another piece of machinery that
scares the crap out of my cats.
This is the Hoover Floor Scrubber.
I was totally prepared to scrub my kitchen floor
with my trusty scrub brush and bucket, but Brock seemed to
think there was a better way of going about it.
The last time I cleaned the kitchen floor ( on my hands and knees )
I threw my back out.
We found it on clearance at Kohl's for really cheap.
Really. Cheap.
And it works really great.
* I'm not entirely sure, but I think SOMEONE IS COPYING ME. I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but this may border on plain, old unoriginal.
* Imagine my surprise when I saw the guy I had the MOST MASSIVE crush on in High School yesterday. Oh. My. God. I was in a retail establishment, waiting in line and when I made it to the front of the line I looked up and HOLY CRAP ! There he was ! Behind the counter !
I don't think he recognized me. Hell, I was nearly invisible in High School and yesterday I looked like I was in the FBI witness protection program. We went out to run some errands and I didn't see the need to shower, I just threw on my sweats and a ball cap and off we went.
Of course I tell Brock about Mr. Massive Crush and he looks back to take a peek. I'm sure you can all guess what I have said before Brock never misses an opportunity to make fun of me.
* I've been trying to get in touch with my new gyno all week. I called again yesterday and they told me they'd call right back. And for some reason I just did not believe them.
Did they call me back you ask ? Of course not. Did I mention I hate Dr.'s ?
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