But seeing as how this week we've passed a very heart-wrenching milestone of 4,000 DEAD AMERICANS - not counting the folks who died on 9/11, I feel the need to speak up and make some comparisons.........
Barack Obama...President of the Harvard Law review.
( He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard )

Barack Obama.....Professor @ Univ. of Chicago Law School.

George Bush,
4,000 dead American soldiers with countless
thousands more wounded ( and not getting
proper care when they return home ),
Gas is over $3 a gallon
( which I said would happen when he took office
in 2000, yet no one believed me ),
Economy is in a recession,
The dollar is at an all time low,
Foreclosed homes at a record high,
Jobs shipped overseas,
Huge tax breaks for corporations,
Drilling in ANWLR,
Millions without health care coverage,
Your civil rights slowly being eroded,
I could go on an on, however I think the following
picture speaks for itself.

Ashamed ? Embarrassed ?
I certainly am.
The point I am trying to make is that I love my country too much to stand idly by while she's being flushed down the toilet.
I know we are better than this. Remember after 9/11 when the entire country banded together and held each other up - that's the America I love. It shouldn't something like 9/11 for us to come together like that, in my mind it's possible for compassion and fellowship like that to happen everyday.
For a continually updated list of dead and wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan CLICK HERE.
P.S. The Sox won the opening day game 6-5. Wooo Hooooo!!!!!!
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