26 June 2009

Retro Music Friday - The Apples Don't Hang Too Far Apart On The Tree.

A few months ago I got my hands on my sweet Emmsie's cell phone number - which at the time I don't think she was altogether pleased about.

Perhaps I should put Emmsie in the proper frame for all of you.
Emmsie is my cousin and also my Goddaughter. I was 17 and a senior in HS when she was born. I was around to see her grow up for about a year and a half or so before I took off to college. When I'd come home on break from school I always made it a point to spend some time with her. Nothing could fill me with quite the level of glee as seeing a three-year old Emmsie, who'd not seen me in six months or so, run toward me with arms open, squeeing uncontrollably and smiling a big, cheeseball baby toothed grin ear to ear.
She knew that she would have my complete and undivided attention, what with her having two older brothers, undivided attention was hard to come by for her.
So there I would sit, in her cotton candy pink bedroom, letting her adorn me with all manner of plastic Pretty Pretty Princess jewelry, my hair a mess in those pastel colored barrettes after she'd " do you hairs " and there'd be no less than three " babies " in my lap.
In her less frenetic moments she used to find me, wherever I happened to be sitting, and curl up in my lap and rest her head in the crook of my neck.
She ate it up and so did I.

But as tends to happens, she's grown up and that cheeseball, baby-toothed grin has given way to her own particular brand of witty cynicism. I blame her brothers for her jaded outlook. The Mister and I had this conversation not too long ago that had she not been the youngest with two older brothers she might not have such a toughened exterior. They, like most young boys, were a couple of brutes who scrapped more often than not. Although I think she managed to stay out of the fray during the majority of these fisticuffs, I have no doubt that she got pulled into them more than a few times. She didn't get any free rolls of the dice from them because she happened to be a girl.

I think the upside of her having two older brothers is that she speaks fluent teenage boy. Woe to the young man who approaches her and perhaps tries to put the moves on her...Good Luck to you Buddy !

Anyway, as I said, she's grown up. These days she in the full on teenage girl mode, which if any of you are familiar with teenage girls...as I tell her brother who can't quite believe the magnitude of her sullen, snarkiness...it's tough to love a teenage girl sometimes.
I love her as best I can and try to hold on with both hands during the F5 teenage years. Basically, I spoil her rotten and don't bust her chops too much. I try to be her " safe place to land ", if you will. Which I think is all I can do really.

At any rate, as I was saying, I got her cell number not too long ago. Last night, while The Mister and I were watching the ball game I realized how much I missed her, so I shot her a text.
We had some amusing back and forths for a few minutes. Our texting wound down and I, thinking she'd perhaps had enough of what she perceives as my " Over 30 dorkiness ", put my phone down and went about my evening.
A few minutes passed and my phone text alert beeped. It was Emmsie.

Are you upset about Michael Jackson ?

I replied to her inquiry:
Um, not really. No. I was more upset when my favorite body wash was discontionued.

She shot back:
I can see you had a strong connection to said body wash. Either that or a very weak one with the black...excuse me.....white man.

I laughed my ass off and answered her back:
That body wash was awesome ! Besides, I'm old enough 2 remember when MJ was black.

Not to be outdone she answered me back:
I heard he was pretty kick ass in his blackness time.

As I seem to have a PhD in 80's music I shot back:
U should check out Billie Jean on YouTube. Talk about kick ass !

Let the snark begin:
It's not like I'm ignorant to that time. LOL.

Not wanting her to think I was busting said chops:
Wasn't implying that u were. Just saying Billie Jean was the pinnacle of his ass-kicking blackness.

And as she always needs to have the last word:

With that my phone text alert went silent from then on.

So as I'm sure you've all heard, Michael Jackson bought the farm yesterday. As did Farrah Fawcett - poor thing fights cancer for three years and gets upstaged by MJ kicking the bucket.

To see Billie Jean, CLICK HERE.
For a little Farrah Fawcett love, CLICK HERE.
Girlfriend was certainly a whole lotta woman, and from what I read online, was quite a lovely person as well.


P.S. Did anyone else catch Johnny Depp on Letterman last night ? Yow.

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