19 June 2009

Retro Music Friday - My First Product Review

This is post is for the ladies. My male readers not need back away from this though...no need to click over to ESPN.com or anything - because if you have a special lady in your life this little bit of info I'm going to share with you WILL win you major points.

But back to the ladies...

Ladies, we've all been there. We all know the pain. The torture. The soul-sucking humiliation.

Bra Shopping.

I know. You Know. We all know.
I have been near tears in dozens upon dozens of dressing rooms, a stack of no less than sixty hanger-less bras at my feet.
None fit. Not one.
If I found a band size that fit, the cups were too small. If I found cups that fit, the band was too big. Either I was falling out of the tops of the cups or spilling out of the cups under my pits or the under wire refused to stay put and my bubbies spilled out of the bottom. Then there is the bra that makes you look like you have one big boob instead of two separate boobs. Ugh.

For me, as I am more than blessed in the ta-ta department, bra shopping was never fun. It was Suck-City, if you will.

I am not going to claim that the itty-bitty-titty ladies have it any easier than I do. But I can't begin to tell you how many times I've walked past a member of the itty-bitty club wearing some cute spaghetti-strapped shelf bra cami or strapless, flouncy summer dress and have worked my self into a snit that I cannot wear these cutesy things.
Oh sure, I've had a card carrying member or two of the itty-bitty-titty club bemoan their lack of hoots to me.
" Oh, I'd love to have bigger boobs. Clothes would look sooo much better on me...."
And I'm all like " Save it sister....you have no idea what it's like to walk around with two honeydews lashed to your chest ! "

But I digress.
I found myself at Lady Grace this afternoon. The New England mecca of specialty ladies undergarments.
And I found a bra.
I found a bra to end all bras.
The Bentley of bras if you will.

As I stood in the dressing room examining myself in the mirror I couldn't quite believe it. I was almost speechless.

" It.....it FITS ! Nothing. is. falling. out. Straps....straps not slipping. Band not riding up. Under wire not moving......OH MY GOD....Can this really be true ? "

Just to be sure I did the dressing room dance. Jump up and down. Bend over. Bend back. Jiggle up and down.
Still nothing moved. And I was near tears again, this time for all the right reasons.

OK, I've kept you in suspense long enough. CLICK HERE to see a miracle in under wire.
Do not be put off by the price ladies. It is well worth the cash. BELIEVE ME ! And if you don't wanna take it from Aunt Bunny....then listen to Oprah - Yep, this is Oprah's favorite bra. And Oprah would never lie to you.
I read a review that this bra takes a little getting used to and it is true. There is a fair amount of boning on the sides of the bra that help to hold the fort down or...hold the fort up.
At any rate - if you've got some All-Star Melons like I do - do yourselves a favor and take this bra for a spin.

Wanna know what ? Denis Leary likes Oprah. You're probably no doubt thinking....
" Denis Leary likes Oprah ? Naahhh. "
No, it's true. He devoted nearly an entire chapter to her in his latest book.
Here's a few quotes extolling his mad love for Oprah;

" Oprah, my friends, is the cure for what ails America. "


" I am way way, way way, Way into Oprah. "

And I can assure you that his love for The Big O is genuine.

For the record, I love Oprah too. I'm actually thinking of getting a subscription to her magazine rather than pay cover price for it every month. Just for kicks, here is a link to her website.

And if the bra that I am currently wearing is any testimony to the righteousness that is Oprah Winfrey I'm here to tell you, when Oprah tells you to do something - JUST DO IT ! Girlfriend ain't playing.

Ok, now on to RMF.
This week - with the exception of Wednesday - it has done nothing but rain. Pour freaking rain. One day after the next. Rain. Rain. Rain.
I imagine this is what it must be like to live in the British Isles.

As I am not able to embed a video...please CLICK HERE for Here Comes The Rain Again by The Euythmics.
I love the intelligence, depth and maturity of Annie Lennox's voice. I could listen to her sing all day.
I remember seeing this vid on MTV back in the day and thinking that her orange hair was one of the most awesome things I'd ever seen. This could quite possibly be where my affinity for hair coloring not found in nature started - which it seems is a habit I am continuing to this day.

Here Comes The Rain Again was released in January 1984 - I was just shy of eight years old.

Have a nice weekend all !


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