04 July 2007

Me and Mr. Lowell, we got a thing goin' on.......

The Spanks are now twelve games back in the AL East.

This makes Bunny one happy, happy lady.

And Mike Lowell is hot with a capital H.

Lets just leave it at that.

I have a few random thoughts / facts for today.

1. I've always wanted Brock to stand outside, holding up a radio, playing " In your eyes " by Peter Gabriel. You know, like Lloyd Dobbler / John Cusack in Say Anything.
However thus far (its been 12 years now) he has refused to do this.
When I ask him why he has refused to do this for me he usually just walks away from me muttering that " I've lost my fucking mind ".

2. I love Cheetos. I am depressed that I can no longer partake of the Cheeto as I am allergic to dairy. Damn you fake,orange cheese !!!!!!

3. My cousin Emma does not like Bjork.
That's all I have for today.
Luv ya !

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