21 July 2007

Today's Post Is Brought To You By The Letters H,O And T.

Commence drooling ladies....I know I am.
This is Mike Lowell.
He plays 3rd base for my beloved Sox.

Me and Mr. Lowell.....we got a thing goin' on.

This pic is courtesy of People En Espanol Magazine.
Why People En Espanol you ask ?
Sr. Muy Guapo was born in Puerto Rico.
Although I don't really understand why, if he was born in Puerto Rico and also claims to be of Cuban decent, his last name is Lowell.
I'll have to keep working on that one.
And be still my beating heart....his wife is a chunky girl like myself.

Podria ser convencido a ser una chica muy mala para Sr. Lowell.




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