It caught my attention because it had a little Asian girl on the cover.
And what little girl doesn't need a pink kitty cat apron ?
so I guess it is not on my registry anymore.
I don't know if you can see it very well but there are lighter green polka dots
on it.
Baby beach hat.
FYI, ladybugs are the symbol of Chinese adoption.
Brock and I buy anything that has ladybugs on it.
Strange but true....when we were going through paperwork hell last summer
there was a ladybug that had decided to live in our house all summer long.
Just when we'd thought it had left it would turn up in some random place.
Cute, no ?
We also went to the Sox game Friday night. We had not intended on going to the game as we had plans to see Molly ( Hi Molly ! ) at a bar to celebrate her birthday. As you can imagine it was butts to nuts in Kenmore Square on a game night. We ended up having dinner at Uburger.....( the best burgers ever !!!!) then decided to take a chance and see if we could score some tickets.
We got bleacher seats for $120 for two at a broker. The Sox lost, but we love Fenway park so all was not lost.
Afterwards we did meet up with Molly at the Cask N' Flagon. The Cask N' Flagon is a super popular bar right outside the park. I had a Cosmo...or so I thought. It was the most wretched drink I've ever had. I don't know what that was, but it was not a Cosmo. I took a sip of it and it burned my mouth and my throat as I drank it. Not just that mild " I'm having an
adult beverage " burn, it was uncomfortable and quite nasty. Ugh ! It was a $9 drink so I was not about to just abandon it. I drank the whole thing ( big mistake ) after watering it down with the melted ice cubes from Brock T & T. Bletch !
We left the Cask after that and headed for the subway ( big mistake #2 ). It was also butts to nuts in the subway and hotter than hell. Then I started to feel very, very nauseous. But I persevered and made it to the shuttle stop to catch the bus. While waiting for the bus I seriously felt like I was going to blow chunks. My loving spouse said to me...." If you're gonna hurl go stand over by the trash can." He's so nice...." go stand over by the trash can..." Thanks hon.
Anyway, now the shuttle bus shows up and 600 people jam into it. I cannot stomach the thought of getting on that hot, crowded bus so I decided we had to wait for the next one. Of course all this time I'm sitting on a bench with my head between my knees.
Bus # 2 shows and we climb on. Little did I know we were in for the longest ride in the world back to our car. Now mind you my buzz from the drink has worn off, but I still feel like hurling. I sat next to Brock on the bus was looking for the best place to run to if I blow.
Kay, no place on the bus to blow. What to do now you ask ? I emptied my purse and had The Mister hold its contents wrapped in a shirt he bought.
While I'm emptying my purse Brock says to me " Are you serious ? " He was mildly perturbed that he was holding all of my purse contents in his lap. I have a feeling that he would have been even more perturbed if I yakked all over him.
At any rate, I made it home without yakking. However I felt like total crap the whole next day.
I took some Gavescon and began to feel a bit better later in the day.
Brock and I concluded that there was something wrong with that so-called " Cosmo " and that it probably had grain alcohol or something in it. It could have been toilet bowl cleaner, who the hell knows.
So, I'm off to swim in the 'rents pool. Hope y'all are having a nice day.
Gotta Bounce.
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