If I am laying in bed, he will meow at the top of his lungs to be invited into bed with me. Yes, he will sit on the floor and meow until I pat the bed and make my kitty kissy noises. Only then will he grace me with his presence. Get this though, he'll only hop up into the bed if I peel back the blankets to expose the fitted sheet only. And once on the bed he'll continue to meow until he's decided that I've petted him enough, then and only then will he actually lay down.
And God forbid I go into a room and actually shut the door. Oh my heavens ! The trauma !
Sometimes he'll just wander into a room and meow for no apparent reason. I think he just likes to hear himself meow.
The Mister calls it Feline Degenerative Stupid
The Mister does not get stalked, that privilege is all mine
Here is the photographic evidence of the stalking.
That's right MoFo, Cha-blis.
Wanna make something of it ???
You wanna go ?
Didn't think so.
Those two pale, chubby assholes think they're in charge here.
HA !
I run shit around here. They just live here.
If I am not fed on command
there will be much retribution.
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