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Ok, secondly lets clear up some business. My buddy Walter has joined my little group of faithful readers. So lets all welcome Walter....." Hi Walter !!! "
Now......don't tell me I didn't warn you.
Much to my dismay I have been elected the Mayor of Shmuckville again today. What the hell have I done to deserve this ??!! Seriously dudes !! If you'll remember from yesterday's post I was verbally chastised for showing up early for an appointment with a client. I was mortified and embarrassed about the (very public and very uncalled for ) chastising and told my boss so this morning. I really tried to let the whole unfortunate experience go an move on but noooooo.
The party continued today....
Today the chastiser decided to tattle ( and really, that's the only way to describe this whole situation...a grown ass man tattling on me. WTF ! ) on me to my BOSS's BOSS. I got tattled on to the VICE PREZ OF THE COMPANY PEOPLE !!! The "tattler " thought I was trying to manipulate and barge my way into an appointment by showing up early.
Now that I've been tattled on to my boss's boss I now have a little " conference " with my boss today and re-explain the whole situation over again. Fuck.
Really, the " tattler " needs to get a life.
I just do not have the time or energy to put that much planning into fucking up this dude's day.
Bite me dude. Seriously, just bite me.
My boss was cool with the whole situation though, she too realizes that the " tattler " needs to get a life. I was not in any kind of hot water, but it still left me feeling like a major douche for the rest of the day.
Secondly.....drum roll please.......( hey Walt, you may want to excuse yourself at this point, we're going to be discussing " girly " things..)
My utterly-pointless -at -this- point -in -my -life period has shown up a full week early. I can't quite figure out why, if I am nearly out of eggs and do not ovulate, I am still plagued with this ?? I'm convinced that I am cursed and someone out there has a voodoo doll of me. It is nearing the end of times in the Rafferty house kids. I'm waiting for the swarm of locusts and for the seas to boil with blood. If I had to foresight to buy stock in Kotex when I was in High School I'd be a millionaire ! Cramps be damned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, enough about that. Lets move onto my beloved Sox. Ugh. Talk about an exercise in heartache and frustration. They've only won one game since the all star break. They are slowly blowing that nice, cushy lead they had in the AL East. At this point I think that Myself, Charo, Stephen Hawking and the Jackson 5 could play better ball than them.
In some lighter news, my mother and my sister's MIL got table centerpieces for the bridal shower on Wednesday night. I was unable to participate in this little project but did manage to make it over to the house to see what they had picked out. My mother and the sis's MIL decided that 150,000 latex balloons attached to little weights would do very nicely thank you very much.......hehehehehe. Most of you know where I'm going with this one. In a very brief second, after whipping said balloons out the the bag, my mom then said " Fuck !!!" The 150,000 latex balloons have to go back to the store 'cause I would surely have gone into complete anaphalacitc shock right there at the bridal shower. My mother had completely forgot that I have a pretty serious latex allergy going on here. Now they have to rethink the whole table centerpiece thing. hehehehehehe..............
The Mister has gone golfing. He'll be gone for a few hours. He's no dummy.
I am really hoping that today gets better.
I am not the only one who faces the world of jackholes everyday! Ha! You just want to go up to these jackholes and say SHUUUTIE!
I know what you mean. These are the type of people who make me drink heavily when I get home at night.
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