28 December 2009

Miss Cleo Ain't Got Shit On Me.

Did I not tell you, Dear Internet, quite some time ago that it would behoove many a single gal to stay.the.hell.away from Charlie Sheen ?

So it seems I have said something to that effect in the not too distant past.

Guess what ?

It seems a leopard cannot change his spots.

Or his anger management problems.

I think he used a knife this time because he's not legally allowed to own a handgun - for good reason I might add......


Ladies, he cannot be " fixed ".

I don't care who you are or what you have to offer.

He is the original Scratch & Dent of Significant Others.

Don't shop on the clearance rack for a life partner !

I think by now he should also not be legally allowed to cohabitate with any female ever again.

Dr. Drew where are you ??????


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