It's been heavily advertised on E that Denise Richards is going to have her own career suicide reality show on E called It's Complicated. From what I can gather it is supposedly about her life post Charlie Sheen divorce. Now, I have no intention of watching this show. I happen to like my IQ right where it is thankyouverymuch - this is exactly the same reason I don't watch American Idol.
For a while there I was all into reality TV. I was all about the Scott Baio show on VH1 for a while. I couldn't get enough...until I realized that Chachi was really just a non-committal douchebag with self esteem issues. Seriously - on more than one occasion I wished I could have reached through the TV and smacked him. There is NOTHING remotely attractive about a grown ass man whining like a little bitch.
But I digress.
I'm not going to claim that I know much about Denise Richards. I mean, I think she's basically famous for being a Bond girl - and being married to Charlie Sheen.
I'm sure you've all heard about their nasty divorce on TV and whatnot. It's basically a huge he-said-she-said thing with many, many nasty accusations flying back and forth.
What I really don't get is why she married Charlie Sheen in the first place. Had she been living her life under a rock during the 80's and early 90's ? In case you're not familiar, here is Chuck in a nutshell
Drug problems, prostitutes, rehab, more drugs, more rehab, two previous divorces, more hookers, a gambling addiction and oh yeah, this is the big one....HE SHOT ONE OF HIS GIRLFRIENDS.
Does anyone else remember his Dad ( Martin Sheen ) going to court and begging the Judge to lock his son up ?
Dude, if your OWN DAD is begging a Judge to lock you up you've got some SERIOUS ISSUES.
Everyone has skeletons in their closets, and certainly people make bad choices in their lives, but come on - how much is one willing to overlook ?
That's not to say that people can't change - I truly believe that people are capable of amazing transformations. But some mountains are just unscaleable.
What made her say " By Golly, that's the man for me ! "
Brock and I had this discussion the other day...he seems to think that she thought perhaps she could " fix him ".
Really ?
Now - I also believe that when in a serious relationship you really have to love and accept the person for who they really are ( flaws and all ) - not who you think they can be, or should be, or you want them to be. There is only so much fixing one is going to do.
Perhaps getting a guy to pick up his clothes off the floor is manageable. Even with a bit of charm and finesse ( and withholding sex ) you could even get a guy to quit smoking.
But hookers ? Drugs ? Handguns ?
I think not.
So in conclusion - this is most definitely Not Complicated.
When it comes to Charlie Sheen it is very,very important to know when to walk away and know when to Run. Like. Hell.
Now, onto potato salad.
Have a nice holiday everyone !
* Not sure if anyone else remembers but Kenny used to own a chain of chicken restaurants called Kenny Rogers Roasters. There was one in FLA near Brock's parent's house. One time Brock, Bill and I went there and they were out of chicken. Yeah, Kenny Rogers Roasters was out of chicken. Now, Brock and I can deal with such disappointment but Bill however took it as a personal affront as to the lack of chicken @ KRR's. Really, he was unreasonably upset if memory serves.
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