23 May 2008

Retro Music Friday - Blue Eyed Soul

I love Hall & Oates. Really. I have many a fond memory of Hall & Oates. My mom had Rock & Soul Part 1 on a tape when I was a kid.

Backtracking a bit here.....when my sister and I were young my mom worked at the hospital from 3 -11 PM, so we used to be home with my mom during the day. My dad, if memory serves, worked from 6 to 2PM at that time. So when dad came home mom left for work. At any rate, my mom used to take my sister and I out to do errands and would play this tape in the car.

Speaking of cars my parents used to drive; I remember at one point my mom had an orange Ford Grenada and my dad used to have a 1974 Toyota Celica. At one point they got rid of the Grenada and bought this HUGE blue cargo van that my dad had to get seats from the junk yard to put in it so we'd have a place to sit. But I digress.

Daryl Hall is the greatest white soul singer ever. Hands down. There are many imitators but only one original.

This was not the RMF song I wanted to use for today. The song I really wanted was I can't go for that ( no can do ) ...but alas embedding was not an option for that song. I can't go for that is one of the most sampled songs in the past 20 years or so, as can be found HERE. If you listen to the hook on that song it's really quite catchy.

At any rate, please enjoy Hall & Oates.



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