30 May 2008

Retro Music Friday.

There are certain songs I call my 2 X 60 songs....songs you can listen to with both windows rolled down at 60 mph in the car. This song happens to be one of them. I've been listening to Prince's Greatest Hits CD in my car all week. Of course when I pull up to a red light I turn it down because I was starting to notice that my fellow commuters were staring at me.

At any rate - is there any other man on earth who can pull off gold lame pants and purple eyeshadow ? I think not.

Prince is one of those people who is so hot it's sorta repulsive - like a car wreck you can't look away from. At least that's how I see Prince.

BTW, Prince is going to be 50 next week.

So - enjoy the Purple One.



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