04 July 2008

Retro Music Friday - Our Dog For A Day.

Everyone, this was Lola. Lola was our dog for one day. Like everything else in our lives, it's kind of a long story, but here goes......

I was visiting one of my clients at her assisted living facility on Tuesday afternoon. When I walked in the front door I noticed a commotion going on at the front desk and went over to check it out. Lying behind the front desk was the most pathetic creature I had ever seen - Lola. She'd been wandering the surrounding neighborhood and was brought over by a local woman who'd found her in her back yard.

She'd been out for a while ( it was in the upper 80's - low 90's on Tues. ) and was hungry, thirsty, filthy and exhausted.

My heart broke.

The people at the Assisted Living called the Dog Officer who had shown up minutes after I had gotten there. She checked the dog out and deemed her healthy but not in great shape due to her being out in the elements for who knows how long. Then she said " Well, I can take her to the animal shelter and if nobody claims her in 10 days....." her voice trailed off. Then she said " Or, someone can take her home and if nobody claims her in 10 days she's yours. "

Before I even knew what I was doing I blurted out " I'LL TAKE HER ! "

And just like that, Lola was my dog.

I should say that she did not have any tags when she was found. So no one knew what her name was.

When I left to go finish up the rest of my day at work I heard the song Lola by The Kinks on the radio. So I took it as a sign that Lola was going to be her name.

The people at the Assisted Living were gracious enough to hang on to her until I finished with work and could go back to pick her up.

Lola came home to Casa Rafferty. She had a bath and some chicken McNuggets and slept like a rock.

The next morning the dog officer called me to say that the owners had shown up at the shelter that morning frantic. They'd been looking for her all night long. They had just moved to the area and had put her in their fenced yard while they went off to work. There were some pretty bad thunderstorms Tuesday morning and she had apparently gotten scared, dug under the fence and ran. She ran clear to the other side of town.

I brought her back to her owners on Wednesday afternoon. They were beyond happy to have her back.

They gave me $100 for my trouble even through I insisted FOUR TIMES I wasn't going to take their money. The husband practically shoved the cash in my hand.

And just like that, Lola was gone.

I was told by many that I did the right thing and that my Karma level just got a huge boost.

I'll bet your all wondering how Brock reacted to this......lets just say that if I had a dollar for everytime he shook his head and said " You're Nuts ! " I'd be a very, very rich woman. I certainly keep him on his toes....hehehe.

So - there you have it. I hope you enjoyed my " Bunny The Humanitarian " story.

BTW, this is The Kinks. This particular performance was from 1970. I wasn't born yet.

Happy 4th of July everyone !



P.S. It turns out her name was Neely ( like Cam Neely ) and she was a Border Collie / Husky mix.

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