08 November 2009

A Big Shout Out To Whomever My Guardian Angel Is.......

I ( and several other motorists ) was almost killed, or at the very least maimed, in a car accident today.

I realize that I have a-not-altogether-undeserved reputation for being a wee bit of a drama queen, but I AM NOT being trivial or flip when I say that I ( and several others ) was nearly killed, or at the very least maimed, in a car accident today.

I'm serious - I ( and others ) was thisclose to being the top story on the six o'clock news.

I was driving on 128 North in Westwood this morning when I saw a brown blur fly horizontally across the highway from the high speed lane to the the breakdown lane.

As I took .6 seconds to look to figure out WTF that flying, brown blur was ( and realize that it was a very large deer ) I looked forward to see that all the cars in front of me have come to a near complete stop from roughly seventy-five MPH.

The brake lights on the car in front of me got VERY LARGE, VERY FAST.

I don't even know if there is a word, or sequence of words, to describe how fast and hard I slammed the brake pedal to the floor.
I think I had both feet on the pedal.
I can't really be sure though.

My ABS kicked in and the car vibrated.

The back of the car fish-tailed.

I heard the tires screech.

The tires of the cars around me all screeched as well.

Everything that was in the seats or in the back of the Highlander, came FLYING forward and hit the backs of the seat in front of it, the dash and the windshield.

I braced my arms stiff against the steering wheel and prepared for the impact.

After a few seconds I realized that there was no sound of crunching metal or breaking glass, so I opened my eyes.

Nobody hit anybody else.

Oh. My. God.

I have no Earthly clue how there was not a twelve car pile up on 128 North this morning.

The only accident appeared to have been the poor folks in the Volkswagon who hit the deer.

The folks in the VW appeared to have escaped physically unharmed, although there's no doubt that they were very shaken up.

I won't tell you about the deer because, well, it's pretty effing traumatic.

I'm still trying to get the visual out of my head.

It took me the rest of my drive to my client's house to catch my breath...about three miles.

I shook with adrenaline for almost another hour.

Then I was exhausted.

Oh. My. God.

So, to my Guardian Angel....... You my friend are getting a VERY LARGE BONUS this holiday season.



Carol said...

glad your guardian angel wasn't napping

MMASOOGA said...

Glad you and your angels are hooked up to bluetooth. Imagine getting distracted because your angels were sending texts.