06 November 2009

Retro Music Friday - Twitter Style.

I'm going to attempt today's post like Twitter, in 140 characters or less.

I hope this works.......

Here's some bullets.....

* The Mister and I were in Target yesterday. He suggested we buy a board game, I told him I didn't care which one he picked. He suggested " Mattress Twister, The Whips and Chains Edition. " Perv.

* Don't read Amelia Bedelia after two drinks. I think the larger statement Amelia Bedelia makes it that one should not underestimate the power of a really great pie.
P.S. I think Amelia might be a little MR. " Drawing the Drapes ? " " Dressing the Chicken ? " WTF !

* Wind Shield replacement costs out of pocket in RI. BOO !

* Once you start clucking like a chicken it's REALLY hard to stop ! ADDICTING !

* Good rule of thumb; If you don't understand something don't try to eat it or put it on your body. This applies mostly to food and clothing - but use it at your discretion.

* I lost a CD I burned. Poof. Gone. Couldn't find it for the life of me. Was cleaning out the car the other day and heard a voice say " Look under the seat dumbass ! " Guess what ? THERE IT WAS ! I WAS SO HAPPY !

* The lost then found CD had one of my favorite songs from back in the day on it. Check it on the video.

* Punk Rock Girl by The Dead Milkmen. Loved this during my purple-hair-Doc-Martens phase. Listened to it 12 x in a row after I found the CD. Released in 1988. I was 12. Enjoy.


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