29 March 2007

Helloooo...it's Sexy Time !

It is true, I finally sat still long enough to watch Borat. ( I managed to get the pseudo-ADD side of me under control just long enough ) It was very funny and I liked it quite a bit. The bigger picture, I believe, is that by and large Americans treat foreigners like crap.
Especially New Yorkers. I found it heartwarming that the Pentecostals tried to expel the demons from his soul and then gave him a ride to California.
That being said, I am going to try to be nicer to immigrants.

BTW, did you know that you can watch REM videos on YouTube. This makes me happy happy happy.
It also warmed my heart to see REM ( I love REM ! ) inducted into the Rock & Roll hall of fame. Actually no, it made be ecstatic to see them inducted. The kind of ecstatic like when you're a little kid and you hear the ice cream truck.

Side note: We went for Chinese last night and my fortune cookie read " You are the crispy noodle in the vegetable salad " I think this describes me well, no ?

XXOO Amigos !


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