10 June 2007

Princess Bunny's Favorite Websites.....

I sort of feel like I'm exposing all of my tricks here.......you know. Telling everyone about my favorite websites...but whatever. Who am I to keep these all to myself ?
So, here goes.

* Ever wanted to change your name ? Babynames.com has a random renamer feature. It is pretty cool, even if the names are somewhat goofy.

* I'm really bummed that Jamie Oliver no longer has a show on the Food Network. I love the simplicity of his recipes. I have many of his cookbooks. Bunny's world famous pasta is actually a Jamie Oliver recipe. Damn it ! I just gave away another one of my secrets ! @#$%^ !!!!!!!

* As many of you may ( or may not ) know Cape Cod is my most favorite place in the whole world. I listen to live streaming of Cool 102, the unofficial radio station of Cape Cod, on my computer. It sort of mentally takes me to Cape Cod, then Bunny is chillaxing. Click the live streaming link and you can listen along too.

* Looking for an unusual gift? Uncommon Goods has very neat things.

* I'm not a huge Martha Stewart fan, but.....she has a new magazine called Blueprint that I think is geared more toward the Gen X demographic. Their website has lots of great ideas.

* Looking for restaurant advice in your area ? Check out Chowhounds. If you click on Boards you can go to city specific message boards. They also have recipe ideas and much, much more.

That is all I have for now.


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