30 January 2008

I Need To Stop Telling The Cat She Has A Fat Butt...*

Because apparently the person around here with the fat ass is me. I knew I've gotten a little chubby lately, however, imagine my surprise this morning when I got on the scale and realized that I had packed on 15 LBS !!!!
Holy Crap !

I was not planning on getting on the scale anytime soon because I knew I was not going to like what it was going to say. My plan was just to go to the gym and workout until my pants started fitting a bit better.
But then I thought I would weigh myself just to see what I was up against.
Yikes. I guess I have my work cut out for me.

So, I'm working on turning my three-liter-of-coke-and-bucket-of-KFC abs into six pack abs.
Pray for me people. This isn't going to be pretty.

* We took Chablis to the vet a few weeks ago and the vet said " I see she has a bit of a belly on her..we might want to do something about that. " Which I think is vet code for your-cat-should-probably-have-an-intervention-with-Richard-Simmons.
Since then the ol' girl has been on a diet, sort of.
She is still making her distaste for the new puke-free cat food known by refusing to eat it.
The end result being that she has dropped a few lbs. She's really looking a lot slimmer.
Don't worry though, she is not starving.


P.S. Guess who is planning a reunion ? These guys ! ( insert high pitched squeal here )
I had, and still have, some mad love for Donnie Wahlberg.
Can you even imagine this concert.....row after row of late 20's-early 30's women screaming.
I'm so there man !

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